Hi everyone! I had a very quick question, and I’m in need of some advice.
At our 20 week ultrasound and our 23 week visit with our doctor, both the ultrasound tech and my doctor let us know that our baby is in a transverse position.
Which makes a lot of sense, because I feel movements towards the very very bottom of my belly, the sides of my belly, and towards my center of body. In the scan, it looked like his spine was facing my belly button.
The doctor said not to worry yet, babies often flip themselves before delivery. But I’m wondering if maybe his position is why my belly is hanging so low?? I’ve also had a lot stretching/growing pains in my lower belly area this trimester, like my low abs feel tight and uncomfortable. I’ve just had a lot of just discomfort in that region, is it maybe because he’s stretching me out??
Any tips on trying to turn him? Or do I just play it by ear?
Thank you!!
Re: 23 weeks- transverse baby