October 2024 Moms

Team Green!

I’ll be 20 weeks on Monday and we are team green! Just wondering how many other mommas are Team Green? Anyone struggling to pick both a boy and a girl name? Or have people thinking you’ve lost your mind because you’re not finding out?

Re: Team Green!

  • kb0685kb0685 member
    I am 21 weeks and we are team green also!  People DEFINITELY think we're nuts, but they respect it (mostly). We have a pretty solid short list of boy names we like, but we are struggling more to agree on girl names...and obviously I try to throw new names in every few days (both boy and girl) and we still end up with the same general list...
  • I’m 21 weeks and we’re also waiting to find out! Most folks have been really supportive of that even if they wouldn’t do the same. We waited with my son and I’m so glad we did; it was a surprise because I was convinced he was a girl, but after birth I was just so thrilled to meet him that I didn’t care either way! 

    We haven’t narrowed down our list of names at all but I’m not worried about that. I know it’ll happen and there’s still tons of time to settle on one of each. 
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  • I'm team green! I've actually found that a ton of people I talk to with kids also waited to find out. A few people are like "But how will you know what color to make XYZ?" But I'm not into gendered colors anyway. Our nursery will be blue or green because those are two great, soothing colors for a bedroom. We struggled a lot with boys names, but at this point we have a short list for both. 
  • We are team Green! Ftm at 21 weeks and we want to be surprised. Neither of us are very conventional (hubby loves bright pink, I'm more of a blue person; I'm a carpenter, he does leather work and upholstery...) and we won't be having a nursery to decorate.
    Our moms really want to know (but they had their own babies! Lol) and a few other people. But lots of parents we chat with totally get it or waited to find out themselves. 

    The names are so hard though! I feel like we're totally set for a girl, but all the boy names sound silly... It's fun to get predictions though. All my family and hubby says boy, but it's a girl. 😏
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