Hi! I have yet to actually comment anything, but I have felt so comforted by reading others posts.
I am a special Ed teacher at a prek-8 school. Today I had a prek kid come up to me and pat my stomach and say, “you have a big belly! I bet there is a baby in there”. Then in the middle school there is a rumor going around that I’m “getting really fat”.
Anyone have to tell students yet that you are pregnant? I work with students across many grades so I don’t have a class to sit down and tell. Or should I just not worry about it and let the small town rumor mill do its thing?!
Re: Any other teachers out there?
I waited to tell even coworkers until 12 weeks; we wanted to tell all our family and friends first, and we didn’t even tell them (except parents) until week 11ish. With all my symptoms and suddenly not-flat tummy, it was a hard secret to keep while teaching for the whole first trimester!