October 2024 Moms

Any other teachers out there?

Hi! I have yet to actually comment anything, but I have felt so comforted by reading others posts. 
I am a special Ed teacher at a prek-8 school. Today I had a prek kid come up to me and pat my stomach and say, “you have a big belly! I bet there is a baby in there”. Then in the middle school there is a rumor going around that I’m “getting really fat”. 
Anyone have to tell students yet that you are pregnant? I work with students across many grades so I don’t have a class to sit down and tell. Or should I just not worry about it and let the small town rumor mill do its thing?!

Re: Any other teachers out there?

  • Hi there! High school art teacher here. I’ve taught all grade levels. Years ago, when I had a pretty flat stomach and was teaching PreK-8, I had a 1st grader come up to me, stare at my belly, and ask if there was a baby in there 😂 this just goes to show that kids that age are just curious about these things, especially if someone in their life is currently experiencing pregnancy. 

    My high schoolers, on the other hand, began whisper-gossiping about it when I was around 13 weeks (I’m around 16ish now). Plus, I had started having students stare at my belly in the middle of class. Maybe it was more obvious than I thought. It wasn’t a secret among the adults anymore, so one morning I told my Advisory; many other students found out pretty quickly after that. Ever since I just tell students as they ask me. When I hear whisperings about it, I gently let them know that I can hear them and that yes, I am pregnant. Then they usually have a billion questions and try to guess boy or girl. We’re not telling anyone the gender but some of my students are somehow convinced one way or another and insist they know what we’re having 😂 

    I waited to tell even coworkers until 12 weeks; we wanted to tell all our family and friends first, and we didn’t even tell them (except parents) until week 11ish. With all my symptoms and suddenly not-flat tummy, it was a hard secret to keep while teaching for the whole first trimester!
  • I work sped, and a parent at pick up asked if I was pregnant (first person to asked that), uh yup.. she was like good that could been real awkward huh… uh yup (I wear oversized tshirts due to packin up class for summer so wasn’t obvious.
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