July 2024 Moms


Hey everyone!

Let's introduce ourselves here:

Due date:

How you found out:

Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)

How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)?

(Snagged from May 24 BMB)

Re: Introductions!

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  • Due date: July 1st 

    How you found out: I found out a couple of days ago by taking a test. I was pretty surprised as we just starting trying. 

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I am 32 I have a 13 month old a 13 year old step daughter, and 3 cats. When I had my first baby I became a stay at home mom. My husband works in technology and AV sales. 

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)? A little nauseous and more tired then normal 
  • I hope you ladies don’t mind… I started a few threads so we don’t have a bunch of one-off posts to keep up with! 

    @BumpAdmin  can you sticky this thread please?
  • *lurking* Congratulations @ejoseph16! 🎉
  • Due date: July 7th.

    Kinda bummed because I am also a July baby but due to being high risk, the baby will probably be born in June via c section. 

    How you found out: I had what I thought was a failed Clomid cycle in September confirmed with a negative HCG so I was just waiting for AF to show to start my second medicated cycle. I took a pregnancy test when AF still didn't show by 10/25 and it was extremely faint. I went into for an HCG on 10/27 that confirmed pregnancy with a beta of 57. 

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) DH and I have 3 other children, DS, H is 9 and was conceived via 2 rounds of IVF, DS, A is 5 was conceived with Clomid, and DD, L is 4 and was conceived naturally! We have a Cane Corso and two Maine Coons :) DH is a stay at home dad and I work in clinical psychology. 

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)? ***Trigger warning*****

     I am an emotional train wreck. I cry every time the medical staff congratulate me because I had a c section ectopic in April of this year that forced me to terminate the pregnancy. Until I see where this baby implanted, I feel like I won't be able to feel happy although I am trying to be mindful and in the moment. 

  • @maggiemadeit thank you so much! I felt so bad leaving TTGP a few months ago but I needed a break. Then this happened 😂 

    @sunflowermama42212 I’m so sorry for your previous experiences. This baby would be a rainbow baby as well. I feel your anxiety! We will need to start a PG after loss thread! 
  • Due date: July 10th

    How you found out: pregnancy test(s) lol many of them

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)

    i’m 34, one 4 year old child (boy), My job is boring, I don’t have a partner, but do have the same sperm donor. I chose to use a known donor for conception. Getting on schedule was hard because of distance time and adding in being a mom with my PCOS so this took almost 2 years for a second. If it didn’t happen this month I was gonna let it go since ai’ll be 35 next July with a 5yo lol. I wanted them to be close enough in age if I did have a second. 

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotions)? 
    I can’t tell if I’m more exhausted or not but I am more forgetful. When I was pregnant last time this was also an issue. So far no morning sickness or anything but felt like period cramps today. Same thing happened with my son when period was due.  Hoping that means a healthy implantation. I’ve had many losses and it took 5 years to conceive my son so I’m hesitant to post on here but I don’t wanna tell my family yet lol. 
  • Hello!

    Due date: Early to mid July (I have really irregular cycles so it’s hard to estimate on the calculators since I wasn’t tracking ovulation or anything. Waiting for my dr’s appointment to fix on a date!)

    How you found out: I had a weird dream and just woke up with a feeling so I took a test and it was positive! Didn’t totally sink in until I took a few more tests and watched them darken over a few days.

    Tell us about yourself: I am 28 years old and a fairly new attorney. My husband is 29 and a welder. We have a cat and a dog. This will be our first baby and we are very excited and also extremely nervous.

    How are you feeling? I’ve been exhausted over the last few days and my boobs have been sore on and off. I’ve also been feeling out of breath quite easily and a little more lightheaded than usual.
  • luschneeluschnee member
    edited November 2023
    Hello hello! My name is Lucy, and my husband and I are expecting our first baby July 2nd, 2024. We 'pulled the goalie' (husbands phrase) while celebrating our first anniversary. We have a 3.5 year old golden retriever. Boone has been around babies before and I know he'll do great with our LO. The stuffed animals, not so sure haha.

    I am self employed as a massage therapist, and have many ginger candies on hand for the constant butterflies in my stomach. I LOVE my work and my clients, but am very ready to shift to nesting mode. Time to focus on me and this growing baby! I tested after being only 4 days late and the pink line was strong! I had a few beverages the night before and very much thought I had a simple hangover. Thankfully, no additional vomiting since, however, being that I'm entering week 6 I know to expect the unexpected. The fatigue sure is real, I feel exhausted and with the cold weather here in Northern MN, I just want to stay under the covers indefinitely! We scheduled our first ultrasound the week of Thanksgiving, and and I am anxious to get confirmation regarding the baby's placement and overall wellness. If all goes well, we will be announcing our news to our immediate family because there is no way I could hide this! Also, my husband absolutely does not have a poker face! 

    edit: other symptoms definitely are breast growth and tenderness, and gas! Sheesh! 

  • Hi ladies,

    Really nice to read all your stories and how you’ve been feeling.

    My name is Marie, im from Montreal, Canada, and i just found out 2 days ago im pregnant. Part of me is super happy, an other part of me is scared. Im 39, my husband 38. It is something we both wanted but at the same time we are both scared (i guess lots of us are). I think my hubby is more shock then me, lol. Im surprised to see how fast i got pregnant ! Now, fingers cross, everything will be fine, consider my age, but hope for the best !

    Due date : July 11th, which is my niece birthday.

    Emotionally, its weird, im happy but also mixed emotions, feel definitly more emotional and irratable then usual, which is normal.

    Physicaly, i feel something is going on in my belly, like the feeling when im my period, i also pee oftenly ! But so far no nausea or vomitting (im touching wood, hopefully it will stay that way). I feel a bit more tiered then usual and my breast was sore this morning.

    Didnt told my people yet, i want to wait a bit (except for my Mom, she will know tomorrow).

    I never did any reading about pregnancy or babies, i feel like its a whole new world and that i have to learn lots of new things ! Im looking at baby stuff at the pharmacy and telling myself « here i am, soon i will buy those stuff not for my friends mom’s, but for my baby ».

    Congrats to you all !
  • @andrea3o TEAM GREEN! Yes! We never found out the gender of our 3.5 year old, and we aren’t finding this one out, either! It seriously made labor go SO MUCH faster! Congratulations! 
  • @ejoseph16 I don’t even care what I’m having but I’m so nosey I was considering sneak peak. Idk if I’m strong enough willed for team green lol
  • Hi everyone,

    I’m K. Will be a first time mom and I’m 40! My partner and I made the decision to begin trying last month and got pregnant on the first try, so we feel very lucky and are still in shock lol! Hopeful for a normal pregnancy. Just found out Nov 2.
    So far, minor nausea and full and slightly sore boobs. Looking fwd to our first appt which we’ve scheduled for a month from now. Best of wishes to everyone here!
  • Hi everyone,

    I’m K. Will be a first time mom and I’m 40! My partner and I made the decision to begin trying last month and got pregnant on the first try, so we feel very lucky and are still in shock lol! Hopeful for a normal pregnancy. Just found out Nov 2.
    So far, minor nausea and full and slightly sore boobs. Looking fwd to our first appt which we’ve scheduled for a month from now. Best of wishes to everyone here!
  • knottief3ef34c750d07931 congratulations! Please see the knottie username thread so we can identify you in threads. It gets confusing
  • Thanks! I’ve changed it. Hope it is visible on everyone else’s end.
  • Congrats! Nice to see another older first time mama here. I'm 40 (will be 41 this month) and this is my first!
  • Due date: 7/15/24

    How you found out: late P superrrrr bloated.took test BOLD positive.

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
    I am 33yr old nurse (care coordinator) mother to an amazing 7 yr old girl. 2 fur babies well 1 my chihuahua is no baby (10yrsold).
    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)?
    I am terrified as this wasn’t planned unlike others I am just “dating” someone so this is not what I ideally wanted so still processing . Scared but super excited cause my daughter has begged for a sibling for years.
    Symptoms are just an emotional wreck and major bloat and indigestion! ..praying I skip the morning sickness this time around 🤞🏽

  • Due date: I'm going to say July 14th but really I don't know. I took Prednisone this month and it must have delayed my ovulation. I thought we were "safe" when we had an oops because it was a few days after my normal ovulation day, then a few days later I figured we were safe too. Not sure really which is frustrating because I know exactly when my other kids were conceived. 

    How you found out: missed my period at 10dpo took a test and it was never. Took another a few days later still negative. Read that Prednisone can make you skip your period so stopped worrying about it. A week later got a positive.

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I'm 36 I have 3 daughters, my husband and I are both teachers. We enjoy playing outside, gardening, and going on adventures that my daughter's and I call girl days. They're 5, 3, and 1.

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)?
    First I was angry because we were done, then I was anxious because how are we going to afford another kid never mind having to get a vehicle that will hold all of us now. Then relieved when I told my husband and he just said I figured this would happen and wasnt upset like I was finding out. I always told him I saw our family complete with 4 kids around the dinner table but he had said after our third he was done. He'll be 49 when this one is born and it makes him sad that he doesn't have as long with them as he would have if he had children when he was younger. 

    Symptoms, just cramping right now which I know is normal but always freaks me out as my first pregnancy was a MC at 10 weeks. I'll tell much better when I can start using my Doppler and know this one is going to stick around. 

  • edited November 2023
    Hey everyone! First timer here. My name is Megan, 24 years old. Due date is July 4.

    TW: mass shootings

    How I found out: My husband and I are from Maine, and unfortunately he was present for one of the recent shootings in our state. He is ok and got out quick, but we lost a lot of good friends. I thought my period was late due to all the stress, but that obviously wasn’t the case. I tested positive five days after the shootings. We are excited and still processing SO many emotions!

    Tell us about yourself: Hubby and I are high school sweethearts, we got married about two years ago. I work in child protective services and he works for FedEx.

    How am I feeling? Overwhelmed, anxious, excited, all of it. For symptoms, just some cramping and my boobs hurt, but no nausea. I’m excited to get to know you all and to not feel so alone in this journey!
  • edited November 2023
    Will work on changing the username
  • @megatronmaine102 oh my goodness how horrific! I’m so sorry you all went through that… 💔 
  • kceru129kceru129 Newbie
    edited November 2023

    Due date: July 9th

    How you found out: my breasts hurt and I was spotting a lot but no flow. I told my partner I thought I was starting menopause. We weren't planning this for ever in our lives, we're older and I was previously told by a fertility doctor that it would be almost impossible for me to get pregnant.

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) spouse is in denial. We've been together for 22 years. After leaving our first appointment he said, "they were talking to us like you are pregnant." And I said,"that's because I am" I think he still believes they are going to call and say it was a joke. We have a cat. We travel the world. Usually 3-5 new countries a year.

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)? Sore breasts, nausea, peeing constantly, dry mouth, tired, terrible acne, and mild cramping.
    Emotionally, I'm a mess. I feel like my life is over and that I can't do this. This wasn't in our cards. We were told it couldn't be and we learned to live that way. I'm now someone who doesn't want to give up nice things, travel and peace and quiet. I'm freaking out.
  • Hello! Mum of 2 and TTC, for the last couple of mths. I'm 11DPO today and I have a strong feeling I'm pregnant.. so here I am joining up places I can get some support and friendship 🥰

    I'm 34, and have been with my partner for 16 yrs now. I live in Alberta, Canada. I'm a plant mom also 🌿. Movie nerd. And I bake when I'm stressed.
  • Hi there. I am also an older newly pregnant mom to be (in my 40s) who travels the world and lives a very international lifestyle(my career calls for it). Ive lived abroad for almost a decade now and usually travel 5-6 times a year, so I understand your concerns about this life change. Its one of the reasons I've been hesitant to have kids until my 40s lol. I didn't want to "give up my freedom". Just came to share that you're not alone in that feeling. I can tell you though, that I see SO many families traveling and living abroad (some with multiple kids) and that has really inspired me. Kids don't have to mean the end of your travels/free spirited life...just require a tad bit more planning. Your child will have the most amazing experiences seeing the world, and will be better for it :) Best of luck to you dear!
  • An update - I took a test and it was positive :)
  • I really appreciate this as I am 39 and feeling so apprehensive.
  • Trust me, I understand lol I'll be 41 in a couple weeks! I know it's thinking wayyyy ahead and assuming a normal pregnancy and all, but I'm keeping myself inspired by thinking of where I'd like to travel for our month long winter break next year with what will be then, a 5 month old! We can be moms AND travelers/explorers AND have nice things AND not loose our sense of self! I haven't always believed that, but I do now.
  • Hi everyone! I’m Kate!
    Due date: we think we calculated 7/4 or 7/5 but are excited for the dr to give us a better idea next week!

    How you found out: On October 29. It was our first month trying but I was too excited not to test on the first day of my missed period! We were shocked and thrilled!

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) This is my first ever pregnancy and I’m 32. My birthday is 10 days after my due date. I’m a licensed clinical social worker. I love singing, hiking, and baking. I’ve been with my husband for 17 years, we’re high school sweethearts and soulmates and I’m so grateful I have his full support and for how he’s been taking care of me.

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)? Feeling so excited and happy. It has sunk in more so I’m less nervous. My breasts were tender in week 4 and 5 and have definitely grown but tenderness has subsided. Feeling bloated. I wake up at 6am like clockwork but I’m usually a night owl so I’m not sleeping as much as I’d like to and feeling tired and frustrated about that. No nausea yet but I’m only just 6 weeks and 1 day so I know that will probably change. Just trying to enjoy the mild symptoms so far. So excited for everyone on this board! ❤️
  • Changing my username to SunshineKate714
  • Due date: July 12

    How you found out: I took 2 tests last weekend after my period hadn’t started.

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
    Hi! My name is Stephanie. This is my first baby and my husband and I were shocked at how quickly we were able to conceive. I’m 35 and feel blessed it happened not long after our wedding. We have a cat and dog at home. I’m a teacher and when I’m not in the classroom I like to visit museums, walk the dog, hang with family, and watch movies. My husband is so excited and his family is too! Being so early it’s hard not to shout it from the rooftops! First OB appointment in early December!

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)? I’m experiencing moodiness and fatigue is kicking my butt. But, working in the public school system definitely doesn’t help that. Heartburn has started to be an issue in the evening though. I’m still moderately active but swapped over to prenatal friendly workouts.
  • Hello all!
    I’m very happy to be among this group and want to give my congratulations and best wishes to everyone.

    Due date: 7/15

    How you found out: my partner (39) and I (38) have been TTC for 2+ years and this past summer began IVF. After 2 rounds of egg retrievals we were ready to do an embryo transfer which happened in late October. We knew exactly when to test so the day of the beta blood test to measure hcg, I took an at-home test and finally got the BFP I’ve been trying for for so long now. Needless to say, I cried tears of joy. HCG has measured at great levels and currently we’re in the waiting period leading up to the first ultrasound to hear the heartbeat.

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) We live in Vermont with our border collie and this will be our first child. We both work in tech: me as a project manager and my husband is in sales. Our primary sources of pleasure are being active outdoors (kayaking, skiing, boating, hiking), live music and delicious food.

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)?
    I have been dealing with unexplained infertility and the journey to where we are today has been very emotionally challenging. I’m doing my best to balance my fears of fertility issues and enjoy the moment of finally getting pregnant. Hearing the heartbeat is a big milestone I’m working to, day by day. Symptom wise, nothing major: light cramping here and there, fatigue and my stomach is a little sensitive. No major nausea yet but week 5 starts tomorrow!

    Sending my best to all!!
  • mama-ash711mama-ash711 member
    edited November 2023
    HI LADIES! I haven’t been in one of these groups for three years!

    I just got a positive test this week (sore boobs), supposedly due around 7/19 but my test is a dye stealer already! Wondering if I ovulated early. Anyone else?? We were casually trying as we knew we’d want to add more to our family someday. We’re so happy! ♥️

    I am from Montana, 29 years young, have a hubby and an almost 3yo boy, his birthday is next week 🥹. I am a child protection social worker and have a love hate relationship with my job. I’m pretty chill, love my pets (would adopt every animal I met if I could), don’t have a crazy lifestyle, lots of hanging at home, exploring the mountains and spending time with friends and family.

    Happy to be here with you all. CONGRATS!!
  • Hello- my name is Mary. I’m due July 19. Just found out on Nov 10!

    This is our first so my husband and I are so happy. We’ve been trying for the last year (on and off) and we were about to start IUI next month. We both work in video production in NYC. I’m 37 so already a bit high risk.

    I don’t have any symptoms yet just very mild cramping and sore boobs.
  • Due date: July 13th

    How you found out: weirdly, I just knew?! I took a pregnancy test every day leading up to my missed period and then finally the day before I’d miss my period it lit up like a firework.

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I have one 19 month old son ❤️ I’m a professor (35yo), husband is an IT consultant (41yo). We have three dogs and two cats!

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)?
    Having stomach issues for sure and the fatigue is setting in. Fairly mild overall.

    Very happy. That’s complicated though- I’ve had two miscarriages which bookend my successful pregnancy with my son. I’m cautiously hopeful for this one. If this one works out then both of my children would be rainbow babies. 💜
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