Hi, just wondering if there are any older mams out there. I'm 41 and 10 weeks +3. I've another boy he's coming up 10 so there will be a big age gap. Baby unexpected but me and my husband are over the moon. Just worried about my age and how it will affect my pregnancy.
Re: Pregnant at 41
All that said, that doesn't mean your pregnancy will be bad or your baby will have something bad happen- most are still normal, even at our age! I actually felt great during my pregnancy. I maybe would've been less tired or achy if I were younger, but not necessarily, I had a pretty easy pregnancy. Try not to worry about your age, just be as healthy as you can and enjoy the ride!
It is super scary for me to be starting this journey all over again.
Husband and I would like 2 kiddos so hoping to be pregnant again in the future when I’ll likely be 40.
We have been focused on careers and building financial security before starting a family. Did some traveling, too.
Glad to be amongst other “advanced maternal age” mamas. Sending my best to you all!
I’m feeling good overall. Ready for the morning sickness and tiredness to go away. I feel like I’ve had the hardest time trying to get enough energy to exercise throughout this trimester. I hear the 2nd trimester is better so I’m hopeful for that.
Appreciate everyone being so open and supportive! I hope you all have wonderful pregnancies!
How are things going so far?
My husband and I just got married in September and went back and forth about whether we wanted to try for our own child, as we also have an 11 and 13 year old from his previous marriage.
This was the first time in my life that I tried to get pregnant and we got pregnant on the first try!
I did have some bleeding this past weekend and so I was scared but after being seen by several practitioners and testing my HCG levels this week, so far it seems I’m having a normal pregnancy. I hear that many women bleed at times during their first trimester.
It’s so nice to find a forum with other women in my age group! So grateful to have found this forum.
divorced- then dated a guy, engaged, tried
for kids for 2 yrs,hormones tracking -didn't happen. He decided to end things-left me with wedding debt, etc… 2 months later met a guy through a friend, was suppose to be casual. Dating 6 months and now 5 weeks pregnant even though there were condoms and birth control… I’m pretty baffled right now.
My pregnancy with my daughter was not like this .. ill still be 41 when Bub is born as my birthday is in January
It’s not the most awesome relationship with baby daddy and I’m trying to leave but being on rest makes it hard