1st Trimester

Pregnant at 41

Hi, just wondering if there are any older mams out there. I'm 41 and 10 weeks +3. I've another boy he's coming up 10 so there will be a big age gap. Baby unexpected but me and my husband are over the moon. Just worried about my age and how it will affect my pregnancy. 

Re: Pregnant at 41

  • Im 40 and 5 weeks + 6. My daughter is 12. 
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  • I will be welcoming baby #3 into the world for my 40th birthday...I have two other children from my previous marriage they are 16, and 17 years old...
    It is super scary for me to be starting this journey all over again.

  • I'm 44 and son will be 9 when this baby comes. Hu baby and I are so ready to add to our family after accomplishing goals. I am a little worried about everything (naturally!) But had a great 1st pregnancy and best birth experience so hoping to repeat!
  • I’m 41 and 7 weeks with my first baby! I’ll be 42 when baby is born. I chose to get career goals out of the way during my 20s/30s. First prenatal appointment is next week. I had a day of terrible nausea a couple of weeks ago. Otherwise, it’s just been fatigue, frequent urination and extremely tender breasts (which were already huge and now feel like water canons😂).
  • I'm 38 and 8 weeks 4 days with first baby. Ill be 39 when they arrive!
  • Hi all! I’m 38, currently 7w2d, will be 38 when baby arrives in July. This is my first, and we had to get assistance via IVF to get to where we are. So far week 6 was worst for nausea and fatigue. I’ve also had some migraines due to meds I’m taking for the IVF treatment.

    Husband and I would like 2 kiddos so hoping to be pregnant again in the future when I’ll likely be 40.

    We have been focused on careers and building financial security before starting a family. Did some traveling, too.

    Glad to be amongst other “advanced maternal age” mamas. Sending my best to you all!
  • Hi everyone.  I’m 41, 13 weeks today with my first.  My husband has a 17 y/o from his previous marriage and lives with us full time.  

    This baby was a fun surprise for us!  Baby was conceived naturally as well. For us, it’s our miracle baby and we couldn’t be more excited.  Our teenager is less thrilled than we are but once the baby is here we know he will be a great big brother. 

    I’m feeling good overall.  Ready for the morning sickness and tiredness to go away. I feel like I’ve had the hardest time trying to get enough energy to exercise throughout this trimester. I hear the 2nd trimester is better so I’m hopeful for that.

    Appreciate everyone being so open and supportive! I hope you all have wonderful pregnancies! 
  • I am 38 and 7w4d with my first and will be 39 when I deliver. I focused on my career and then had some wedding delays with Covid and other health issues to take care of. It took us a few months but we conceived naturally. I am completely nervous about all the risks but will feel better after my first ultrasound. Had a cold on top of extreme fatigue and incredibly tender breasts, but otherwise so far so good fingers crossed. So glad I’m not the only geriatric!
  • Hi! I’m 35, 12 weeks along and have a 9 1/2 year old daughter. Will be 36 when baby girl arrives in July! Congratulations everyone!!!
  • I am 42 and 5 weeks along. I was completely shocked when I found out. I have a 10 yr old son and it was very difficult to get pregnant with him. I had just assumed I could not get pregnant again. I am pretty anxious about everything being ok. Good luck to everyone!
  • Hey babe, I’ve just found out I’m pregnant this morning and I have just turned 41 yesterday I was so excited reading your post.

    How are things going so far?
  • Hello everyone! I am new to this forum. I am 41 and 5 weeks pregnant today. I will be 42 by the time I give birth (MAYBE) as the baby is due within 2 weeks of my birthday.
    My husband and I just got married in September and went back and forth about whether we wanted to try for our own child, as we also have an 11 and 13 year old from his previous marriage.
    This was the first time in my life that I tried to get pregnant and we got pregnant on the first try!

    I did have some bleeding this past weekend and so I was scared but after being seen by several practitioners and testing my HCG levels this week, so far it seems I’m having a normal pregnancy. I hear that many women bleed at times during their first trimester.

    It’s so nice to find a forum with other women in my age group! So grateful to have found this forum.
  • Congrats on your pregnancy. I can relate because I have a sister who is ten years younger than me.  I've had the opportunity to watch her grow, and the bond we share is truly special.

  • I’m 40 (and my oldest is 12).
  • I am 40 and hubby is 53. We both have children from previous marriages. His oldest will be 30 when this one is born! We had a MMC 10 years ago and since then pretty much haven’t tried to prevent because it never happened. Well…surprise surprise. My youngest is 20 so this will be an adventure for our family. We haven’t told anyone till we get the first ultrasound so we don’t disappoint like we did 10 years ago, but I’m not sure we won’t disappoint people when we tell them anyway. Currently 6 weeks according to LMP. Due in September right after my 41st birthday.
  • I am going to be 37 when having my second child this year. I know it's not 40! Hahaha I had my daughter in 2022, she came a month early and spent time on the NICU. I'm definitely worried about this second one, but so far so good. I'm almost at 8 weeks and I'm trying to stay positive. 
  • I’m 40 now, should be about 5w1d. Husband is also 40. This is the first for both of us after years of infertility and fertility treatments. Surprisingly we conceived this one naturally! A very pleasant surprise!
  • I'm 36years old at week6 4d and second baby with a 15 year old. I feel like this is a brand new experience for me. How I forgot how pregnancy feels. I hope we all have healthy pregnancies
  • How amazing! I’m 45 and pregnant with my first. Approximately 10 weeks in and it is a struggle. I’m exhausted and weak. Nausea was bad but just starting to subside. Learning how to accept my new body. The whole thing is still so shocking to me.
  • Glad I’m not alone! I’m 40 with a 15 and 12 year old .Interesting story -
    divorced- then dated a guy, engaged, tried
    for kids for 2 yrs,hormones tracking -didn't happen. He decided to end things-left me with wedding debt, etc… 2 months later met a guy through a friend, was suppose to be casual. Dating 6 months and now 5 weeks pregnant even though there were condoms and birth control… I’m pretty baffled right now. 

  • I have a 15 and 12 year old- and yoy are right this one fee sooo different 
  • 43 year old first timer checking in! Anxious!
  • I’ll be 40 when the baby is born… 4 wks 5 days now. My first is 7… so yes it took 7 years to conceive after him. Minimal symptoms such as minor sore breasts and minor implantation pain. Hopefully that’s not a bad sign?
  • I’m 41.. have a 9 year old.. I had 2 miscarriages last year .. last one was November and it hit me hard. Then found out in jan I’m pregnant again.. currently 8w 1d.. have had some spotting when wiping not alot.. even with a bowel motion.. since 7 weeks..

    My pregnancy with my daughter was not like this .. ill still be 41 when Bub is born as my birthday is in January

    It’s not the most awesome relationship with baby daddy and I’m trying to leave but being on rest makes it hard
  • I'm 41 and pregnant for the first time! I know it's a higher risk factor, but I feel great so far! Only 12 weeks now. My OB referred us to a maternal fetal medicine doc because of the age factor. I'm excited to see the high tech ultrasound!
  • Just turned 38 and I’m 4.5 weeks, FTM. I got off BC in Nov and this was my 3rd cycle, so I feel grateful it happened so quickly. I’m breathing through a ton of anxiety - how am I going to wait another 3.5 weeks for my dr appt? How can something the size of a sesame seed make me so constipated?? (Rhetorical, but open to tips for managing it!) Is every little twinge in my body the baby or is it just normal body functioning? I’ve only known for three days, so hopefully my brain will relax a little soon.
  • Congratulations!! I got a BFP today and I'm 43. My youngest is 16 so I'll have a huge age gap also! Hopefully we can travel together! 
  • Hi! I’m 40 years old and 8wks pregnant with my 4th baby. This baby comes after a miscarriage last spring when getting pregnant with IUD. Been feeling ok other than tiredness and a bit of nausea. My 14, 11, and 6 year old kiddos are so excited for baby.
  • Hi, I’m 40 will be 41 when the baby is born, I’m 6 wks 2 days. This is my third I have a 7 & 8 year olds! My boyfriend is 25 this is his first, he’s very excited!! So different from my other pregnancies, super nauseous, boobs are so sore, and I’ve been keeping a headache. First doctor appointment is 8 days away, glad I’m not the only older mom on here.
  • Hi!  I'm back again at 41 y/o. I am now 6 weeks 3 days according to my first ultrasound. I went in for confirmation due to a very faint positive and near constant cramping. I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and this is my first time conceiving since then although this was not planned. I've only told a few people because it's early but even when i do announce i am not ready for the "old mom" jokes that i know are going to come and piss me off lol. Wishing everyone here a wonderful pregnancy!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm 40 will be 41 when baby is born. This baby was a surprise because I got my tubes tied a couple of years ago. I also worry about complications that may occur, but I'm hoping and praying for the best.
  • 39 here and I’m 13w with twins! My oldest is 13 and my youngest is 8.  A little nervous but now that the nausea has subsided I feel great. 
  • Hi! I am 44 years old and 38 weeks pregnant, my son is 10 yrs old. He's very excited to have a sister on the way.
  • I am 43 but will be 44 when baby is born. My youngest is 19 so quite the age gap but everyone is so happy and excited about this little one! Due in mid October. 
  • I’m 41 and 5 weeks. I’ve had 3 miscarriages in the past year but was reluctant to start IVF. Just curious how things are going for you so far? 
  • Similar to me, I’m pregnant with my first at 44, I’ll be 45 in June! After two losses in the past I’m nervous but so excited! This happens more than they want you to believe! 
  • I’m 40, and this is my first pregnancy. I think that we have to stay hopeful, and focus on the positives. My mom had me when she was 40 back in the 80s, so I have some hope. I do understand where you’re coming from though. I’m worried about my age as well, but I’ve seen so many over 40 mamas that have healthy babies lately that I feel hope. We got this! 
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