I’m looking for a little guidance from anyone who has been through something similar. My husband and I had a early miscarriage in April and now we’re pregnant again at 7w4d today. I have my viability scan and first appointment scheduled for next Friday. I got my hcg levels drawn on Tuesday and Friday last week and it was 4,069 then 4,016. I felt so disheartened and went to the OB triage Saturday morning where they did another hcg level and transvaginal US (they were concerned about ectopic). Well, my hcg was now in the 5,000s (1 day after the last check) and my US showed a 7mm gestational sac but no yolk sac or fetal pole. I was 6w4d but was only measuring at 5w3d though I am absolutely certain of my ovulation date (I get really bad ovulatory pain and I got a positive pregnancy test 7-8DPO so I know I couldn’t have ovulated later). They told me I was still too early to see anything well and that I should keep my viability scan that I had already scheduled. They told me that as of right now it looks like a variant of a normal progression but it just hasn’t sat right with me. 1) my hcg didn’t double over those 3 days and instead dropped prior to rising again. 2) I’m measuring over a week behind.
I tried to stay focused on work and keep myself distracted from thinking about all this but it’s consuming me and I won’t have any answers until Friday. I hadn’t had any bleeding at all throughout these 7 weeks, but just started having brownish discharge today and so now I’m here. It started as a tiny brownish streak in clear discharge two days ago, then I’ve had alternating clear then brownish discharge throughout the day today. No bright red anything. I thought it could be due to the transvaginal US but wouldn’t I have had this discharge much sooner, since it was a week ago? I’ve had cramps on and off throughout the past few weeks but thought those might just be uterus stretching pains but not so sure now. And to make matters even worse, I had really sore breasts a few weeks ago - now nothing.
In my mind I’m mentally preparing myself for the worst but at the same time I just keep hoping somehow all these symptoms can be normal and everything will be okay at my scan on Friday 😔. Any words of advice are much appreciated
Re: 7w4d and stressed!!
My best advice is to trust the medical professionals when they say it may have been too early in that last scan.
Sometimes- You may feel like you know exactly when you ovulate but unless you test your LH levels you can’t be certain and even then it’s 12-36 hours after the LH spike :) i normally ovulate on day 16 like clock work and it felt like it (i get twinges during ovulation) but using my Mira device I confirmed that I actually ovulated on day 22! And symptoms can come and go! I also had brown discharge but doctor said that’s totally normal :)
Totally normal to be anxious but trust your body that it knows what to do to help you have the healthiest little baby ❤️❤️