1st Trimester

The paranoia is setting in

damarie90damarie90 member
edited May 2023 in 1st Trimester
Hi! I just entered my 5th week of pregnancy and I'm just getting hyper-aware of everything that I put into and onto my body.
I didn't think I'd get pregnant this cycle so the day before I found out I was pregnant I had sushi and the day before that I had gotten my hair colored. And I also was having a drink a day (work has been rough haha).
I know, I'm SO early into my pregnancy, but I still feel weird about all of that.

I also don't feel pregnant yet. Besides the sore breasts, I feel like my usual tired and bloated self.
Anyway, happy to be a part if the bump community. Hope, I'm not too "alone" with my paranoia.

Re: The paranoia is setting in

  • meggymemeggyme member
    Take a breath. Unless you were doing hard drugs there’s not too much that would carry over to the fetus. And you can’t change anything you did before, only change what you do from now on. If you think your paranoia and anxiety is abnormal please talk to your doctor about it.

     There’s nothing proven to be bad about coloring your hair, sushi is only bad if it makes you sick (or you eat enough to have excess mercury) and drinks you had before the placenta takes over shouldn’t affect the fetus.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • Thank you, meggyme! My anxiety isn't bad enough to have to talk to my doctor about it. I just was feeling kind of annoyed at myself, because the cycle before when we were trying, I had cut out alcohol and sushi, etc. And I didn't get pregnant. So, I wasn't very hopeful the next cycle and I "let my hair down". And then bam. Pregnant :)

    But thank you for your reassuring words!
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  • My anxiety is also so bad, mainly because it’s the 1st trimester and I want to get passed this point. I feel pregnant somedays, other days I just feel gross and tired. Morning sickness is hitting me hard this pregnancy (2nd time)
  • jeeves25jeeves25 member
    edited June 2023
    I am a teacher and the paranoia was real every day for me in the first trimester. It settles down when I keep myself busy. Lately it has come back and I struggle to find people to talk to.
  • I also have the same worry. I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 5 weeks along. I was hardly eating anything(been bad with that my entire life), and feel awful because not only that, but I also had some drinks here and there AND did not take any prenatal as I didn't know. The doc said to not worry.
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