DS1 -- 9/30/2016

Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling?
Rants / Raves:
GTKY: Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
Re: Weekly Check-in w/o 4/24
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: 10/16; 15 wks
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: 💙
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: Boc of crayons
Upcoming appointments: 5/8
How are you feeling? It seems like the exhaustion skipped the first tri and decided to make an appearance second tri. Nesting has also started to kick in which I’m not complaining about!
Rants / Raves: we don’t live close to good shopping so we traveled 2 hrs to shop till we dropped on Saturday and man were my ankles swollen when we got home! It had to have been a combo of all the walking and sitting in the truck.
Questions: nada
GTKY: Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? Currently bagels 🥯
DS1 -- 9/30/2016
And then today, I opened a door on my toe and I'm pretty sure my toenail is going to fall off. I immediately wrapped it. It hurts soooo much! So now I'm limping after my toddler 😭😭😭
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: 10/28, 13+5
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: finding out very soon, waiting for nipt results
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: lemon
Upcoming appointments: May 7th or 11th for pelvic floor physical therapy.
How are you feeling? Starting to feel better in terms of nausea and fatigue. I think my belly is starting to feel different.
Rants / Raves: lab work came back and I low on iron, so I'm now on an iron supplement. Pelvic floor physical therapy wants to meet with me weekly and then biweekly/triweekly for the rest of my pregnancy, so I feel like I'm going to have constant appointments which feels tiring already. (Pelvic floor physical therapy is definitely super helpful though! It helped with incontinence issues after last delivery, but things are changing being pregnant again, oy.) Proud of myself for starting to swap more of my snack choices for fruits, veggies, and protein!
Questions: nope!
GTKY: Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? My car lately. Not a necessity, there are days when I don't need to leave my house, but I choose to because I hate staying in one place for too long. It's still too cool for bike riding, which is something I am going to miss when/if it gets uncomfortable, because that's usually how I get around more during the summer... jump on the bike, pull the kid trailer to the playground... We'll see how I feel.