1st Trimester

Possible miscarriage?

klimococklimococ member
edited April 2023 in 1st Trimester
Hi all,

I was 2 days late for my period so I took the pregnancy which came out as positive. I should be 5 weeks today according to the date calculator but today I saw a small clump of brownish discharge today. Can this mean possible MC? I did feel small cramps but only once or twice within the past 3 days.

Re: Possible miscarriage?

  • Hey love,
    Hard to say but probably best to call your doctor and ask.
  • Hi friend- not necessarily an MC, but best thing to do is go to Dr to have hcg tested. They will repeat the test to make sure the level is rising. Spotting, cramping and some discharge can happen in the first two weeks of pregnancy or so due to implantation. I’m in the same boat! Only 4.5 weeks but have had multiple mc in the past. Waiting for my second hcg test tomorrow. Fingers crossed for both of us and baby dust to you! 🤗
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