I’m currently 33 weeks pregnant with DS and am concerned about birth. I had a fourth degree tear with my 2019 DD and am now facing a decision: try vaginal or elect a c-section. I’ve been very adamant all along about going vaginal… I’ve been going to physical therapy for months, trying to build up my pelvic floor. But I do have lingering concerns about worse fecal incontinence. 😔 (it’s gotten worse lately with DS pushing on my bowels!)
So my question - has anyone tore previously, and what’s your plan this time? How did you make this decision?
(I hope I’m using this board correctly; please tell me if this is better for a different thread)
Re: Ask a STM+ (April 2023)
I swear my poop has been more liquidy lately too… hormones? Sex has also been painful at first, but we’ve found ways of helping it.
They say if you do vaginal stretching before birth it can help avoid tearing. So that might help you and your fear if you start it soon it might help. I understand the serious surgery part. I am a bit afraid myself and the pain that can come with it. But it’s a shorter healing process for me physically/mentally considering my past.
Which I'm realizing is not at all helpful advice. Have you talked to your OB about it at all? I wonder if there's anything about the location of the tear that could predict a repeat tear?