August 2023 Moms

March Randoms


Re: March Randoms

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    @emeraldcity603 DS hated being swaddled but then again he also started rolling over at like 5/6 weeks old so it didn’t really matter much anyways. I’m glad we have the swaddle though because the birth center doesn’t give them out like the hospital does and it’s something I’d like to have on hand if baby does like the swaddle!!

    we also probably won’t use much for bottles, I don’t let down with a pump and I stay home so I’m not going to even bother trying this time. I will get the haakaa though to see if I can catch some extra milk to have on hand for emergencies.
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    Does anyone know if buybuybaby gives a freebie tote with goodies anymore? 
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    @lmn823 3 years ago it was a brown paper bag with brochures a pacifier and an ice cube tray I think
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    @justyouraveragemama so I got my Amazon welcome bag today it’s exactly the same thing you received 

    @AlexisJoy92 wth? Brown paper bag with ice tray?? I guess it’s better than nothing since they give nothing now! Smh 
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    @lmn823 my assumption was it was to freeze homemade baby food but yeah my thoughts exactly 
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    @emeraldcity603 I’ve been feeling like I’m nesting a bit too. My house is driving me nuts, I just want everything to be clean and organized. I want it done like now but I just don’t have the energy to do a ton each day lol
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    @emeraldcity603 I would be nesting if we weren’t starting a full-blown renovation to the house in a week or two. I can’t do a single thing with the baby’s room or reorganizing the house until the construction is finished and it’s killing me. Good for you for getting it in while you’ve got the energy!
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    @justyouraveragemama @benten24 I didn’t nest at all with my last baby which was weird. I barely had the motivation to organize the baby clothes. I’m exhausted from all the cleaning I did today. I could barely get the kids down before I crashed. 
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    @emeraldcity603 I have the deep need to deep clean but literally have no time to do it for a few more weeks, so currently I am just pissed off with everything in the house and just keep throwing stuff into the garbage 
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    Add me to the deep cleaning train. I don’t know if it’s nesting, but finally getting springlike weather is a huge factor. I’m so much more motivated when the sun is shining.
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    Yup add me to the nesting. We’re making plans to move DD to a bigger room so we can turn her current one (which was her nursery) into the baby room. I am feeling motivated to get moving on that project!
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    I’ve been wondering if it’s too early for nesting or if that’s what’s happening with me too. At home and work- organizing and cleaning my house and classroom. 

    My anatomy scan is in a couple hours! I’m at 21 weeks because of scheduling problems so it’s felt like forever waiting
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    I feel the same about nesting! We have so much to do to our second bedroom (which sort of became our storage room) but I have no motivation to do it on my own. Husband is very busy with work and finishing up school so hopefully when he's done we can get crib, dressers, closet, everything organized!
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    I was thinking I was nuts for wanting to clean and organize this early. Usually I’m huge and on the floor scrubbing like a mad woman. This week is the only “week off” we officially have until July. We have random times in between but not a whole week. I’m spring cleaning the entire house and fixing up the nursery. So far I deep cleaned and organized my youngest’s room and she already destroyed it 😂
    Dx: Non-IR PCOS
    Baby Girl K #1 Born 3/8/14
    Baby Girl K #2 EDD 3/3/19
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    @benten24 same here. Well, similar. We're showing our house tomorrow. We're considering selling so there's no nesting going on until we know if we're staying put or not. I moved at 5 months with my first too, so I've never really been organized or prepared for a baby lol.
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    @msjaay we closed on our house and moved 2 days before daughter was born in 2021, so I definitely feel you on not being organized or prepared  :D
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    @priyadoc 2 days! You win hahah I apparently like to birth my babies in some type of housing chaos.
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    Yesterday I felt so weird. All day I just felt unwell and off. Then as evening rolled around I started feeling nauseous. Well, I have a really bad stomach bug. I was vomiting with diarrhea and then one of my kids started vomiting. I was barely able to stand to help her before I had to run back to the bathroom for myself. Of course my husband is out of town this week. I took Zofran and it finally stopped the vomiting but that long you get before vomiting kept rolling through my body every time I moved. I’m not sure what was worse, having that feeling and not being able to vomit to relieve it or vomiting to relieve it. 😫 I swear I’m going to be a crazy nutter with hand sanitizer after this. I’m always making my kids wash their hands but clearly that isn’t enough. 
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    @emeraldcity603 oh my goodness, you cannot catch a break!! Wishing you and your family a speedy recovery and that this is the last stomach bug you have to endure this season. 
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    ccmrc143ccmrc143 member
    edited March 2023
    @emeraldcity603 oh my gosh how is it possible for you to get sick again so soon? I am so sorry. I hope it’s a quick bug so you feel better soon, and that doesn’t pass to the rest of the kids 🤞 
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    @emeraldcity603 oh man again?? Hopefully whatever you have will pass asap!! That really sucks. 
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    @emeraldcity603 oh no! Worst nightmare. Hopefully you feel better soon. Being sick is t fun but pregnant and sick is the worst. I’m a bit nuts this time because I ended up with pneumonia last time and didn’t realize it until I had been sick a while. I have been sick twice this time, one virus and one bad cold. It lingers so much longer when pregnant and it’s annoying! Rest, rest, rest! Feel better soon! 
    Dx: Non-IR PCOS
    Baby Girl K #1 Born 3/8/14
    Baby Girl K #2 EDD 3/3/19
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    @emeraldcity603 again!? Man you just cannot win! Have you tried activated charcoal and grape juice?
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    @justyouraveragemama no, I have never heard of that. I have just been giving myself and the 2 sick kids Zofran. I have only gained 4 lbs this pregnancy so I’m a little worried about my weight right now. We have all managed to stay well hydrated so that’s a plus. 
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    Feel better, @emeraldcity603! You guys can’t catch a break. My friend is 8 weeks ahead of me and within two months she caught strep twice, Covid, a stomach bug, flu A, and flu B. They did labs on her and her iron was really low and her doctor quadrupled her supplement. I guess low iron can make your immune system very weak. Some of it is just unavoidable with little ones though, no matter how high your iron is 😷
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    The ob/gyn finally called to schedule the consult!!! They still don’t have all the records but wanted to get me on the schedule so my anatomy scan doesn’t end up being closer to 24 weeks still won’t know the gender before Easter though but that’s ok I wasn’t sold on revealing the gender at that time anyway 
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    @emeraldcity603 I haven’t gotten a chance to try it thankfully but I heard of it from an ex-old order Mennonite family. They do like a tsp of activated charcoal in Concord grape juice at the first sign of it and then everyone drinks it to try and keep the rest from getting it/throwing up. I heard it like last year and then this year when it was making its rounds, I heard of a lot more families doing it and they swear by it! 
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    @msjaay Your poor friend. I couldn’t imagine. That sounds so awful. We had the flu back in December and it was awful. We got exposed to COVID a few weeks back but either didn’t get it or didn’t show any signs of having it. I feel like the year of lockdowns and then all the chemicals they sprayed everywhere really destroyed our immune systems. So now everything we come into contact with is a big deal. 

    @justyouraveragemama I’ll have to look into it and give a try. 
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    @emeraldcity603 holy smokes that's SO MANY stomach bugs! I'm sorry. Hope you're all on the mend! I've actually heard that about grape juice (not so much the charcoal), like as an old wives tale, but at this point I would probably eat a dirty shoe if someone told me they heard it would help. One stomach virus was enough for me! Can't imagine how you're even functional. The catch-up on getting all the colds and stuff is totally real though -- we barely even locked down and my daughter didn't have so much as a cold for a full year. Normally I'd be like YAY but they totally need some of those normal kid germs to build up their immune systems, so when she started preschool this year the poor kid has just been wrecked, and she only goes twice a week. But a cold is TOTALLY different than a stomach bug!
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    @ki1244 We didn’t lock down or wear masks at all during COVID. We started getting sick all the time after everyone else started moving around. Hell, I don’t even get this sick with COVID. The last time we got it we avoided every other virus our friends got for nearly a month. It was amazing. The stomach bugs are the absolute worst. The only way I function is with the Zofran. This time even that didn’t keep me from having massive symptoms. I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to take care of all the kids the next day if I continued feeling the way I did that night. 
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    The good thing is that the theory of an “immunity debt” hasn’t really proven to be true. The delay for babies in 2020 was a reality if they weren’t exposed to illnesses they generally catch in their first year, like RSV. I have a daycare baby so she was exposed to everything under the sun, so we haven’t really experienced that. Yay? Lol. 
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    @msjaay that was the thing for us -- the world locked down when she was 8 months old, right when we started finally getting to go out and do things without being in nap jail. So we didn't really lock ourselves down, but she also didn't really have a chance to interact with other kids much since I stay home with her and there wasn't a lot of opportunities for the next six months or so to do much socially (and the Moms Day Out program I'd wanted to start her in that fall was a covid casualty). So all the colds, the ickies, the stuff they get toward the end of Year 1 -- no opportunity to get it! And we're still kind of paying for it.
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    @ki1244 that totally makes sense. I remember putting my daughter in a shopping cart for the first time when she was a year old and she screamed bloody murder and everyone looked at me 😂 I was like, just a pandemic baby over here, nothing to worry about. She definitely took plenty of hits at daycare (she had RSV by 6 months), but we just didn’t socially do that much in her first year. 
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    Last night was pretty rough too. Two of my other kids got sick in the early evening. My 9 year old cried for 2 hours from the stomach cramps. I put her to bed and got everyone to sleep and went downstairs to watch TV. Mistake. I should have gone straight to bed. As soon as I got to bed she was awake and tossing and turning from discomfort again. I gave her a Zofran and she eventually started vomiting anyways. I was up with her until 3. Then I was up with my other sick kid at 4:30 and up for the day at 7. I’m waiting for my 18 month old to get sick now. He is the last one. I just hope I find time to rest between now and that moment because I feel like I will be holding him all night with a bucket ready for him. 

    After this, I may start doing health surveys before we attend functions. Last summer my MIL failed to inform me that her entire household had a stomach bug until it was too late for us to turn around and cancel our trip. I ended up being so sick I couldn’t move my body without vomiting. I was so angry at them. She should have not been so selfish and told me everyone was sick. Anyways, I’m a little pissed right now about my situation. It’s probably the exhaustion but holy cow! No more of this! 
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    Also, my SIL is having a second shower. Not a sprinkle but a full blown party where she invited so many people via a FB event that FB wouldn’t let her invite everyone on her list. 😳 I looked at her registry. It’s full of baby gear that she already has. She had a girl and bought everything in pink. I told her to buy gender neutral stuff. That she wouldn’t want pink if she had a boy next. She wouldn’t listen. Well, now she doesn’t want pink and she wants everyone to fit the bill for it. I’m sorry, but no. I’m not doing that. She expects a huge gift from us too because we went all out for her last time. I’m sorry to disappoint her but her entire shower screams gift grabby. Also, she made her FB event public so other people could invite others she didn’t add to the invite list. Who does that? To top it off, she is hosting it herself. 
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    @emeraldcity603 I hope it’s a quick stomach bug and you get some rest today. About the sick family at gatherings- that’s so frustrating. My in laws are like that sometimes and I’m like, you don’t need to see my son THAT bad that you can’t wait to be well again. My partner and I locked down pretty tight during Covid and only just had our first in person thanksgiving again this year. I had found out I was pregnant with this baby just a couple days before thanksgiving and my step-FIL shows up coughing every few minutes- the entire evening. I agree you should ask before making plans and hopefully they’ll be honest about it
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    I hope you feel better @emeraldcity603. And I agree with you on the health survey. Some people don't realize how inconsiderate it is. One, no one needs to feel bad and two, the disruption to your schedule, work coverage, not being able to attend daycare, etc. It just throws your whole week/month off.
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