I've had acid reflux and heartburn since before pregnancy but ofc, pregnancy made it worse. 1st Trimester was a bit difficult but I got through it. Nowadays it's not as bad but I still get it and nauseous sometimes. I try to have a ritual as far as what I eat when I first wake up but at times, that doesn't even work. Lol. I'm guessing that is why the prenatal vitamins makes me sick. So I am thinking about switching to 'Hair, Skin & Nails' Gummies. This is my first child and I am very excited and want to make sure my baby gets all of their vitamins! I also found a green booster on Amazon. I saw a pregnant lady using it on TkTk. LOL. Now I Want To Try It! If You Know Any Other Natural Ways That'll Give Baby Their Best Nutrients, Don't Hesitate To Chime In!
Don’t take medical advice from TikTok. Talk to your doctor if you are not happy with your current vitamins, but substituting it for anything not specifically for prenatal is not a good idea without doctor supervision.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
Lol. No one from TikTok said to take it. I simply saw a pregnant woman taking the supplement and did my research on it. Thanks though.
Are you or the pregnant person that you saw a midwife or obgyn? Giving up an approved prenatal vitamin for one not formulated to give all the specific nutrients your baby needs should not be done without YOUR doctor’s approval because they can apply their medical expertise to your specific case. Just because one person on TikTok did it does not mean it a safe replacement.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
Re: Have You Substituted Your Prenatals?