
11 month old constipation

Hey Mommas

My son is 11 months (8mo adjusted) about to turn 1 on the 1st. He has has pooping issues for 2 months and his pcp just keeps saying to give pedialyte. He’s in obvious pain trying to poop and his poops are so hard and big because he gets so stuffed up.

He is only on bottles bc his nutritionist is worried about his weight gain so we don’t do baby food anymore to focus on the calorie gain.

I’ve just now tried Gerbers apple prune juice and so far nothing has happened. What could I give him even food wise to help him poop? He doesn’t like eating prunes but handled the juice well. 

Re: 11 month old constipation

  • udesmirkudesmirk Just Joined
    Common causes include early toilet training and changes in diet. Fortunately, most cases of constipation in children are temporary. Encouraging your child to make simple dietary changes — such as eating more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables and drinking more water — can go a long way toward alleviating constipation.
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