May 2023 Moms

Preeclampsia - 25 weeks

Hi everyone!

I am currently 25 weeks and 4 :/ days.

I’ve been admitted in the hospital since January 2nd (22 weeks and 1 day).

When i first got here, they wanted me to deliver almost immediately. That meant a 5-10% chance of survival for the baby. They were worried about me, but I was semi-stable and I decided i could deal with the pain for the time being. So that wasn’t really an option for us at that point.

My blood pressure is high, I had an unbearable headache, a lot of protein in my urine and I’m very anemic. They have given me 3 blood transfusions so far and have done a bone marrow biopsy (fully awake, with minimal lidocaine- that was fun!) and a magnesium sulfate drip for 24 hours during this. They have me on blood pressure medicine now and are continually monitoring me.

As of now, no headache, blood pressure goes up and down but for the most part it’s okay. They wanted me to get to at least week 24, because at that point, the pregnancy is considered “viable”. So we’re just hoping to get further and further.

I guess I’m here to write about this because I’m scared and nervous. And also going a little crazy being stuck in the hospital for 23 days already (and who knows for how much longer) and also to ask about everyone else’s experience. If you are / have been diagnosed with preeclampsia in past pregnancies - How early did you get diagnosed? Did you have to stay in the hospital until you delivered? When did you deliver? And how is baby/outcome?!

Re: Preeclampsia - 25 weeks

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    Sorry to hear you're going through this. I personally do not have experience with preeclampsia, but I am close with someone who was diagnosed with it after her baby was born. She remained in the hospital for about a week receiving similar treatments to what you described and her baby spent a few days in the NICU to increase his blood sugar levels. I haven't heard from her in a while, but from what I gather they both have been doing well since they were sent home!
    Glad to hear you've made it to the viability point; it sounds like you're in good hands. One day at a time is progress! Fingers crossed for you and your baby.  <3
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    i'm so sorry you're going thru this. I was also in the hospital with my first from 23-25 weeks but for different reasons, and they told me initially i would lose the baby and then we made 24 weeks, too. you are going through SO much. And every day you get thru means so much for the health of the baby and you should celebrate. I made small "goals" of getting to 26 weeks, then 28 weeks. Hang in there, try to lose yourself in some good books if you can, or whatever works for you. A lot of us who've gone through this needed a lot of support for healing, I know I personally had postpartum anxiety/ depression for about a year after all of it. I also had trouble bonding with the baby. FWIW, i delivered at 38 weeks, despite being told I would 100% not make it past 28 weeks.
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