I work half in office, half remote, but work has been really demanding these past few weeks where I benefit being in office. I’m exhausted! I just want to work from home sitting on my couch in sweatpants 😴
was it you two @dogmom5 and @runningyogimama this was your #5? i have such guilt this time, this is #4 for me. i think i get it with each kid, where i feel like i won't have enough time to be a good mom to all of them (and then its busy, but just fine). how was it going for 3-->4? just need some reassurance here, lol.
@litzi-2 This will be, hopefully, living child #4 - but my 5th baby. My daughter who we lost to T21 was my 4th. I asked A LOT of people with 4 or more kids before we even tried for a 4th, and everyone seemed to agree that since 3 is chaos, 4 really isn’t that much different/harder.
Supposed to get a lot of snow tomorrow. A lot for Oklahoma anyway. I’ll believe it when I see it lol Luckily it’s my day off so if I don’t want to get out I don’t have to. Except for picking the big kids up from school. They will cancel and go to a virtual school day if they think it’ll get bad.
@wanderlustsoul It’s so funny everyone always feels so differently on 0-1 vs 1-2 - 0-1 was super easy for me, and 1-2 was HARD (but my first kid is my easy kid, and second is my hardest kiddo). 2-3 wasn’t as bad as 1-2 for us. But three kids is loud all the time, it just is, haha. It’s a slight learning curve of no longer being able to each take one kid, but the adjustment wasn’t as hard to get used to as 1-2 was.
@runningyogimama that makes sense. My first is so medically complex and was born with allergies (and obvs we had no idea) which made his newborn period so horrible. From 7 months on, he was the easiest child ever and he still is. My 2nd healed a lot of that trauma but he’s chaos now.
I do worry about being overstimulated with all the chaos. I’m an introvert so kids are hard for that type of personality 😅😅
@wanderlustsoul I am a hardcore introvert, so understand that entirely. 😅😅 That would probably be the biggest adjustment with 3 - being that much harder to make time for that calm/quiet decompressing time. My third was (is) my allergy baby - but, for perspective, even with all of the medical stuff going on, still the easiest transition for me. There’s something about the third - you already know that no two babies are alike, and that you can’t listen to/read and take parenting “shoulds” to heart, and 99% of things aren’t worth stressing over, so it’s so much easier to just relax and go with the flow and take it in (and I’m not an easy-going, go with the flow person, ha). I used to say I with I could go back and do the baby phase over again with my first two through the lens of a third time parent.
@woodland26 I personally felt 4 was the perfect age gap (my older two were 4 and 5 when my third was born). Old enough to want be a helper and understand waiting a minute for something, but 4 is still a magical young age (my current youngest is 4).
@wanderlustsoul i had the same experience as you. 0-1 was terrible. it was a bad pregnancy and i was initially told i would lose the baby at 23 weeks, then the baby would come any day at 24 weeks, then would 100% be born by 28 weeks, much bedrest, etc. #2 was so much easier. they were 2 years 2 months apart. my third was super easy, because by that time there was 2y 5m between 2 and 3 and my first was actually helpful! i think the more under 3, the harder it is. the older they are, the more they are on your team, lol. i agree that its loud and messy, but that just is what it is.
@runningyogimama oh i didn't realize that, i'm sorry for my misunderstanding. i'm hoping thats the case for #4, just adds to the already present chaos.
@litzi-2 It’s okay! I think I said in another thread that this was my 5th baby, because it is, so I can see why you would assume I have 4 living children.
my daughter, my first, came out like how most people describe their 2nd - a wild, high energy, no fear for her safety, child. we had her dec 2019, and i initially thought we would do 2 under 2... then the pandemic happened. and fertility issues. but i will say seeing her start to mature and how much more independence she has now, i am looking for ward to this ~3.5 year age gap. i am, with no hesitation, secretly hoping for a much more laid back 2nd child, but will obviously be happy with any healthy baby.
@wanderlustsoul I think you're the first person I've heard say that 1-2 was easier than 0-1, which is reassuring to know it's at least possible! I'm so sorry to hear it was related to having such a difficult time with your first, though. I hope the transition to 3 will be easy for you!
My first will be 4 when baby #2 arrives. I'm super nervous about the transition, not just for him, but also for how I'm able to handle it. I had PPD with my first, and deal with depression/anxiety even when not postpartum, so I'm just hoping it won't be *too* much of a train wreck.
So funny to see all the different experiences of going from 0-1, 1-2, 2-3 etc. Personally for me going from 0-1 was easy until she hit 10 months and started walking, and now its so hard. Im introverted and dont mind just sitting, this child is just like her dad and cant sit still for anything and talks nonstop lol. She was such an easy baby though, sleep trained well, slept through the night at 4 months, took any kind of bottle like a champ, barely cried, was happy all the time. Now facing 2u2, Im terrified the next one will be the exact opposite and I'll lose my sanity.
@litzi-2 my hardest was going from 1-2. Going from 3-4 was easy because #4 just goes with the flow of everything. I totally get that guilt feeling but then I watch them all growing up together bonding and I couldn’t imagine not having any of them there in our family plan.
@wanderlustsoul going from 2-3 was easy for me. I actually was content with my 3 and thought we were done….then had surprise #4 which I wanted but always thought it sounded like a good plan but would never happen…..and then I decided and planned for #5 😅 #3 just went with the flow for us. I feel like after 2, we were just outnumbered and it was chaos and just easier
I went to pick up more progesterone today because I’m almost out. They were surprised. Turns out that instead of giving me 2x a day 100mg pills, they gave me 200mg pills. But still left 2x a day on the instructions. So I’ve been taking 400mg of progesterone a day. 🫠🫠 I didn’t even realize it was 200mg. So I only need to take it 1 time a day lol.
Anyone else thinking of using a doula? I just hired one yesterday and I’m excited about it. I hope it makes a difference for this birth and helps me with my VBAC goal 🤞
Re: Weekly Randoms w/o 1/23
@litzi-2 maybe a good time to ask how going to 2-3 is because I’m so nervous! 0-1 sucked and 1-2 was easy. So I’m really terrified of 2-3.
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
My first will be 4 when baby #2 arrives. I'm super nervous about the transition, not just for him, but also for how I'm able to handle it. I had PPD with my first, and deal with depression/anxiety even when not postpartum, so I'm just hoping it won't be *too* much of a train wreck.
Personally for me going from 0-1 was easy until she hit 10 months and started walking, and now its so hard. Im introverted and dont mind just sitting, this child is just like her dad and cant sit still for anything and talks nonstop lol. She was such an easy baby though, sleep trained well, slept through the night at 4 months, took any kind of bottle like a champ, barely cried, was happy all the time.
Now facing 2u2, Im terrified the next one will be the exact opposite and I'll lose my sanity.
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*