I’ve been getting super sleepy midday, especially after meals. I’ve also noticed that talking continuously leaves me super out of breath! This tends to happen at work when I’m trying to explain something to a client. Feels weird to pause just to take a deep breath lol
Feeling lots of big movements now! Also very sleepy and will take a nap any chance I get lol! NESTING HARD; I have cleaned out every little closet and cupboard in my house, re organized my entire storage system and got everything out and ready for Christmas to decorate AND finished decorating the nursery these past 4 days 😆 also randomly getting hot flashes which is new as this didn’t happen until post partum with my first but I’m not generally a sweaty person and I hate it and end up taking a shower or two daily lol
pictured below is the wall deca that took me TEN HOURS to put up lol but I do think it was worth it!
@r_kenn99 one of the reasons I started transitioning out of my directing job already is how out of breath I would get 😅 it’s gotten pretty ridiculous
@thankfullyamama beautiful!! It’s very calming, too, and fills the space nicely!
I’m getting annoyed with how tired I get. I still have things to do, need that energy from a month ago! I don’t nap very well, but I’ve found once a day I need to just sit and rest my eyes for a bit at least.
I've started getting leg cramps at night and my banana intake is high and I'm hydrated (but also peeing all the time). Plus BH contractions are getting annoying, but I definitely don't enjoy them while I'm running even though I know it's the running encouraging them.
That about sums it up And add me to the list of getting out of breath while simply sitting and talking. The lecture videos I've been recording for my students probably make me sound like I just ran a marathon. And if something falls on the floor, it's dead to me.
Otherwise, doing GRRRRREAT!
@th@thankfullyamama that wall decal looks AMAZING!!! Go you! Also if you have any nesting/organizing vibes to share, I'd be happy to borrow some
@cc_clark thank you! I thought I was calming too! And the sleepy-ness is definitely annoying lol
@willrunforcookies magnesium supplements saved my life for the leg cramps at night!
@L1C4gal id love to share some of this nesting urge hahaha it’s making me exhausted because I get this big burst of energy to do something then I pay for it lol
Adding lightening crotch to my list of fun symptoms! I cannot for the life of me figure out how baby is laying! I was 100% able to tell where my sons like head, butt, back and feet were but I think this little girl keeps going from like breech to sideways to I don’t even know! I often feel jabs in my left hip AND under my right ribs but can’t tell what is feet and what is elbows or hands lol but lately it’s like she is punching my vagina from my inside and it does noooooot feel pleasant lol
@thankfullyamama for some reason I haven't much any lightning crotch with this pregnancy (compared to the others) but I feel your pain!
@willrunforcookies I get BHs from exercise too (and also just from carrying my toddler around).
I *think* baby is head down because I feel little punches way down low and kicks way up high. I am excited to find out at my US next week! I think this might be my wiggliest baby yet.
Another symptom is definitely a drop in appetite. My stomach capacity is much reduced so I feel like I can't eat much at a time at this point. 😩
Starting to tire out super easily again 🤦♀️. Not sure how i’m going to keep up with these 12 hour shifts up until baby’s here! Lots and lots of movement these days! Although i’m not appreciating the jabs at my ribs lol. Anyone else been super itchy on their belly? I use a vitamin e oil and lotion everyday and I can’t seem to get rid of the itchiness!
@2002babymomma I haven’t had too much issue but I use bio oil in combo with a hyaluronic acid infused body butter. I’ve heard just upping the moisture helps so I do it preemptively
@jennifer_louise@willrunforcookies I’m so tired of eating! Normally I’m more of a middle of the day big meal, smaller snacks beginning/end kind of person. But I get so hungry so frequently, can’t eat much at once, and just have to keep eating every couple hours. It’s a chore 😂
My midwife confirmed baby is head down and I’ve been trying to figure out her body’s position since. I feel hiccups on my lower left pelvis and kicks in my right ribs. There’s almost always a blob on the right side of my belly so maybe her bottom?
The nesting urges have only intensified. I’ve recently taken it upon myself to give our main bathroom a facelift too now 💁🏻♀️ We will be gutting it completely once the kids are potty trained so we don’t wanna put too much money into it but the 70’S vibe it has was just driving me nuts lately! First step was a DEEP clean and the 30+ years of dirt in the grout of the tile lifted WAY better than anticipated! Next step is paint and cleaning up the old brass fixtures but hey HGTV says brass is back in style lol 😂
Happy third trimester !! I'm unbelievably uncomfortable all of the time but especially at bedtime as a matter of fact I miss bedtime because it no longer exists I can't get into the right position, im flipping like a pancake all night and I if only get up to pee 3 times that's considered a restful night I'm so ready for this little guy to get here already 🙃 💙
@2002babymomma I've been so, so itchy. I feel your pain. Especially on my belly. I always deal with winter dry skin but usually not until Jan or Feb so this way earlier. I've been using a moisturizing base cream that is very thick but it doesn't seem to be cutting it. So I'm constantly lifting my shirt to give my belly a good scratch which always gives my husband a good laugh.
I've also been out of breath a lot. Baby seems to be sitting really high and not giving me a lot of space to take a deep breath in. Just the smallest thing winds me 😮💨
Anyone else’s baby not yet head down? I am pretty sure my little girl is still transverse at 32 weeks (will confirm Tuesday with midwife) but I’m not going to lie I’m a little anxious even knowing she has a few weeks to turn yet because I really don’t want a c-section after already having a vaginal delivery! And my son was snug head into my pelvis by this point for sure lol really different pregnancies that’s for sure!
@thankfullyamama no idea here, but I think summersaults are still happening here (but I'm a few weeks behind you). If baby is breech would they attempt an inversion before going right to c-section? Or would you try all of the ways that might get baby to flip on her own, a la spinning babies?
@willrunforcookies I’ll def be doing spinning babies I just want the A-OK from my midwife first! If baby doesn’t turn by 36 weeks I’ll probably see if she will be willing to attempt an external rotation (aka try and spin the baby manually from the outside) and if by 37 weeks she hasn’t turned I’ll just cry lmao I have high hopes she will turn yet I think she just needs some help! With my son I had an active floor nursing job and was moving lots where I have an office job now so I think that’s part of the problem I’m sitting too much not giving we her the opportunity to move lo
@thankfullyamama I talked to my doc about this yesterday and they don't worry too much about transverse/breech positions until 36wks. So hopefully your babe has time to turn herself around! To me it seems like transverse is at least closer to the right position than fully breech?? 😅
Anyone else have a burning pain at the top of their ribcage/right under their boobs? It hurts on both the inside and the outside, like a shooting nerve pain but also like a sunburn. I vaguely remember this with my daughter (maybe?) but it was almost 6 years ago so I could be making it up. I often wake up whimpering in pain from it
@L1C4gal I'm sure it's normal as baby is taking up all that space up there, but shooting rib pain is one of the pre-e signs that my doctor lists out. I assume in your case it's not that since it was there with your daughter?
I'm having a resurgence of nausea this week (no vomiting though). Anybody else have that happen? I hope I'm not sick with some kind of bug....
@jennifer_louise my BP was normal at today's appointment so they weren't worried about that (though they did mention it as one of the possible explanations!). Probably just a combination of stuff moving around and skin stretching...le sigh. I hope your nausea eases up soon--that's absolutely no fun!
@L1C4gal I have something similar but it doesn’t hurt, it’s just a weird sensation and I only feel it when I lie down! I hadn’t brought it up to my midwife but I will just in case.
I have. However I have noticed he’s more active at certain parts of the the day than others. I don’t do kids counts because it’s just not me. I’ve actually learned his movement pattern so if he deviate from that then I’ll be alarmed. These little humans have a mind of their own, we just have to follow our gut and their lead.
Yes! I've been dealing with this since week 28 they got a full ultrasound of my abdominal organs and everything looks fine. But it is painful especially when I'm driving 🤷🏼♀️
Re: November Symptoms
pictured below is the wall deca that took me TEN HOURS to put up lol but I do think it was worth it!
@thankfullyamama beautiful!! It’s very calming, too, and fills the space nicely!
I’m getting annoyed with how tired I get. I still have things to do, need that energy from a month ago! I don’t nap very well, but I’ve found once a day I need to just sit and rest my eyes for a bit at least.
I've started getting leg cramps at night and my banana intake is high and I'm hydrated (but also peeing all the time). Plus BH contractions are getting annoying, but I definitely don't enjoy them while I'm running even though I know it's the running encouraging them.
@willrunforcookies magnesium supplements saved my life for the leg cramps at night!
@L1C4gal id love to share some of this nesting urge hahaha it’s making me exhausted because I get this big burst of energy to do something then I pay for it lol
Adding lightening crotch to my list of fun symptoms! I cannot for the life of me figure out how baby is laying! I was 100% able to tell where my sons like head, butt, back and feet were but I think this little girl keeps going from like breech to sideways to I don’t even know! I often feel jabs in my left hip AND under my right ribs but can’t tell what is feet and what is elbows or hands lol but lately it’s like she is punching my vagina from my inside and it does noooooot feel pleasant lol
@willrunforcookies I get BHs from exercise too (and also just from carrying my toddler around).
I *think* baby is head down because I feel little punches way down low and kicks way up high. I am excited to find out at my US next week! I think this might be my wiggliest baby yet.
Another symptom is definitely a drop in appetite. My stomach capacity is much reduced so I feel like I can't eat much at a time at this point. 😩
@jennifer_louise @willrunforcookies I’m so tired of eating! Normally I’m more of a middle of the day big meal, smaller snacks beginning/end kind of person. But I get so hungry so frequently, can’t eat much at once, and just have to keep eating every couple hours. It’s a chore 😂
@thankfullyamama that wall looks amazing!! 👏🏼👏🏼
@r_kenn99 awe baby seems to be in good position woo!
I've also been out of breath a lot. Baby seems to be sitting really high and not giving me a lot of space to take a deep breath in. Just the smallest thing winds me 😮💨
I'm having a resurgence of nausea this week (no vomiting though). Anybody else have that happen? I hope I'm not sick with some kind of bug....
I have. However I have noticed he’s more active at certain parts of the the day than others. I don’t do kids counts because it’s just not me. I’ve actually learned his movement pattern so if he deviate from that then I’ll be alarmed. These little humans have a mind of their own, we just have to follow our gut and their lead.