June 2023 Moms

9 weeks pregnant spotting

Hi everyone! I am 9 weeks pregnant today, last night when I wiped after having a wee there was a little bit of spotting on the tissue ( I’d say it’s more like brown discolouration rather that blood at the moment ) then I had nothing for the rest of the night, but when I wiped this morning it was the same. I have an early scan on Tuesday but that feels forever! May I add I also have no pregnancy symptoms whatsoever!

Re: 9 weeks pregnant spotting

  • Hey this is a great topic for our spotting and threatened miscarriage thread. We try to keep the board clear of posts that only relate to the op as it's really not inclusive and clutters our board up. Please feel free to refresh yourself on the topic guidelines on the board organization thread and check for another thread that might be a better fit before starting your own. 
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