I'll go first, nausea has ramped up and I survived this past weekend by the grace of ginger ale alone. Accidentally forgot to take my prenatal last night so I took it this morning instead to "catch up" - huge mistake lol. My sweet DH, remembering that I had bought this same prenatal last pregnancy, picked it up for me last week. He did forget, however, that I hated it haha. It's a citrus-flavored gummy that's more lemony than the orange and raspberry it shows on the front, and I absolutely despise lemon. Nearly vomited all over the kitchen chewing it this morning. Looking forward to finishing the bottle and picking a new one. Anyone have a prenatal they love?? I'm partial to gummys but not required.
I'm playing a game today called why do I suddenly have fatigue so severely, is it A) normal pregnancy fatigue finally kicking in is it from my stupid synthroid I got back on C) is it just a Monday. Who knows. I'm also freezing cold constantly, which worries me that my thyroid is going hypo on me but nobody can figure out what my thyroids issue is so I'm stuck in limbo afraid to get back off the meds for a second time but also hating how I feel while on them. My endocrinologist thinks I should discontinue them but she also thinks having TSH lower than 2.5 would be good for my anxiety. I hate the entire situation. Ugh.
@thescarletmom aw it's the worst when your prenatal is making you more sick. When I was TTC and postpartum this last time, I discovered Mary Ruth's liquid prenatal and I've taken that through my TTC journey and now into pregnancy. It's not for everyone though because it's a liquid but I really like it. I got disillusioned over the years with most vitamins, I hear ritual is also really good 👍🏻
@kalesix3 so sorry to hear about the thyroid issues, hoping you can get some clarity on the situation soon @thescarletmom ugh, the nausea and prenatal battle is awful. I loved Actif prenatals with my last pregnancy.
Well, over the weekend I was having horrible GI issues and gas pain...like I've never experienced before. I convinced myself that I was having an ectopic pregnancy (thanks, Google). But finally today the cramping/bloating subsided and I'm feeling a bit more like myself...oh pregnancy anxiety, probably my least favorite symptom.
I'm starting to feel a little weirded out because I'm 5w3days and don't feel anything yet! Yesterday I felt really tired but I also had a very busy weekend so could have just been needing to catch up on sleep... Starting to get weirded out/worried that there are no symptoms...
But lines continue to be getting darker on amazon cheapie pregnancy strips so I guess that's a good sign?
I guess I have to pee a lot? But also trying to drink a lot of water.
@kalesix3 sorry to hear about thyroid stuff! Really hope that gets resolved soon must cause a lot of annoyance
@sunny_native14 UGH GI issues and gas pain are just normal for me sadly so that feels just regular... have you been able to find anything that helps? Sometimes I feel like eating an entire head of broccoli to get more fiber LOL
6w5d today! Definitely tired and having GI has and cramps. Weird appetite and a little nauseous. Just trying to take deep breaths and not stress until next Thursday when I have my first ultrasound!
I have been hit by fatigue so hard, I even opted for a nap during my lunch break but feel like I’ve been hit by a bus since. I could sleep all day, nausea is off and on, and I’m freezing all day but burning up in the night. Not sure if this is all normal or not but trying to just not stress and take it easy until the 24th when we get to see our little baby.
@sunny_native14 I'm so glad it wasn't an ectopic, Google is so cruel early in pregnancy 😩 the anxiety really does such a number on you.
@kalaibii if it makes you feel any better my mom had 10 children and not a lick of morning sickness for any of them, I know a few other people like that too, they just don't have symptoms or mild ones if they do. I know the anxiety though. My morning sickness hasn't been as severe the last two pregnancies and I get so anxious over it. There is truly so much to worry about in early pregnancy. I hope some symptoms start for you to offer some reassurance 🤞🏻
I hope my thyroid can get sorted too, I already have such low odds of having a healthy living baby, adding one more thing just makes it so much harder.
@Bitsy430 I hope the ultrasound goes so smoothly and helps with the anxiety, the wait for your first scan is so hard!
I’ll be 5 weeks tomorrow. I hardly had any symptoms until today. Today I am battling mild nausea between meals, lightheaded when I stand up too quickly, shaking feeling when I wait more than 2 hours between snacks… all I want to do is nap… this is annoying!
Knottie there must be something in the water. I was just thinking yesterday how mild I was feeling and wondered if this was the pregnancy I have the least amount of nausea with and then today knocked me flat on my butt. I can almost always find something (anything) to ease the nausea but none of my tricks or tips have been working. I even resorted to preggie pops and nothing. Not frozen fruit, plain salty pretzels, noodles, crackers, ginger, peppermint, popsicle etc. 😵💫
I’m 5w1d. I’ve been a bit of a rollercoaster… either feeling great, or getting hit with waves of nausea/fatigue. I woke up with breasts for the first time in my life (ha!) which has been a perk. Also no appetite at all… which is weird as food is my love language. Oh, and lots of crying at dog videos that I would normally smile or ignore. I’m still trying to figure out if this is all real or in my head!
@kalaibii@kalesix3 my mom had 7 kids (including one set of twins) and told me when I was pregnant and complaining with my first that she had no idea what I was talking about, pregnancy was so great and easy for her 😵💫 maybe you're one of the lucky ones! But I totally get it, I would be anxious too.
@kalesix3 there IS something in the water, my sickness dialed up to a freaking 10 since Sunday night! Nothing, including my meds, has touched my nausea so my midwife had to call in a new rx for me to try. The pharmacy had to order it so it won't be in my hands til tomorrow and I am not thrilled. Fingers crossed we both find relief soon!
@babyaontheway06 YES! Last week, I was literally the most bloated I've ever been in my life,with extreme gas pain. I almost went into the ER I started stressing so badly. Thankfully, with increased water intake + magnesium, I'm feeling much better. Hoping you find some relief soon 💕
I may have to try that! How much magnesium do you take and is it just a pill? I am trying to drink more water to, with the nausea it’s hard but this booting is out of this world, I can barely get my pants buttoned. Thanks for reassurance, it’s nice having a group of individuals going through the same things!
@thescarletmom omg my mom had a set of twins too and just loved bragging about how great she felt lol. That's funny they basically had the same experience, I'd say lucky them but honestly I love the feeling of being sick, like it's a struggle and I might even gripe about it a few times but especially in the early weeks when it's this waiting and hoping game having some gauge of symptoms is helpful. There definitely was something in the water though, today is the same as yesterday, my sickness just increased a thousand percent 😵💫 I really hope your new prescription got in ASAP today and that it helps you a ton. I always forget about ginger ale, I'll see if I can get some for the plane trip tomorrow. I'm so nervous to fly when I'm so nauseous because planes make me sick on my best non pregnant day lol.
@babyaontheway06 I was especially weeks 4/5, I thought I still was but today at an appointment I learned my uterus is already above my pubic bone, third time pregnancy problems lol. So I feel a bit better about the tiny bump I've been sporting because it's not entirely bloat.
@babyaontheway06 I'm crazy bloated lol I almost look like 12 weeks pregnant at 5! @kalesix3 hope I find out the same thing as you because that would make me feel better!
@kalesix3 Oh no, not a flight! Fingers crossed its not miserable for you! Ginger ale through a straw has been one of the best things for me these last two pregnancies.
My symptoms (specifically nausea) straight up like disappeared yesterday evening through today and I'm pretty nervous about it. I'm barely even nauseated today, with a few waves of stronger nausea here and there. I'm not having any spotting or bleeding though so trying to think positive.
@thescarletmom oh that's so hard when symptoms lapse like that 😔 it's super reassuring that you don't have any cramping or spotting though, FX nausea doesn't come back too bad but enough to reassure you. Yeah definitely ask at your appointment where your uterus is to see! I could feel mine and I went oh I'm crazy there's no way but I was right lol, confirmed by the midwife.
I'm at 5w 5d and just started with some mild boob pain and nausea, and I've been feeling some tiredness for the past few days. This is my second pregnancy and so far symptoms are milder than the first. Fingers crossed it stays that way 😅
@kalaibii if it makes you feel any better my mom had 10 children and not a lick of morning sickness for any of them, I know a few other people like that too, they just don't have symptoms or mild ones if they do. I know the anxiety though. My morning sickness hasn't been as severe the last two pregnancies and I get so anxious over it. There is truly so much to worry about in early pregnancy. I hope some symptoms start for you to offer some reassurance 🤞🏻
Wow super lucky to your mom! Definitely helped me cheer up although now I definitely am feeling a little fatigue so starting to know what folks are talking about!
This is the supplement I take. And I just take 1 in the evening - with magnesium it's always best to start slow because it can cause diarrhea if you're not used to it (or you over do it).
Just peed my pants in the school pick up line!! I leaned back to help my daughter buckle and just felt this warm release. I cannot believe that just happened!!
Second pregnancy here, 5 weeks and 2 days. Currently basically symptom free and like so many others, it causes me anxiety. I had thyroid cancer with my first born and it went undiagnosed until after I gave birth. It caused major complications. I just had my blood work done to check it since finding out I'm pregnant and it's on the low side but not alarmingly low. I was terribly sick with my first and have not even the slightest bit of nausea this time. So its all strange to me this time. I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 24th and will be more at ease after that. I have light cramping here and there, but no spotting. My breasts are a little sore too.
Hi! first sign of pregnancy that I had was sore boobs, i am also noticing that it has gotten fuller. oh! and I sleep a lot, feeling tired after an activity. sometimes i feel nauseous too, but thank God I can still eat normally.
Sorry I’ve been MIA lately. I have been SO SICK the past week and a half. Like a cold, but last night I kept throwing up. Now sure if it was a stomach bug thrown in there or from being Prego. Finally feel a little more myself after sleeping all day. So symptom wise, I have no idea. Just trying to function haha.
TTC History:
Started dating DH 2006 . Married 2015
TTC July 2015-November 2015
BFP November 2015 Baby boy born August 2016
Oops BFP February 2021 MMC March 2021
Back on BC for a year to decide what we want to do.
Just hit week 5, and I have bad heart burn this morning, Sore boobs, and some nausea. Nothing too crazy yet, but I’m def exhausted all the time. Trying to drink more water, but it’s difficult for me. Thankful that there isn’t as much caffeine in diet soda as their is in a coffee. I don’t drink coffee at all, but I def do drink soda. Does anyone have problems with water giving them acid reflux? Maybe our tap is just super acidic
I'm playing a game today called why do I suddenly have fatigue so severely, is it A) normal pregnancy fatigue finally kicking in is it from my stupid synthroid I got back on C) is it just a Monday. Who knows. I'm also freezing cold constantly, which worries me that my thyroid is going hypo on me but nobody can figure out what my thyroids issue is so I'm stuck in limbo afraid to get back off the meds for a second time but also hating how I feel while on them. My endocrinologist thinks I should discontinue them but she also thinks having TSH lower than 2.5 would be good for my anxiety. I hate the entire situation. Ugh.
@thescarletmom aw it's the worst when your prenatal is making you more sick. When I was TTC and postpartum this last time, I discovered Mary Ruth's liquid prenatal and I've taken that through my TTC journey and now into pregnancy. It's not for everyone though because it's a liquid but I really like it. I got disillusioned over the years with most vitamins, I hear ritual is also really good 👍🏻
I don’t know you to only select part of what you said, but I am loving Mary Ruth’s liquid prenatal! I really respect that brand and feel like their quality is just better than any other supplements or vitamins, it’s like a whole new level! And I put it in a big bottle every morning with a big splash of juice and fill it up with water.
I have REALLY struggled with drinking plain water in my past pregnancies and had found that adding some flavor really helps me not feel sick. Weird. But dehydration is just a downward spiral of feeling sicker and less and less able to eat or drink...made everything so bad.
Ok I need any tips on this extreme bloat. I am just shy of 6 weeks and no joke I look 5 months pregnant with this bloat. I take magnesium and drink a lot of water. I feel like nothing I do is working to get this bloat down. I can’t fit in my clothes 😭.
@thescarletmom yes I’m sooo uncomfortable. I didn’t think I would already have to buy new clothes. I’ve always had issues with my gut so I’m not surprised but I just wish there is something I can do about it. I’m 5’1 so being this bloated makes me look super pregnant. I got my first ultrasound the other day and we couldn’t see much because I was filled with so much gas 😭. I’m still hiding my pregnancy so it’s gotta go lol. I’m gonna try some light exercise today to see if that helps.
@Milliedm I’ve always, pregnant or not, gotten extreme bloating with gluten or just eating a lot of starchy things like breads, beans, rice, etc. I don’t know. For me drinking some coffee speeds up the process down there, and then just a lot of water, which you’re doing. Idk, everyone’s body is different!
@Milliedm lol also 5'1, maybe 5'2 and very petite. The bloat is serious! We ran in to my in laws at a pumpkin patch over the weekend (FIL remarried and had a baby when DH was a teen) and we haven't told them yet and I was whisper screaming to my husband that they were going to be able to tell just because I'm so bloated. 😅
Re: Weekly Symptoms 10/10
A) normal pregnancy fatigue finally kicking in
C) is it just a Monday.
Who knows.
I'm also freezing cold constantly, which worries me that my thyroid is going hypo on me but nobody can figure out what my thyroids issue is so I'm stuck in limbo afraid to get back off the meds for a second time but also hating how I feel while on them. My endocrinologist thinks I should discontinue them but she also thinks having TSH lower than 2.5 would be good for my anxiety. I hate the entire situation. Ugh.
@thescarletmom aw it's the worst when your prenatal is making you more sick.
When I was TTC and postpartum this last time, I discovered Mary Ruth's liquid prenatal and I've taken that through my TTC journey and now into pregnancy. It's not for everyone though because it's a liquid but I really like it.
I got disillusioned over the years with most vitamins, I hear ritual is also really good 👍🏻
@thescarletmom ugh, the nausea and prenatal battle is awful. I loved Actif prenatals with my last pregnancy.
Well, over the weekend I was having horrible GI issues and gas pain...like I've never experienced before. I convinced myself that I was having an ectopic pregnancy (thanks, Google). But finally today the cramping/bloating subsided and I'm feeling a bit more like myself...oh pregnancy anxiety, probably my least favorite symptom.
But lines continue to be getting darker on amazon cheapie pregnancy strips so I guess that's a good sign?
I guess I have to pee a lot? But also trying to drink a lot of water.
@kalesix3 sorry to hear about thyroid stuff! Really hope that gets resolved soon must cause a lot of annoyance
@sunny_native14 UGH GI issues and gas pain are just normal for me sadly so that feels just regular... have you been able to find anything that helps? Sometimes I feel like eating an entire head of broccoli to get more fiber LOL
@kalaibii if it makes you feel any better my mom had 10 children and not a lick of morning sickness for any of them, I know a few other people like that too, they just don't have symptoms or mild ones if they do. I know the anxiety though. My morning sickness hasn't been as severe the last two pregnancies and I get so anxious over it. There is truly so much to worry about in early pregnancy. I hope some symptoms start for you to offer some reassurance 🤞🏻
I hope my thyroid can get sorted too, I already have such low odds of having a healthy living baby, adding one more thing just makes it so much harder.
@Bitsy430 I hope the ultrasound goes so smoothly and helps with the anxiety, the wait for your first scan is so hard!
@kalesix3 there IS something in the water, my sickness dialed up to a freaking 10 since Sunday night! Nothing, including my meds, has touched my nausea so my midwife had to call in a new rx for me to try. The pharmacy had to order it so it won't be in my hands til tomorrow and I am not thrilled. Fingers crossed we both find relief soon!
@babyaontheway06 I was especially weeks 4/5, I thought I still was but today at an appointment I learned my uterus is already above my pubic bone, third time pregnancy problems lol. So I feel a bit better about the tiny bump I've been sporting because it's not entirely bloat.
@kalesix3 Oh no, not a flight! Fingers crossed its not miserable for you! Ginger ale through a straw has been one of the best things for me these last two pregnancies.
My symptoms (specifically nausea) straight up like disappeared yesterday evening through today and I'm pretty nervous about it. I'm barely even nauseated today, with a few waves of stronger nausea here and there. I'm not having any spotting or bleeding though so trying to think positive.
This is the supplement I take. And I just take 1 in the evening - with magnesium it's always best to start slow because it can cause diarrhea if you're not used to it (or you over do it).
Hi to all mamas!
TTC July 2015-November 2015
Baby boy born August 2016
Oops BFP February 2021
MMC March 2021
Back on BC for a year to decide what we want to do.
TTC Since March 2022
MMC June 2022
BFP September 2022 - Due June 2023!