June 2023 Moms

Introduce Yourself Here! Welcome to June 2023!

Introduce yourself:

Due date?

How did you find out?

Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):

How are you feeling (Any symptoms, emotionally)?
TTC History:
Started dating DH 2006 . Married 2015

TTC July 2015-November 2015
BFP November 2015
Baby boy born August 2016

Oops BFP February 2021
MMC March 2021

Back on BC for a year to decide what we want to do.

TTC Since March 2022
MMC June 2022

BFP September 2022 - Due June 2023!


Re: Introduce Yourself Here! Welcome to June 2023!

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  • Welcome @jessicacupp ! I'm excited to see a due date buddy! 
    I know what you mean! My son has been watching Luca lately and I'm sobbing over every other scene haha! 
  • Knottie mine turn positive and dark really fast, it could definitely be twins or early implantation and higher baseline hcg. I implant early and get really early positive tests, my mother and both my great grandmothers had twins but none for me -yet! 
  • Hello all and congratulations! My name is Loralei and this is my 3rd pregnancy.

    Due date?
    June 7th

    How did you find out?
    I tested at 9dpo and got a clear positive on frer. My husband and I had just started trying this past month, and I was shocked to see that positive test! With my daughter it took 4 months which I know is still very fast, but I wasn’t expecting it to happen right away.

    Tell us about yourself:
    I am 26 with two kids, an 8 year old boy and an almost 6 year old girl. My husband and I have been married for 1 year, but together for 10 (we are high school sweethearts). We also have a basset hound named Clark. I’ll be graduating from college next spring semester, and I am very excited to do so while massively pregnant! I love reading, video games, and camping/hiking. 

    How are you feeling?
    Excited! Also anxious, nauseous, and I can’t sleep, but still very excited :) 
  • insomniabb96insomniabb96 member
    edited September 2022
    I was confused about replying and didn’t meant to post a comment here. Lol
  • Introduce yourself:
    Hello! My name is Megan and I just found out I was pregnant on my birthday as well!

    Due date? June 4th!

    How did you find out? We’ve been trying and I started testing early and slowly saw the line getting stronger.

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    We have 3 other kids but only one is my biological, both work with the public and love to be outside and enjoying family and friends company.

    How are you feeling (Any symptoms, emotionally)? I have sore boobs but the major symptom is anxiety, I am struggling hard with this one. I’ve had some friends experience some pretty rough miscarriages lately and struggling with it and being pregnant..
  • Babyaontheway06- happy birthday!! When’s your bday!?
  • Thank you! And September 26th
  • When’s your birthday?? Happy birthday to you too!!
  • edited September 2022
    @babyaontheway06 Mine is 9/25! I found out the day before because I was feeling off and wanted to test before going out for birthday cocktails the 24th. I’m also due 6/4!
  • @babyaontheway06 yay another due date twin! What a wonderful birthday present to get! 
    My birthday is May 31st so there's a good chance I could have a birthday buddy and I just keep thinking about how nice that would be! 

    @insomniabb96 I get the adrenaline rush from being so excited and nervous about new pregnancy and can't sleep well for a few weeks. It's nice to have so much energy for now though, once the fatigue hits I will be rethinking it lol 

    @frappuccino a double transfer is so exciting, but I'm sorry your betas have been giving you a little bit of concern lately, I hope the newest bloodwork shows the number where your Dr wants it, I have all my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻
  • When are you all planning on telling people? I really want to wear a “clearly for pregnant people” Halloween costume!! Haha
  • Knottie I waited 6 days to spill the beans to my partner because I was waiting for my betas and progesterone to come back. Infertility and losses does a number on the anxiety front. I told my best friend and casually mentioned it to another friend griping about the OB practice I'm trying to transfer to. I haven't told anyone else and I won't tell the in laws or social media until probably December at the earliest. We're traveling across the country for a visit and staying at the in-laws next month when I'll be 7-8 weeks and I'm already dreading how sick I'll be and having to hide all my supplements and symptoms. I just don't think I'll feel comfortable at all telling them so soon. We made the mistake of telling them at 10 weeks with our first and it was miserable spending the entire pregnancy listening to MILs stupid rude remarks about me, my size, how stupid I was for wanting to see a midwife and her constantly harping on everything. 
    We told them at 25 weeks last pregnancy and by then we lived across the country and I muted her on text and messenger and protected my sanity. She would be dialed up to a freaking 100 with stupid remarks if we told her at 7 weeks and had to spend a week+ in her house with her bossing me around and nagging me. 🙅🏻‍♀️
    I do absolutely love the idea of a Halloween costume though, show us if you do it!! 
  • **TW - Losses**

    @knottie1121add4ff5c13ee That is such a personal decision and no matter what you choose it's not wrong.   I don't plan on telling anyone until Christmas. We have had a few losses in the past and I just don't want people to feel sorry for me if something happens again.  I told my husband, obviously.  My best friend knew immediately the last two times but I am not even telling her for for a bit this time.  Maybe if I make it past the 6/7 week mark (where my losses usually occurred) I will. 
    TTC History:
    Started dating DH 2006 . Married 2015

    TTC July 2015-November 2015
    BFP November 2015
    Baby boy born August 2016

    Oops BFP February 2021
    MMC March 2021

    Back on BC for a year to decide what we want to do.

    TTC Since March 2022
    MMC June 2022

    BFP September 2022 - Due June 2023!

  • Hi all!! Cannot believe I'm here!

    Due date?
    June 6

    How did you find out?
    Hubby and I have been trying for a couple months without luck. Randomly took a test Monday morning because my breasts hurt and got a positive :)

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    2 bio kids ages 16 and 12, 2 bonus kiddos she's 21 and 14. My hubby and I both work for his mother's company, him in an executive position and me in customer service/marketing/whatever they need lol. This is our first together and yes we might be crazy with our ages (he's 43 and I'm almost 37) but we are SO excited. We also have 2 dogs, a cat, some praying mantises and some fish. We are pretty active so I am looking forward to slowing down a bit while I grow this baby.

    How are you feeling (Any symptoms, emotionally)?
    Tender breasts, a little nauseous, a little emotional but nothing major.
  • @junebug_inbound that is awesome, birthday buddies and due date buddies! I’m still in disbelief as well, also very nervous but trying to take it day by day!
  • Introduce yourself:
    I am 26 pregnant with my first baby!

    Due date?
    Estimated due day is 6/1/23 my first appointment isn’t until the 27th of October.

    How did you find out?
    We had been trying and I started testing. First faint positive was 12dpo and lines got darker and missed my period.

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    I am married we just celebrated 1 year of marriage in August but have been together 7 years. We have 1 cat and 1 dog. We just bought our first house in April. We enjoy hunting and fishing. I love being outside! My husband is a carpenter and I am in intellectual disability specialist!

    How are you feeling (Any symptoms, emotionally)?
    I have been having a lot of nausea, sore boobs, and very tired! The shock and is this real life feeling have wore off now I’m feeling anxious waiting for my first appointment. But excited to start telling family as we progress!
  • Due date: June 4th

    How did you find out? My husband and I have been trying for 11 months with (**TW**) one loss in June.  August was our first month being able to try since our loss. I thought there was no way it would work our first go around. When I saw the test, I was hyperventilating, sweating, crying, laughing - completely hysterical. :D I could not believe it! I’m with the rest of you who are so anxious about your pregnancies because of a
    previous loss. I got my hcg tested at 4.5 weeks and it was 900 which is reassuring. I go in again tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a nice jump! 

    Tell us about yourself: I am a stay at home mom with my son who will be 2 in November. My husband and I have been married 8 years. :)

    How are you feeling (Any symptoms, emotionally)? I’m not feeling many symptoms yet which is also adding to my
    anxiety. I remember experiencing symptoms with my son immediately so I’m not used to having to wait for symptoms to hit. 
  • @kalesix3 we sound very similar. :) I am also a stay at home mom with a son who will be 2 soon - November! My husband and I have been married for 8 years and my due date is also June 4th! How did your second beta go? I go in for my second tomorrow. 
  • @mdrl_1 how cool is that? We have so much in common! 
    I hope your beta tomorrow goes super well and it's a great number! 
    My last beta was good! It was 108 on 11dpo and 582 on 15 dpo and my doubling time was 39 hours. The Dr wanted to see it at 300 by 15dpo or doubling by 72 hours so I was really happy it was so high and I had no anxiety 🙌🏻 
    I hope you get some symptoms soon to put your mind at ease 🙌🏻 the anxiety is unreal. 
  • @kalesix3 those are amazing results! I just got my results back and went from 937 to 2116 from 18-20 DPO. They were happy with it and I’m relieved! Hopefully I stay on track this time :)
  • @mdrl_1 oh thank you, I think my betas were really early compared to some other people and I got really disappointed and sad that my number was only 582 and not in the thousands till I started paying better attention to how many dpo the higher betas were taken on. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I think my numbers were okay since I was so early. 
    Your numbers are absolutely beautiful, it must be such a relief to have them so high and healthy, I am keeping all my fingers crossed that you'll get your thb 🤞🏻🤞🏻
  • @kalesix3 I know that feeling, I got early betas with my last pregnancy too. Your numbers are awesome for being so early! I’ll be anxious until my first appt but the blood draws give me a bit of peace of mind for now! Fingers crossed for healthy babies for both of us! :)
  • @mdrl_1 yess the blood draws give so much peace of mind! It's my first pregnancy getting them and I'm glad I did!! Come on first appointment! 🙌🏻 I'm counting down the next 11 days till mine! 
  • Hi! I'm about to turn 35, and this will be my third biological child- I have a 3.5 yo and 18 mo daughters (one stepson, 22). I'm a social worker and currently work in the behavioral health field, mostly with kiddos with autism and other developmental disabilities. 

    Due date: June 8th

    This pregnancy is very different in that it was a complete surprise. My partner and I had actually made the decision to separate about 5 months ago but have continued to live together while I work towards buying my own home. It has been really amicable... and one afternoon of 'hanging out' coupled with a slight miscalculation of my cycle/fertile window.... here we are. I'm still a bit in shock and honestly just really overwhelmed. I'm focused on staying positive and grounded and just taking it day by day.
     I'll be honest - my life for the last 4 years has been completely child-focused and I've yet to rediscover myself as an individual in this new season of life. I'm currently doing a lot of self- reflection/therapeutic work. I love reading, art, cooking and super cheesy reality tv. 

    I look forward to getting to know everyone 
  • heyy my names Ashley I’m a teen mom at 16 my due date is on my birthday 🥲June 12th 🥰can’t wait to meet my lil one I found out by getting a pregnancy test when I was scared to take it I did it because I always wanted a kid even now more then ever I take care of my sister who’s autistic she’s 9 I’m basically her mom I work as a Uber delivery I have 9 pets always has lots of pets my whole life exotic /farm/pets I like playing soccer and always being and helping others and making them smile my partner is 23 he’s a stay at home father I also have my own business my stomach’s been hurting uh I been fatigue been more moody and sleeping more less hangry then normally but also way more hangry
  • **TW: pregnancy loss**

    Introduce yourself: Hi, everyone! First and foremost—I am feeling a SLEW of emotions, like most of us here. I am so happy to meet everyone! My name is Elle—and I am so happy to be here!

    Due date? June 8th (according to Flo)

    How did you find out? My husband and I recently lost our daughter in June of this year. We haven’t been trying to conceive, but we also haven’t been trying to NOT conceive either. LOL. My son woke up this past Thursday and said that he had a dream that he wished for a baby brother OR sister (he recently came to terms about the loss of his sibling over the summer), and the hairs raised up on the back of my neck—something told me to run to the closest pharmacy and grab as many tests as I could. :) After taking 10 pregnancy tests in disbelief, we confirmed that we are pregnant—hoping it sticks and hoping for a healthy full-term pregnancy. ❤️

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    I will be turning 34 in a few short months and I currently work in the rare disease field as a patient advocate and fundraiser for patient programs. ❤️ Newly married, but my husband and I have been together for a total of 12 years—we have a son who was born early at 30 weeks and is now a THRIVING and adventurous 5-year-old. We live in the DC-metro region with our three rescue dogs. Outside of spending time with my family, I enjoy competing in pageantry and mentoring youth in my community.

    How are you feeling (Any symptoms, emotionally)? Still in a feeling of disbelief due to our recent pregnancy loss. I’m all honesty, we are excited but are being hyper-vigilant as we want to do things 100% “right” (which there is never a right or wrong way to do things) to have the best outcome for this pregnancy. The only symptoms I have currently are insatiable thirst (same with my son) and frequent headache.

    I can’t wait to meet everyone and go through this experience with you all!

  • @kalesix3 mine is in 10! I can’t wait!! I’ll be so nervous from now until then. 
  • @mdrl_1 I know, I'm feeling all the nerves too! It's so cool how we both have the same appointment date though! Do you know if you're getting an ultrasound? 
    We are flying out of town the day after my appointment so I'm trying to stay busy with that to distract myself 😆
  • @birthingabustillo I'm so sorry about your loss, it can be really heavy unpacking that trauma while you're pregnant again, I hope this pregnancy is so smooth and healing for you ❤️‍🩹
  • @kalesix3 yes I am! I used fertility meds to get pregnant and also have had a previous miscarriage so for those reasons they want to do an ultrasound early. Are you getting one? 
  • edited October 2022
    @kalesix3 Thank you, so much—you are so kind! We are excited, but nervous. It kind of feels guilty to be going through this again so soon.

    We have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow as I have been experiencing some severe cramping. It’s crazy early, so we are not sure what to expect (4w5d tomorrow), but fingers crossed for good news (or as much as they can give us LOL)!
  • @mdrl_1 Yes I am! Not from my RE though, they had an issue where they agreed to do one at 6w4d instead of their usual 7 weeks but then the scheduler called and told me they didn't have any PAs or nurses working that week so I got an outside order for the ultrasound just so I can get it before I travel out of state, and then when I'm home again at 8 weeks my RE will do another ultrasound. So if we can't see the heartbeat at my first one we should be able to at the second one. 
    It's so weird how some practices don't do early ultrasounds at all and then some are like, this is your 5th pregnancy with one living baby so you should get several early ultrasounds. It feels really nice to know you're being monitored and cared about. 

    @birthingabustillo I know what you mean, I hope so much that the cramping is just implantation and the ultrasound is reassuring, I don't know anything about ultrasounds that early but I hope it's possible for them to see something 🤞🏻 let us know how it goes and I'm sending good thoughts your way! 
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