3rd Trimester

Bells Palsy

Hi! Has anyone gotten Bells Palsy recently? I woke up with my left side of my face paralyzed 3 weeks ago and slowly regaining movement. Still can’t blink.

Didn’t realize you are super high risk to getting it in your third trimester. My doctor put me on antibiotics and steroids

Re: Bells Palsy

  • almahaneyalmahaney Just Joined
    Hi. I was diagnosed with bells palsey from a tick borne disease back in 2013. It took 6ish months to heal and I have damage to the nerve in my eye. The 2/3 trimester, there have been moments where my “BP eye” lags behind. It’s hard to describe, but when I blink and go to open my eye, it takes a second or two longer to completely open. As if there’s partial paralysis still. I haven’t had full blown palsey during my pregnancy, but it has certainly caused weird symptoms. I know what you’re going through though! It’ll get better, don’t take yourself seriously and allow yourself to laugh about it! It’ll go away eventually!
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