Trying to Get Pregnant

How to chart my opk test?

Low means no line, high means pink line, peak means hot pink line. What if it's a vvfl? Like barely there but still there? How do I mark this on my app? Low or high?

Re: How to chart my opk test?

  • Low means no line, high means pink line, peak means hot pink line. What if it's a vvfl? Like barely there but still there? How do I mark this on my app? Low or high?
    Trying to figure out my body after miscarriage; please help! — The Bump

    This is a perfect question for the thread:  Questions/Chart Stalk August 2022 — The Bump
    AFTER you read the pinned threads at the top of the board and then introduce yourself here:  Newbie 07/28 — The Bump

    As explained before... we do NOT do SS one-off posts on this board.  

    Sheldon Cooper Rules GIF by CBS
    *TW All the Loss* #BitterHagPartyOf1

    October 2015 - 1st MC.  7-8 weeks along. Suspected molar PG, but luckily just a MMC.

    June 2016 - 2nd MC: 4-5 weeks CP

    September 2016 - 3rd MC: 4-5 weeks CP

    RE 1: ALL the testing - 'unexplained'  "Yinz can do IVF or try on your own"

    Feb 2017 - 4th MC: 6 weeks

    RE 2: More tests. Still 'unexplained.'  Called fat for an entire hour-long appointment, cried a lot

    Feb 2019 - 5th MC: 6-7 weeks

    IUD - March 2019-March 2023

    RE 3:  Repeat all the tests. Hoping to try IVF.

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