Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Best games/books/activities for babies under 3 months?

Hi! What are y’all’s favorite activities with your babies? My son is starting to be super active during the day and it’s so much fun! I’m looking for other fun things to do with him. Some of his favorite games are songs like Itsy Bitsy Spider or others where I move his hands with the song or playing peek a boo with a blanket. He loves going outside but right now it’s really hot so we can only go out in the mornings. He loves to read books, especially at night when he’s getting sleepy. We also do tummy time and exercises to help with gas. 

So what do y’all like to do with your little ones?

Re: Best games/books/activities for babies under 3 months?

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    Hi Taylor,
    I’ve recently started to take my 2 month old daughter to Mother Goose story time at the library now that she has her shots. I’ve also signed up for a local mommy group, which meets socially distanced at the parks on the cooler days, which is both enjoyable for you and baby. Typically, my day sounds similar to yours with reading, tummy time and music. I do however try to see both my mom and I -laws to during the week to get out of the house. Let me know if you ah e any ideas on how to keep out little ones engaged. Thanks
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    @knottiec659d2534d9fc6bd I totally forgot to mention story time! My library has baby story time on Mondays for kids under one. I LOVE it. We haven’t been in almost a month (my car has been in the shop and my husband works at the office on Mondays), but we plan to get back to it next week (🤞🏻 Fingers crossed the car is ready). Last time we were there was before my son started consistently smiling on purpose, so next week should be even more fun. 
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