How are you feeling?: Great! Just anxiously awaiting on those first flutters.
Questions: Anyone feeling flutters yet? I was 19w w/ an anterior placenta with my first, and 15w with a posterior placenta with my second. I think I have an anterior placenta again.
GTKY: We technically met in 6th grade, but we didn’t get to know each other until HS bc I was a baseball manager and he was on the team. We had a “thing” end of senior year. Then he went off to the Navy and I went to college. We stayed in touch over the years. Then summer before I started my last semester, he returned from his first deployment. We hung out and decided to try long-distance. I moved to VA after I graduated to be with him…and now here we are 12 years later 🥰
Team blue/pink/green: should know within the next week!
Upcoming Appointments: NIPT/NT scan on Weds
How are you feeling?: Less nauseous, fewer food aversions
Rants/Raves: Happy that this is a short work week for me, thanks to vacation!
Questions: For STM+, what purchases will you be making for this kiddo? Other than a room set up, double stroller, and diapers, I'm trying to figure out what else we may need.
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF? In college, which actually applies to both of them!
EDD / Weeks + Days: 14+1 (induction tentatively still 1/1)
Baby is the size of a(n): peach
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming Appointments: tomorrow! US and doctors appointment, and for the first time in all my pregnancies I have lots of questions for them
How are you feeling?: still hot garbage and annoyed at that—hoping for some second trimester energy soon
Rants/Raves: nope
Questions: @willrunforcookies third time over here and we aren’t (as far as I know) buying anything this time around, woot woot!
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF?
My husband and I have know each other since high school, where we LOATHED each other. Lived across from each other in college—still didn’t like each other although we ran in the same friend groups. Peripherally knew of each other for years but I thought he was a ‘bro’ army guy in his lifted pick up truck and obnoxious. Fast forward a few years and I’m looking for someone to go running with me so I’m not alone while training for a half marathon and guess who says they’ll do it…him. So I took him up on his offer and we hit it off (much like our friends had said for years). Started dating and got married soon after; the rest is history!
Baby is the size of a(n): Orange (or apparently a jar of nutella)
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming Appointments: Have my OB appt tomorrow for my AFP bloodwork and early gestational diabetes test (because of PCOS). Then my MFM appt on Friday.
How are you feeling?: Tired this week. We had to say goodbye to our dog last week. He was 12 and had an aggressive cancer. We didn't want him to hurt, but that doesn't make it any easier.
Rants/Raves: My son starts school next week and we have been scrambling trying to get everything ready. The shirts I ordered from Kohl's online are too big, so now I have to take them back and find some others that fit. My daughter is also going through a clingy phase and cries/won't let go of me when I drop her off at daycare, which is hard on me.
Questions: I don't think so right now
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF? We were both working at a TGI Friday's and met that way! Only good thing I got out of that job
@daffodil_shoe I have been feeling some flutters the past couple of weeks. Nothing consistent yet. I am so ready for the more consistent movement! @willrunforcookies Still trying to figure out what we need to buy. Of course we got rid of a bunch of the baby stuff because we were done having kids and surprise! But we still have the pack and play and high chair and can reuse my daughter's crib/dresser. We just bought her big girl furniture that should be here this week.
How are you feeling?: Still feeling good most days. Hunger has been the one consistent symptoms since first tri.
Rants/Raves: So much to rave about this week! My best friend told us she’s expecting yesterday and today she found out she’s way farther along than she thought. We’re literally 2 weeks apart! Very excited for our babies to grow up together. DH and I are taking a trip to Oregon this week and I’m looking forward to a little getaway in the woods.
Questions: none right now.
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF?
DH and I met at a beer bar through mutual friends. We knew each other casually for about a year before we hit it off. We were at the same bar chatting when the subject of bread-baking came up. We totally bonded over it as he was baking sourdough and I had just baked challah. We never stopped texting after that night and set up a date for the next weekend. Here we are 6 years later!
Questions: Anyone here have experience with having or trying for a VBAC? I had an emergency C-Section with my son and I’m trying to decide between a scheduled repeat C-section and a VBAC. Currently I’m leaning towards the repeat C section in part because I find the idea of a VBAC intimidating and also because I could have my tubes removed at the same time. I’d be curious to get some more perspectives from those that have actually experienced VBAC.
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF? We used to work together. Neither of us wanted the potential mess of dating a coworker so we were just really close friends. The company we were working for ended up going bankrupt and laying everyone off and he asked me out that night. Our relationship ended up becoming a silver lining to an otherwise shitty situation.
@willrunforcookies We kept most of our baby stuff so we should be pretty set. I’m considering getting a second baby monitor so we can keep the one we have set up in my son's room. Along the same lines we will probably get a second white noise machine, and my son likes to use the boppy as his bedtime pillow so we’ll need a new one for this baby. Other then that since this baby is going to have a winter birthday, we will probably need some warmer newborn clothes. It would also be nice to have a few cute girl things this time, although most of my son’s clothes were pretty neutral so I don’t think I need to add much.
I’m debating on whether or not to go to the expense of getting a double stroller. We’ll probably try to make do with the single stroller since my son doesn’t use it much anymore and see how that goes. I preferred baby wearing to the stroller when my son was young so I could always just wear baby girl if my son decides he needs to ride in the stroller.
@sparklingdiamond I’m so so sorry about your furry family member 😔 On a separate note, I worked at Olive Garden in college. SO many couples met there and eventually married, it’s nuts.
@beccaneu I think you should do what sounds the most comfortable to you. Did you already speak with your provider about if you’re a good candidate for a VBAC? Any reason in particular you find it intimidating? If you know for sure you want a salpingectomy, a scheduled c/s is a great option so that you don’t have to go back for surgery later.
@daffodil_shoe. I’ve talked to my OB about it and he feels that I am a candidate for VBAC although it’s hard to know what my chance of success is because I never got a chance to go into labor last time. I’m high risk for pre-e and hellp so there’s a chance I won’t actually get a choice anyways, although we are hopeful low dose aspirin will help lower that risk. I think I’m mostly just intimidated because it’s such an unknown, also the couple of moms I know personally that have tried for VBACs have had bad experiences and ended up with C sections anyways and that just sounds awful honestly. Then again a C section recovery with a toddler and newborn also doesn’t sound fun which is why I don’t want to completely dismiss the option.
@beccaneu I had a VBAC with my second and plan on it again. 100% worth it for me—I had a low chance of success on the calculator (less than 20%) and ended up being induced for pre e and still having an uncomplicated VBAC.
Here for any questions you have or support you need!
How are you feeling?: so tired and still nauseous some days
Rants/Raves: still waiting on the second trimester energy! Went to a concert at a football stadium on the weekend and was pretty overwhelmed and exhausted by it. Still recovering. Also had this woman screaming her head off the whole concert lol.
Questions: anyone else freaking out about the global epidural shortage? The hospital I’m giving birth at doesn’t have any other pain strategies other then epidural and as a FTM that’s terrifying. Thinking of switching my birthing plan to the mid wives birthing suite but it’s 20 min to the closest hospital should something go wrong but at least they have gas and air. Thoughts?
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF? I met my SO while working at a tech company but he was oblivious so I “kidnapped” him and took him camping so we could sort it out. Ended up working out and we’ve been together 8 years now.
@willrunforcookies yes! I live in Canada and four provinces already have had to switch to other methods. I heard it’s a global shortage so not sure how it’s affecting the US but hoping it’s sorted soon.
How are you feeling?: Ok. A little queasy now and again but have had some days I manage without any zofran. Pretty tired but able to flex my schedule around when I need rest.
Rants/Raves: Rave - I just found out that my favorite tea house which has been closed for renovations will be open again and willing to host a baby shower in a few months. Even if the guest list is small, I’m getting excited to have a cute tea party baby shower with the few who can make it.
Questions: nvm my previously posted question—I found the thread about it!
GTKY:How did you meet your SO? We met online actually. I was never big into dating, so when I was finally feeling ready for a relationship, I wanted to cut the small talk, so to speak. He was in a similar boat, and so a few months after meeting we were already living together. Over 5 years together now.
@anniez85@willrunforcookies the phrase "epidural shortage" will now haunt my dreams for the next 5.5 months. 😱
@beccaneu I'm also considering a VBAC for the same reasons. I'm a good candidate (according to my OB) bc I've also had a successful vbirth. My scheduled CS wasn't a terrible experience but I think I'd prefer not to be recovering from a CS with a newborn, toddler, and kindergartener. I'll probably have lots of questions for @footdrbritt about it
@daffodil_shoe I haven't been feeling much yet either. I thought I remembered more consistent movement by 17w last time so I'm hoping it'll start soon. I definitely felt something yesterday morning but nothing since.
EDD / Weeks + Days: 1/14, 15+3
Baby is the size of a(n): orange?
Team blue/pink/green: 💚
Upcoming Appointments: Next Thursday
How are you feeling?: good! Just so hungry, all the time!!
Rants/Raves: My in laws are here and they have been super helpful with the kiddos this week! Rant: DS got sent home from daycare due to a pink and runny eye yesterday. It took about 2 seconds for the pediatrician to tell us it was not pink eye (which I suspected bc he just had actual pink eye last month and I remember how it looked). I think he just had something in there irritating it. But regardless, this makes 5 daycare days he's missed in the last 2 weeks, and 3 visits to the pediatrician. Confused as to how I can continue holding down a job when this seems to be my life now...
Questions: NATM
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF?
We had an internship together during undergrad. I had a BF at the time but we stayed friends and eventually moved to the same place for grad school. We're about to have our 7th wedding anniversary!
Team blue/pink/green: we should already know (the doctor has the results already!) but I'm having to wait to actually have an appointment to hear them. So frustrating. (Also there's no issues, we already know the results came back as normal, they just haven't told us the gender yet!)
Upcoming Appointments: Monday I'll be seeing my GP purely to learn the results of the genetics testing, and then on Wednesday I'll be having the anatomy ultrasound.
How are you feeling?: I'm not sleeping well so I'm pretty tired and irritable, but happy otherwise.
Rants/Raves: not right now
Questions: not right now
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF? I thought he was cute and hit him up on Facebook. It worked out pretty great!
How are you feeling?: Really good but "big". I can't bend as easily anymore lol
Rants/Raves: The swelling in my wrists and hands (carpal tunnel syndrome) means I have to take off my wedding rings so they don't get stuck. I'm pretty sad about that.
Questions: I know my body is doing something amazing but does anyone else feel concerned about their body image (Too big, out of proportion, weight gain concerned, etc)?
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? BFF? Online dating, hit it off, celebrating 4 years together on Monday, our 1st wedding anniversary is in September. Our BFF was given to us randomly when another family couldn't keep him. He's a black lab mix and such a cuddler and love bug. 🐾
@greenbean88 I had really bad swelling with my first and couldn't wear my rings. I put them on a necklace so that I still had them with me but it took about 3 days after birth before I could finally put them on.
@jessicadmillard did you wear anything in place on your hand? If so, any suggestions? I think I'm sad, not only because I love my rings, but we are still newly Weds. So I feel slightly naked without!
@greenbean88 I didn't because my swelling was really bad. I also worked my entire pregnancy in a warehouse so i used my hands every day. But maybe get some of the silicon rings? They don't cost much so you can try different sizes to find one that is comfortable. I completely understand feeling naked without it, I hated not being able to wear mine. We were the same way, got married in June then found out we were pregnant in September, she is 2 now and not excited about a little brother.😂
@greenbean88. I had to take off my rings while pregnant with my first. I was all excited to put them back on after giving birth but three years later and they still don’t fit. My fingers appears to have permanently changed size I’ve been waiting until after this pregnancy to get them resized incase they change again,
Re: Weekly check-in 7/25
EDD / Weeks + Days: 1.8 / 16w1d
Baby is the size of a(n): #2 pencil
Team: blue 💙
Upcoming Appointments: Anatomy scan 8/10
How are you feeling?: Great! Just anxiously awaiting on those first flutters.
Questions: Anyone feeling flutters yet? I was 19w w/ an anterior placenta with my first, and 15w with a posterior placenta with my second. I think I have an anterior placenta again.
GTKY: We technically met in 6th grade, but we didn’t get to know each other until HS bc I was a baseball manager and he was on the team. We had a “thing” end of senior year. Then he went off to the Navy and I went to college. We stayed in touch over the years. Then summer before I started my last semester, he returned from his first deployment. We hung out and decided to try long-distance. I moved to VA after I graduated to be with him…and now here we are 12 years later 🥰
EDD / Weeks + Days: 14+1 (induction tentatively still 1/1)
Baby is the size of a(n): peach
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming Appointments: tomorrow! US and doctors appointment, and for the first time in all my pregnancies I have lots of questions for them
How are you feeling?: still hot garbage and annoyed at that—hoping for some second trimester energy soon
Rants/Raves: nope
Questions: @willrunforcookies third time over here and we aren’t (as far as I know) buying anything this time around, woot woot!
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF?
My husband and I have know each other since high school, where we LOATHED each other. Lived across from each other in college—still didn’t like each other although we ran in the same friend groups. Peripherally knew of each other for years but I thought he was a ‘bro’ army guy in his lifted pick up truck and obnoxious. Fast forward a few years and I’m looking for someone to go running with me so I’m not alone while training for a half marathon and guess who says they’ll do it…him. So I took him up on his offer and we hit it off (much like our friends had said for years). Started dating and got married soon after; the rest is history!
EDD / Weeks + Days: 15w6d, Jan 10
Baby is the size of a(n): Orange (or apparently a jar of nutella)
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming Appointments: Have my OB appt tomorrow for my AFP bloodwork and early gestational diabetes test (because of PCOS). Then my MFM appt on Friday.
How are you feeling?: Tired this week. We had to say goodbye to our dog last week. He was 12 and had an aggressive cancer. We didn't want him to hurt, but that doesn't make it any easier.
Rants/Raves: My son starts school next week and we have been scrambling trying to get everything ready. The shirts I ordered from Kohl's online are too big, so now I have to take them back and find some others that fit. My daughter is also going through a clingy phase and cries/won't let go of me when I drop her off at daycare, which is hard on me.
Questions: I don't think so right now
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF? We were both working at a TGI Friday's and met that way! Only good thing I got out of that job
@daffodil_shoe I have been feeling some flutters the past couple of weeks. Nothing consistent yet. I am so ready for the more consistent movement!
@willrunforcookies Still trying to figure out what we need to buy. Of course we got rid of a bunch of the baby stuff because we were done having kids and surprise! But we still have the pack and play and high chair and can reuse my daughter's crib/dresser. We just bought her big girl furniture that should be here this week.
EDD / Weeks + Days: 1/3/23 16w6d
Baby is the size of a(n): taco 🌮
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming Appointments: 8/16 check up
How are you feeling?: Still feeling good most days. Hunger has been the one consistent symptoms since first tri.
Rants/Raves: So much to rave about this week! My best friend told us she’s expecting yesterday and today she found out she’s way farther along than she thought. We’re literally 2 weeks apart! Very excited for our babies to grow up together. DH and I are taking a trip to Oregon this week and I’m looking forward to a little getaway in the woods.
Questions: none right now.
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF?
DH and I met at a beer bar through mutual friends. We knew each other casually for about a year before we hit it off. We were at the same bar chatting when the subject of bread-baking came up. We totally bonded over it as he was baking sourdough and I had just baked challah. We never stopped texting after that night and set up a date for the next weekend. Here we are 6 years later!
EDD / Weeks + Days: 14w/06d
Baby is the size of a(n): Donut
Team blue/pink/green: pink 💕
Upcoming Appointments: August 10
How are you feeling?: Completely exhausted
Questions: Anyone here have experience with having or trying for a VBAC? I had an emergency C-Section with my son and I’m trying to decide between a scheduled repeat C-section and a VBAC. Currently I’m leaning towards the repeat C section in part because I find the idea of a VBAC intimidating and also because I could have my tubes removed at the same time. I’d be curious to get some more perspectives from those that have actually experienced VBAC.
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF? We used to work together. Neither of us wanted the potential mess of dating a coworker so we were just really close friends. The company we were working for ended up going bankrupt and laying everyone off and he asked me out that night. Our relationship ended up becoming a silver lining to an otherwise shitty situation.
@footdrbritt ahhh an enemies to lovers story!
@sparklingdiamond I’m so so sorry about your furry family member 😔 On a separate note, I worked at Olive Garden in college. SO many couples met there and eventually married, it’s nuts.
@beccaneu sounds machine and monitor are certainly things we'll need two of, thanks! Added to my list.
EDD / Weeks + Days: 1/24 // 14w
Baby is the size of a(n): Peach
Team blue/pink/green: Tbd…impatiently!
Upcoming Appointments: 8/11 check up
How are you feeling?: Ok. A little queasy now and again but have had some days I manage without any zofran. Pretty tired but able to flex my schedule around when I need rest.
Rants/Raves: Rave - I just found out that my favorite tea house which has been closed for renovations will be open again and willing to host a baby shower in a few months. Even if the guest list is small, I’m getting excited to have a cute tea party baby shower with the few who can make it.
Questions: nvm my previously posted question—I found the thread about it!
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? We met online actually. I was never big into dating, so when I was finally feeling ready for a relationship, I wanted to cut the small talk, so to speak. He was in a similar boat, and so a few months after meeting we were already living together. Over 5 years together now.
@beccaneu I'm also considering a VBAC for the same reasons. I'm a good candidate (according to my OB) bc I've also had a successful vbirth. My scheduled CS wasn't a terrible experience but I think I'd prefer not to be recovering from a CS with a newborn, toddler, and kindergartener. I'll probably have lots of questions for @footdrbritt about it
@daffodil_shoe I haven't been feeling much yet either. I thought I remembered more consistent movement by 17w last time so I'm hoping it'll start soon. I definitely felt something yesterday morning but nothing since.
EDD / Weeks + Days: 1/14, 15+3
Baby is the size of a(n): orange?
Team blue/pink/green: 💚
Upcoming Appointments: Next Thursday
How are you feeling?: good! Just so hungry, all the time!!
Rants/Raves: My in laws are here and they have been super helpful with the kiddos this week! Rant: DS got sent home from daycare due to a pink and runny eye yesterday. It took about 2 seconds for the pediatrician to tell us it was not pink eye (which I suspected bc he just had actual pink eye last month and I remember how it looked). I think he just had something in there irritating it. But regardless, this makes 5 daycare days he's missed in the last 2 weeks, and 3 visits to the pediatrician. Confused as to how I can continue holding down a job when this seems to be my life now...
Questions: NATM
GTKY: How did you meet your SO? If you don't have a SO, how did you meet your BFF?
We had an internship together during undergrad. I had a BF at the time but we stayed friends and eventually moved to the same place for grad school. We're about to have our 7th wedding anniversary!
I completely understand feeling naked without it, I hated not being able to wear mine. We were the same way, got married in June then found out we were pregnant in September, she is 2 now and not excited about a little brother.😂