2nd Trimester

Frequently urination

Hi everyone... I have been in the bathroom so much. At night it's every 20 minutes and this morning I've been awake for 2 hours and have literally gone every five minutes, sometimes droplets other times more. I've been to the doctor, no infection, nothing. I've cut back on my liquids and it didn't help either. Anyone have any advice? I'm 22 weeks and this has been happening for a few weeks. Thanks everyone.

Re: Frequently urination

  • UTI's can be more common in pregnancy - probably worth talking to your OB. 
  • Sometimes I find it’s hard to fully empty my bladder (has been happening since late first trimester for me). Before I finish up in the bathroom I shift around and lift my little bump up, and sometimes that releases some pressure and I get the last few drops out! I think I heard about the strategy on the “Is It Normal?” pregnancy podcast, maybe the episode for weeks 16-18. 🙂
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  • I would talk to your doctor again, and see if they will recheck for UTI or bladder infection.  See if they have any suggestions.  
  • Hello! My name is jenifer. And I have the issues!!! I am pregnant…. And pissin myself every 7-9 minutes. But let me tell you hun, invest in some adult diapers. No one should ashamed of the lack of body control. To be honest I even pissed myself before I was pregnant. So these women panties have been my saving grace. May the lord be with you abs your struggling blaster. Bless your sole.
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