**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in
their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that
could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children
or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a
spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent
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Typical LP length:
Re: TWW Monday 6/20
Month/Cycle: 10/10
CD/DPO: 21/7
Timing: -1, O
Typical LP length: 15 days
Testing: Sometime this week. I haven't decided yet lol
R/R: These threads are always my go-to check-ins, just me? Anyway, we had a really fun weekend with friends on Saturday, family on Sunday, even though it was still really tough for MH. This week we both work today and tomorrow and then leave for our trip on Wednesday, so there will be lots of packing/cleaning for the next couple days.
CS/Q: My temps are all weird, but at least they're sorta still up. I'll have to share later. I ended up discarding two temps in the last few days cause with my lack of sleep and late times taking them, I knew they were wrong.Month/Cycle: 12/8
Timing: ?
Typical LP length: 14 days
Testing: I try not to test until day 14.
CS/Q:I’m not sure what all the abbreviations mean. 😬
R/R: I’m *SO* tired. I guess it’s possibly the Clomid/Menopur still (?) but holy moly I don’t remember being this tired in other cycles. Plus I’m just doing so much less now, so it doesn’t make sense. Trying hard to let myself rest and not push myself because I “should” be doing more. 😑😑
CS/Q: none. I try to forget about it as much as possible during the TWW.