2nd Trimester

carbo-load or low-carb before 3-hour glucose test?!

FeliciaTwoFeliciaTwo member
edited March 2014 in 2nd Trimester
Hi, everyone.  I failed the 1-hour and am taking the 3-hour test on Thursday.  I want to pass this test!!!  I've been looking online for recommendations for how to pass, and some people say that in the days before you should carb-load, while others say to go low-carb.  ARGHGHGH!  I want real people who've really failed the 1-hour and passed the 3-hour to tell me: which did you do?
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Re: carbo-load or low-carb before 3-hour glucose test?!

  • This is not something to mess around with. If you have gestational diabetes there are potential risks for the baby and yourself. Don't screw around. Eat as you normally would and if you have it you will either have to manage it by diet or insulin and diet.

    I had it and was on insulin and had to manage my diet. I went into preterm labour with my first child- one of the risks.

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  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gestational-diabetes/basics/complications/con-20014854

    Untreated GD can result in baby's death before or shortly after birth. I lost my second child recently at 27 weeks. Not due to GD but still- I wouldn't wish this upon anyone.
  • My doc had me do a carb loading diet before my 3hr for a specific reason- she was aware that my eating habits were seriously out of whack (I'm still losing weight in the third trimester and dealing with vomiting) and that I had been specifically eating high protein/low carb foods to get enough calories and protein to keep baby growing strong. So when I barely failed my 1hr, she thought it might be because my body had not been dealing with maintaining my glucose levels due to my diet- and the 1hr glucose challenge sent it into overdrive. So for three days before my 3hr, I made myself sick as a dog eating carbs. And even there I didn't get an ideal result- one elevated reading and one reading that was between the strictest and loosest cut offs (so pass by some standards, fail by some). There's really no point in carb loading before the test if your eating habits are basically normal though. The only situation where its useful to the test is when you might have an unnaturally low tolerance for carbs because you've cut them out of your diet- and not a low tolerance because your body can't produce insulin. That's for your doctor to decide though. If you've been given no other instructions eat normally!!! Fast for the required time, and take the test.
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  • Eat normally.  You don't want to try to trick the test.  You want to know if you have GD if you have it.  It's not a death sentence, FFS, and it's imperative to the health of your baby and yourself that it's diagnosed properly.

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  • I have to agree with everyone else here.  Wouldn't you want to know if there was a medical issue that could impact your baby and you could do something about it?  If you have GD they will help you manage it and you will be aware so you can protect your baby and yourself.  I'm trying to figure out why you would want to "beat" test.
  • ThereBeDragons said her doctor told her to do.  I don't want to mess up the test either way!

    I want to pass the test b/c I don't want to have GD! 
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • ThereBeDragons said her doctor told her to do.  I don't want to mess up the test either way!

    I want to pass the test b/c I don't want to have GD! 

    I still say you should ask your OB for advice on your situation. @ThereBeDragons‌ specifically said that her OB told her what to do for a very specific reason that applied to her pregnancy. You aren't her so ask your OB and chances are you will be told to just eat a normal balanced diet (this is most people are told) instead of messing with things to get a certain outcome.
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  • ThereBeDragons said her doctor told her to do.  I don't want to mess up the test either way!

    I want to pass the test b/c I don't want to have GD! 

    No one wants it. I'm sorry but compromising the health of your baby because you don't want GD.... seriously? It could be deadly.

    Grow up.
  • Follow the lab instructions. You cannot "cheat" the test.

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  • Just cause you fail the one hour, doesn't mean you'll fail the 3 hour. I had to fast before the 3 hour and it turned out fine, no GD. Don't do anything other than what your doctor says to do. Easy as that.
  • I was told to eat regularly. HOWEVER if you are on a low carb diet when they suddenly give you that glucose drink your body will spike extra high bc it is not used to it. I had instructions NOT to restrict carbs for the 4 days prior to testing otherwise it will skew the results.

    So be sure to not go crazy but also do not limit carbs prior to the test.
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  • For the love of God - this isn't the SAT or ACT. Ask your OB for his/her instructions for the test and follow that. Then deal with the results - whatever they are. Wouldn't you rather know if you have GD and take the steps necessary to protect you and your baby rather than just passing a test???
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  • Ladiebug710Ladiebug710 member
    edited March 2014
    The studies that validated the 3 hr were done where women ate at least 150g of carbs daily for the 3 days prior to the test.

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  • I won't be critical.  I understand.  You want to pass if you don't have it and fail if you do.  My OBs office has you eat a high carb diet the 3 days before.  Apparently if you're eating low carb, your body may not be used to producing enough insulin for the high carb drink.  Therefore, you could fail when you should have passed.  However, more recent data indicates that eating high carb before the test does nothing.  You could still do it--you probably do anyway unless you're eating low carb intentionally.  Follow the rules of the fast.  I wouldn't take a chance and have a giant soda or something right before you fast just in case.  Not to cheat the test, but I think you can sort of stave off the diabetes by exercising.  If you fail but you don't really have g.d. or you don't have it severely, the only sucky part is monitoring your blood sugar.  If you don't have it, your sugars on't be high because you will still be having insulin doing it's job.  If you're in between, exercising and cutting out the most sugary things can be enough.  
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