Trying to Get Pregnant

IF Testing & Treatment 4/25

edited April 2022 in Trying to Get Pregnant
This is a place for those of us who have already started TTC, but have started infertility testing and/or treatments. You can express your thoughts, feelings, and frustrations on infertility. TTC can be a long journey naturally, then add in the difficulties associated with infertility, and it becomes a whole new ballgame. The road to infertility can be lonely, frustrating, and complicated, so let's make this a place where we can vent, ask questions, and support one another. Feel free to resurrect this thread at any point in the week if you have something to say. Treat this as an ongoing conversation.

Diagnosis (if you've been): 

Status (WTO/TWW/TTA): 

What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): 

How are things going?: 

Any questions?: 

GTKY: Which one are you and why do you treat your books this way:
Bookmark alignment chart  rAlignmentCharts

I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.

Re: IF Testing & Treatment 4/25

  • Diagnosis (if you've been): RPL, MFI and Possible Funky Blood

    Status (WTO/TWW/TTA): Holding... WFAF

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): Absolutely Nothing

    How are things going?: My meds are supposed to be here on Wednesday, I got some stuff to organize everything. 

    Any questions?: Not really

    GTKY: Which one are you and why do you treat your books this way: I'm a lawful neutral, I use E-Books mostly because we moved so much and moving books is hard. Otherwise I am chaotic good or chaotic evil. 
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET

  • Diagnosis (if you've been): uncooperative uterus, RPL.... TBD if anything else

    Status (WTO/TWW/TTA): purgatory

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): just did my 7th HCG draw. i am doubtful that anything significant has occurred from a dropping standpoint, my OB and i will discuss another d&c or methotrexate depending how things come back.

    How are things going?: really effing shitty tbh. i mean everything else is fine, but this is all just really weighing on me. 

    Any questions?: natm

    GTKY: Which one are you and why do you treat your books this way: lawful neutral and true neutral. speaking of books, i just finished Empire of Pain, about the Sackler family. it's not a quick read, but it is fascinating. i've been on a really big nonfic run, i'm also reading Lynsey Addario's memoir (It's What I Do) which is a few years old, she is NYT war/humanitarian crisis photographer. her IG account is an amazing follow btw.
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  • @kiki047 FX the Vid stays away!  If it makes you feel better we have had two people in our house get it and I am triple vaxxed and didn't get it either time. 
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET

  • @kiki047 i've had the 'vid 2x (first time after vaxed, 2nd time after boosted) and MH has managed to avoid it both times. so there is hope! but i totally understand the anxiety.
  • @mambo5-2 that's exciting! I've seen people on IG have some good ways to organize and keep track of all their meds using like tackle box or something similar.
    @anniemarie887 I hope your levels drop! I'll keep my toes crossed for you. But also happy your Dr will come up with another plan if they haven't.
    @kiki047 f'ing Covid is just a PITA in general, but especially when trying to coordinate many dr appts, etc. I hope you avoid it. My H has avoided it while being around multiple people who tested positive (myself included).

    Diagnosis (if you've been): DOR, luteal phase defect

    Status (WTO/TWW/TTA): WTO

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): clomid, us monitoring, trigger, TI, progesterone

    How are things going?: good. Today is CD 12 and ultrasound day! I'm hoping we see some great looking follicles. The first time I did clomid last year I didn't get to trigger until like CD 19, then the second round I triggered on CD 13. Hoping for an earlier trigger again.

    Any questions?: for anyone who's used a trigger shot, have you still taken an opk after just to see how dark the test line can get? lol I dunno why, but just to see the medicine at work.

    GTKY: Which one are you and why do you treat your books this way: chaotic good and lawful neutral.
    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

  • Follicle scan Update: not good. She saw one tiny follicle, only 6mm or so, but my lining is already over 9. She’s like maybe you already ovulated? But you’re only on CD 12. So she had my blood drawn to check progesterone levels. I’ve been opking since day 10, and was bleeding until cd 9. I don’t know how I would’ve ovulated already. Ugh, so now just waiting to hear back from my RE once she gets lab work back and reviews the US 
    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

  • edited April 2022
    @bearmomma1 oh shoot i'm sorry about your follicle scan update. that's so disappointing. please let us know what happens with the progesterone blood draw. your guess that you have not yet ovulated seems very likely to me. it's possible, but pretty hard, to completely miss a surge like that.
    @kiki047 you and me both with the fear of covid derailing things. I'm teaching now, sans mask, in a classroom of students who are also mostly not wearing masks. So far I've steered clear of covid but at this point it feels like a matter of time. I can and have already opted to wear a mask this term as a way of reducing risk when I know I'll be, say, visiting immunocompromised individuals, but the prospect of going back to lecturing through a mask entirely for the remaining weeks of term sounds miserable and so I'm being lazy about it. Also we really are going to be pretty close retrieval buddies this time around. I am on birth control now (day 6) and will stay on it until the 9th of May. Assuming suppression check is good on the 10th, I will start MD lupron on the 11th, with stims starting on the 12th. it's interesting that our calendars don't exactly match up, though. i take it your calendar has you overlapping bcp with the md lupron for a few days?
    @anniemarie887 i hope that you get surprisingly good news on the hcg countdown, but i'm glad to hear that your clinic is now open to more interventionist methods to move on from purgatory. seems like you've been stuck there forever and a bit. // the book you just read on the sackler family sounds really interesting!
    @mambo5-2 i feel you on the sense of being in a holding pattern, just waiting for something to happen. things will start moving soon enough!

    Diagnosis (if you've been): 1 lonely spinster of an ovary, endo, probable surgical scarring (albeit hopefully not major)

    Status (WTO/TWW/TTA): on BC, waiting to start stims

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): waiting for a retrieval cycle, but also omnitrope priming

    How are things going?: just fine! gotta say that either i've gotten really good at belly injections or omnitrope is just a totally painless injectable. i have no bruises, no pain, no reaction. looking forward to the real test when i get back on the menopur

    Any questions?: not for now

    GTKY: Which one are you and why do you treat your books this way:
    i'm all the flavors of evil, plus sometimes chaotic good and chaotic neutral. basically i'm just lazy and so will use whatever is near at hand as a bookmark (or just turn it face down when nothing comes to hand) but I'm also pretty good at memorizing #s and will do that when I'm being more conscientious. I also try to be better when I borrow other people's books.
    I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
    Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
    5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
    Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
    Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
    May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
    MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
    In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
    Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
    April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
    July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
    July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
    Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
    RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
    Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
    Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
    Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
    May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
    July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
    Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
    Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
    Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
    May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
    July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
    Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
    From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
    Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
    July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
  • @bearmomma1 I’m sorry your follicles don’t appear to be cooperating. I hope, while still frustrating, they just need a little more time. 

    @optimistgardener I’m so glad injections are going easily! A true relief! And yes, if the topic of the opioid epidemic interests you the book is a must read IMO. AFM, I do understand my OB wanting to try to avoid intervention… but it appears we both have agreed enough already if things haven’t moved along more. 
  • @bearmomma1 boo for the the slow follicles hopefully they are just being slow and you are just behind ovulation.

    @optimistgardener is your menopur sub Q or IM? My protocol has me doing it IM and I'm nervous about the number of IM injections I'll be doing
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET

  • @optimistgardener I’m glad to hear your shots so far aren’t painful or bruising. I hope your mastery in shot giving continues into all your future injections!

    Progesterone showed I definitely haven’t ovulated yet, but it’s curious why I didn’t respond to the clomid like I had previously. We’re going to piggy back the clomid with a double dose and start that protocol tonight. Follow up ultrasound next Monday! Fingers crossed for some better reaction then. 
    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

  • @mambo5-2 my menopur is sub-Q but I have heard of people doing it IM. I know that IM feels more scary but it won't be. i've heard that the IM menopur shot is pretty easy, actually. will you be doing thigh? shoulder?
    I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
    Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
    5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
    Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
    Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
    May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
    MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
    In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
    Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
    April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
    July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
    July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
    Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
    RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
    Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
    Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
    Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
    May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
    July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
    Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
    Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
    Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
    May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
    July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
    Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
    From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
    Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
    July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
  • @optimistgardener I will likely do thigh and maybe shoulder, I have a pretty hefty 8 inch long scar on the top of one of my butt cheeks from a reconstructive surgery when I was 13 so I often have to avoid that side.  I will have a nurse check it though to see if I can still do injections on that side.  Pretty much my whole protocol is IM, such a joy.  I was educating H on how to do the injections with youtube videos. 

    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET

  • @mambo5-2 it'll be good to know whether you can take shots around that scar for when it comes time to do your PIO; that's the really pain-in-the-a** shot. Interesting that your doc wants you to do all IM shots. I guess they are supposed to be absorbed better?
    I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
    Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
    5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
    Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
    Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
    May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
    MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
    In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
    Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
    April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
    July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
    July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
    Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
    RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
    Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
    Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
    Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
    May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
    July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
    Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
    Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
    Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
    May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
    July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
    Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
    From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
    Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
    July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
  • @optimistgardener I thought the same thing reading my protocol during the injection class while they were discussing the shots and sub-q vs IM and every one of my shots except one is IM. I think I only have 4 though so that's not terrible.

    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET

  • anniemarie887anniemarie887 member
    edited April 2022
    Sorry I prob should be TW all of the comments about my HCG, this also has bleeding…

    So HCG went down to 33 (dropped 4 pts, last week was only 2) which I was like well, that’s not a lot, but also double last week. Weird conflicting thoughts last night. And then today in the middle of my meeting, of course with new underwear on, I started bleeding. OB and I are hopeful this truly the beginning of the “end” and agreed let’s just sit and do labs again next week. Never knew I would be so excited to bleed. 

    Edit bc spelling is hard

  • @anniemarie887 crossing my fingers hard for you that things may be shifting finally in the right direction. what a trauma.
    I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
    Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
    5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
    Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
    Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
    May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
    MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
    In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
    Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
    April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
    July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
    July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
    Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
    RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
    Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
    Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
    Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
    May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
    July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
    Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
    Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
    Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
    May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
    July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
    Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
    From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
    Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
    July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
  • edited April 2022
    @optimistgardener not to disappoint you or anything, but Omnitrope is really just painless. It was my favorite injection, if you can say that about injections. Using the same needle a diabetic uses also really helps. 

    TTC History
    Me: 41; MH: 40 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020
    Mar 2024 | consult to get established with a new reproductive immunologist (Alan Beer Center)
    Apr/May 2024 | required testing & waiting for a protocol
    May 2024 | protocol given / decided to go back to my old reproductive immunologist, Dr. Jubiz
    Jun / Jul 2024 | more testing, incl. SIS, ultrasound, and endometrial biopsy
    Jul 2024 | Dx chronic endometritis; 14 days of 100mg of doxy given
    Sep 2024 | Repeat endometrial biopsy; still + for chronic endometritis. 2 more antibiotics + an antiviral
    Oct 2024... currently awaiting a hysteroscopy (10/28) to check uterine cavity + check for endometritis

    TTC #1
    Me: 36, MH: 34 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020
    TTC #1 02/2020 - 07/2022
    2009 | Dx PCOS; likely a misdiagnosis
    07/14/20 | Dx Hashimoto's Thyroditis
    07/21/20 | 1st RE appointment
    07/2120 - 08/20/20 | so much testing; no signs of PCOS
    08/20/20 | Dx Unexplained; AMA
    09/08/20 | IUI #1 Clomid + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
    09/30/20 | Urology consult; more testing required
    10/2020 | Clomid + OPK + TI + Prometrium | BFN
    10/26/2020 | Starting 2nd IUI cycle, with Letrazole and with a new RE / different clinic
    11/03/2020 | New Dx "poor egg quality"; IUI cancelled in favor of Trigger + TI + Prometrium | BFN
    11/26/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Menopur) + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
    12/20/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Gonal-F) + Trigger | IUI Cancelled due to thin lining; TI only | BFN
    01/14/2021 | Combo IUI (Letrazole + Menopur) + Trigger | BFN
    02/06/2021 | Switched to a new RE (TEW) ; trying naturally until we complete additional testing 
    03/14/2021 | Hybrid Double IUI, with Zymot (Letrazole, Gonal-F) + Trigger + Endometrin | Ovulated 4 mature eggs but still a BFN ☹️
    04/07/2021 | Natural cycle while we regroup | BFN
    04/09/2021 | Employer announces fertility benefits starting 05/01/2021! | Search for a new doctor who accepts insurance
    05/10/2021 | New RE consult & plan for IVF
    05/13/2021 | Mid-luteal IVF cycle #1 interrupted; had to get cancer genetic screening done to make sure I didn't have the same SDHA gene mutation as MH. 
    06/10/2021 | Aygestin priming IVF cycle #1; opted to Cx after 9 days of stims since only 5-6/12 follicles responded
    07/26/2021 | Attempt #2 at IVF cycle #1 (mid-luteal start): 8 retrieved, 8 MII, 6 fert (1 PN3), 3 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 3AA, 3AA, 6AB; 3 euploid
    08/09/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC | Shockingly, a BFP! EDD: 5/25/202 | CP at 4w4d
    09/23/2021 | IVF cycle #2 (mid-luteal start): 14 retrieved, 13 MII, 11 fert, 5 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 2 x 3AA, 2 x 3AB, 3BB; 2 euploid
    11/12/2021 | IVF cycle #3 (mid-luteal start): cancelled due to ovaries being on vacation
    12/20/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + Pregmune Immunology Testing; BFN
    01/22/2022 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + understanding uncovered immunological issues; BFN
    02/18/2022 | Mock transfer cycle! ERA, ReceptivaDx, EMMA/ALICE; start Prednisone to address NK activity
    03/16/2022 | Final, "Hail Mary" super-ovulation + TI cycle before FET; BFP! EDD: 12/21/2022 | MMC 05/08/2022
    05/20/2022 | D&C; recovering... 
    06/21/2022 | Trying naturally until October 2022
    07/21/2022 | BFP! EDD 04/02/2023; 👦🏼 born on 4/5/2023

  • @anniemarie887 crossing all the things that this is finally the downhill slide. Hugs babe, no one deserves this purgatory
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET

  • edited April 2022

    Diagnosis (if you've been): Anovulatory PCOS

    Status (WTO/TWW/TTA): can someone tell me what TTA stands for again lol I’m currently taking BCP again to induce another bleed 

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): Just had my follow up with the fertility clinic. They really wanted me to do monitoring with a trigger shot (which I also really wanted but can not this cycle due to starting a brand new job!) and so we are going to add in metformin, up clomid dose to 100mg and hope for the best. I am completely conflictive whether or not I want ti track all the things this cycle (OPK/BBT/CM) OR just not track anything, BD lots nd see if it worked at my CD21 progesterone blood test lol If unsuccessful will do monitors with trigger next cycle. 

    How are things going?: see TFAS thread for life update and why I’ve been a little MIA. 

    Any questions?:  nadda

    GTKY: Which one are you and why do you treat your books this way:

    chaotic evil! 

    —- will be back for tags!
  • @anniemarie887 fingers crossed this is the end of this awful phase for you. So sorry it has been so drawn out. Hoping this means that you don’t have to have a D/C or meds again too though! No one should have to go through what you are going through I seriously feel for you and you have seemed to be handling it as good as can be expected *hugs* 

    @bearmomma1 agh sorry the protocol isn’t giving you the results you hoped for but hopefully the piggyback puts things into gear! I know you O’d early before on clomid but personally anyone I know that has taken it hasn’t before CD16/17/18! So maybe it’s just late? 

    @optimistgardener yay for injections going well so far! Hopefully the trend continues!

    @kiki047 fingers crossed the vid just doesn’t hit! It seems to have gone through my little city like wild fire recently and although I was positive I had zero symptoms! My husband on the other hand lol typical man cold lol but I get it sometimes it is the quarantine abs having to drop everything that is hardest part of it! Especially when you are support busy and have lots on the go! 

    @ma@mambo5-2  yay for getting things started soon! 

  • edited April 2022
    @tryingktogku ostensibly TTA* stands for told to abstain, which i guess is a thing for people who are holding off on things for scheduling issues and whatnot. This is distinct from "benched" which is a way more common thing and basically covers the current situation for folks like me, @anniemarie887, @mambo5-2 etc. Just, like, twiddling thumbs because there's literally nothing we can do right now to try to get pregnant. Being benched is like, way more than 50% of what I do, which admittedly is a little higher than average because I'm single, but is still roughly true for a lot of us IF folx. Honestly, I think it would make more sense if status options for our IF thread better reflected our more complex circumstances, something like: (WTO/TWW/benched/HCG purgatory/BCP/TTA/stims/FET prep,etc.), and just folded into the next question about testing/treatment.

    *oops, just looked it up and apparently TTA is "trying to avoid," but you know, basically trying not to get pregnant this cycle.

    I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
    Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
    5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
    Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
    Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
    May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
    MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
    In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
    Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
    April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
    July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
    July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
    Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
    RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
    Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
    Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
    Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
    May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
    July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
    Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
    Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
    Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
    May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
    July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
    Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
    From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
    Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
    July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
  • @optimistgardener
    those would be accurate status options. 
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET

  • lurking 

    @bearmomma1 my lining was like 10 mm at baseline/CD3 and would be 16-17mm by CD 8-10ish when I had SHGs. I don’t think I’m normal, but I definitely think 9 mm at CD 12 is totally fine. Unless you have a good idea of what your normal is and that’s totally out of whack? Also clomid supposedly can thin your lining but I had 4 rounds of it and it didn’t touch mine. 
  • @optimistgardener thank you for the clarification! But yes all those others you listed would be much more relatable!

    @kiki047 BCP also makes me a hormonal wreck. I know so many people that say it stabilizes their moods and makes them feel better and I’m over like nope nope nope lol 
  • @optimistgardener obvs my vote for purgatory being a legit option
    @kiki047 so i had a bunch of stuff done, day 3 labs and sono were done off of the random 24 hour bleeding i had earlier in march... but all in range... assuming those will warrant a redo though. i also had a huge panel of chromosomes, amh, abo/rh, tsh. t4, other thryoid antibodies, a general cbc panel, hep b and c, rubella and varicella titer, oh and an hiv test - all normal/negative/in range. i am thinking of all that stuff shouldn't need to be done again. MH also did chromosomes and a similar "infectious" disease panel, still waiting on that to come back b/c he was slow to go do it. BUT shady grove has been atrocious, i have emailed my "care coordinator" 2x in the last two weeks about this slow as molasses situ and haven't gotten a response. i won't be sad to be leaving them. sorry the BCP is making you ragey, but also solidarity, b/c i feel ragey AF. 
  • @anniemarie887 I really really hope this is the beginning of the end of your purgatory. Keep us posted on what your next numbers are at.
    @tryingktogku Sounds like we're clomid buddies I hope the 100mg does the trick this time! I feel like at the minimal you could track OPK just to see if you get any deeper of a surge than last time. If we had seen any type of activity other than a tiny 5 mm follicle, I would've been OK and thinking O would just be late, as I'm usually a late ovulator, but this was so sad. My follow up ultrasound won't even be until CD19 so O will hopefully be only a few days after.
    @kiki047 I'm usually on the thinner side of lining, which is why one of the reasons we add the progesterone after O to help build it up. Once my RE looked at the scan, she apparently wasn't concerned with the lining thickness. Sorry about your rageyness! I hope the next 2 weeks go as fast as possible.
    @bows22 Thank you for your input. I'm just not used to being at the other end of the spectrum. Clomid before has definitely affected my lining, but it's also gotten me to ovulate easily before. Now it's not affecting my lining nor is it making me ovulate.

    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

  • @bearmomma1   fingers crossed you still O this go!! I’ve got to do 21 days of BCP again so it’ll be like a month before I even start my next round of clomid again! So I do have a few weeks to decide if I wanna track or not! 
  • @mambo5-2 yaaay drug party!
    I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
    Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
    5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
    Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
    Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
    May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
    MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
    In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
    Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
    April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
    July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
    July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
    Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
    RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
    Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
    Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
    Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
    May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
    July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
    Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
    Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
    Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
    May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
    July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
    Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
    From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
    Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
    July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
  • @optimistgardener don't forget the cat! He was waiting to get in the box 🤣
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET

  • @mambo5-2 love the support from your kitty!
    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

  • @anniemarie887 omg that's amazing. We're going to an AirBnB tonight in the middle of nowhere for my cousin's Bachelorette, I feel like I'm going to need to do some field screaming. 

    @mambo5-2 damn girl, shit's gettin' real! That's an impressive (and expensive) haul. Also, hiiiii kitty. 

    @tryingktogku whoever says BCP stabilizes their mood must already be a sociopath, lol. 

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

  • @kiki047 I paid zero dollars for that, except the cat I paid for him. He's also fat and eats all the foods. 
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET

  • @optimistgardener omg that sounds SO stressful I am so sorry! And I absolutely would love to if “benched” was added as that’s where I have sat 90% of these last 16 months TTC! 
  • @optimistgardener I’m extremely annoyed for you in re to the insurance mishap. Why they seem to think the patient is the proper mediator in these situations is mind blowing. I hope it gets squared away super quickly for you. Also, I support benched as a status and agree it’s the most all encompassing for those purgatory-esque times. 
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