I was just told that I have placenta accreta , this means the placenta is growing into my uterus .
So I will have to have a planned c-section, 7% chance of not making it due to blood loss , must have to have the baby early , might have to spend a few nights in the ICU due to blood loss and will 100% have to get a hysterectomy 😞. Has anyone ever had this condition? If so is there ever any cases that end with you or someone you know not having to get a hysterectomy? I’m so scared . Also I’m afraid of not feeling like a woman anymore after a hysterectomy and not being able not only to not have kids but a monthly visit either.
Re: Placenta Accreta
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
*TW loss mentioned*
I did have this but not for the pregnancy I made it full term with and to preface - I don't think this was the reason I lost the baby (baby's growth had just slowed and then it's heart stopped). After I lost my IVF baby at 10 weeks, the doctor had found some "masses" in my uterus so I had to go for a hysteroscopy (which thanks to COVID I wasn't able to get done for almost 6 months after). In the hysteroscopy, they discovered that I had leftover tissue from the loss and that's when they confirmed that I had placenta accreta and as horrible as it sounds I thank God to this day that I wasn't able to carry to term because I had to be on blood thinners due to a clotting disorder and my chances of bleeding out in birth were already higher being on blood thinners.
*TW over*
On the not feeling like a woman part - I totally understand that feeling. Being someone that has struggled conceiving, losing 7 babies at all different stages, and not being able safely carry my own child, it is hard to feel like a woman when the one job you are biologically created to be able to do is something that you are no longer able to do. A uterus does not make a woman though. You are more than your biology and you will always be a beautiful woman and mother - uterus or no uterus. You will still be able to have kids too if you want more - maybe not the way you envisioned but there is adoption and surrogacy still (whether it be traditional or gestational - I don't know if it would be possible for them to harvest eggs should you have to get a hysterectomy but that could be a question for the doctor). I am so thankful that your doctor has found this now though and that they are able to prepare and be proactive for both your sake and your baby's sake.