If you are a contributing member who has been active here for a full 3
months with a BFP this week, CONGRATULATIONS! Please share your success
with us here.
How do you know if you're a contributing member?
1. Ask your heart if you have contributed positively here.
2. Do these people know you? Will they be happy about your pregnancy?
3. Have you offered support to others or have you just blasted your own info out there?
We ask that you only post here if you have been participating
meaningfully here for at least three months.Sometimes the silence is
kindest. Those of us who lurk BMBs will see your intro and
PM/comment/love tit.
5. Again, take a moment and step away from your excitement and ask your heart if posting would be potentially hurtful.
thread has mild restrictions - thread is primarily BFP announcements
but doesn't allow for direct questions or lengthy/personalized congrats
in the comments. Use the "Love It" button or "congrats!", "H&H 9
months!", "I was hoping this was your month!" and other short &
sweet notes.
Regular board rules apply-- this is not the place
to ask if you are pregnant based off your symptoms or for second
opinions on your tests. We do invite you to contribute in the daily TWW
and WTO threads and discussions. This community gives back tenfold what
you put into it! When you see somebody who has possibly violated a
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CD/DPO of first BFP?
How many months/cycles had you been TTC?
How long have you been an active participant on the TTGP board? (minimum: 3 full months)
What did your chart look like?
What were you doing TGKU?
How was your timing? What symptoms did you have, if any? (CS & CD breakdowns welcome)
How are you going to/did you tell your partner?
Anything else to add?
Re: TTGP Grad Announcements w/o 1/24
Also *TW* right at the top for MC (I hope that is okay).
CD/DPO of first BFP? 23/8, possibly. I was unable to take my temp on CD12 which is when I got my first blazing positive OPK so it's likely that that day could have been O, which would make me actually 10 DPO at time of first positive test.
How many months/cycles had you been TTC? 12/13 and also 6/6AL (I think that is the official count.) We started in January '21, got a BFP in June, then in July discovered we had a MMC/Blighted Ovum and that led to a D&C at the end of July. We had to take off just under 2 months to let my body get back and then we started trying again in September to get to now.
How long have you been an active participant on the TTGP board? (minimum: 3 full months) July 2021-Jan 2022
What did your chart look like?
What were you doing TGKU? BBT, CM, OPKs, PNV, DTD, and just started IF testing.
How was your timing? What symptoms did you have, if any? (CS & CD breakdowns welcome) So if O was when FF says it was, then O-2. If I did O on CD12 which I did suspect for a bit (and was confirmed with a dummy temp on CD12) then timing is -3, and O. My boobs have been sore, and I have had a couple little bouts of nausea, but otherwise great. Like I mentioned I am cautiously optimistic about this whole thing.
How are you going to/did you tell your partner? Yesterday morning I took out a cheapie and then gravitated to a Clear Blue digital. I hesitated and basically convinced myself that it was going to be negative, and that it was a waste to even try it, but I did it anyways. The cheapie had a barely there line, that had to be scrutinized to see, and the CBD took what seemed like forever to load, but when it finally did I was in shock. I walked out of the bathroom with the test in my hand and my mouth wide open. DH was actually concerned because he said I looked terrified, but it was just honest to God shock. This morning I did another cheapie to compare the lines, and a FRER and both had visible to the naked eye lines, so I told DH when I came out. I hadn't thought about how I was going to tell him, but it just sort of all happened.
Anything else to add? I'm in such a weird place right now in regards on how to feel. I want to be excited, but the experience with the MMC is still very raw in my mind, so I want to not get too excited until we have more testing and that first US done. I also don't want to miss out on all the pregnancy excited-ness should this be a full term pregnancy. DH is also not allowing himself to get too excited until after the first US, as he is feeling the same way as me from our last experience.
I am also waning back and forth on if I should call the Dr right away, or wait until my already scheduled appt on Monday. For those that don't know, I had BW done to start IF testing and my thyroid levels are a bit off as well as my FSH. I've thought about just calling the nurse line and asking questions, but I also don't know if they would be able to do anything so it might be best to just wait until Monday. There is a part of me that also wants to call and get Betas drawn, but then in the back of my mind, my betas were so strong on my last pregnancy and it still ended, so I'm not sure if it's worth it.
Sorry this is so long, I wasn't kidding when I said I was having all the feels. To all my fellow TTCAL, TFAS, and IF women, you have all been such a rock for me these past few months. I appreciate all of your knowledge, insight, wit, and your compassion, more than I will ever be able to put into words. I hope that you are all graduating so very soon, and hope to maybe even see some of you on the October BMB (which is looking SAD right now, so might have to try to liven that place up a bit here soon.) In the meantime I will most likely lurk and lovetit so you might see me around as well.
Married 10/28/17
Our TTC Journey
Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21
BFP June '21
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
Jan '22 - started IF testing
BFP Jan '22
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
BFP May '22
In April of 2019, I went through a BO at 9 weeks. It took my body 3 months to regulate, but it did, and we found out in august of 2019 that we were KU again. I cried for 15 minutes in the bathroom before coming out to tell MH because I was terrified of going through another MC. I called my doctor right away and they got me in to do betas and an US at 7 weeks because I was anxious. Even though my gut told me this was my take-home baby (and it was), my doctor did everything she could to calm my fears.
Call your doctor. You’ll thank yourself for it. And remind yourself that today you are pregnant!
TTC History
Mar 2024 | consult to get established with a new reproductive immunologist (Alan Beer Center)
Apr/May 2024 | required testing & waiting for a protocol
May 2024 | protocol given / decided to go back to my old reproductive immunologist, Dr. Jubiz
Jun / Jul 2024 | more testing, incl. SIS, ultrasound, and endometrial biopsy
Jul 2024 | Dx chronic endometritis; 14 days of 100mg of doxy given
Sep 2024 | Repeat endometrial biopsy; still + for chronic endometritis. 2 more antibiotics + an antiviral
Oct 2024... currently awaiting a hysteroscopy (10/28) to check uterine cavity + check for endometritis
TTC #1
TTC #1 02/2020 - 07/2022
2009 | Dx PCOS; likely a misdiagnosis
07/14/20 | Dx Hashimoto's Thyroditis
07/21/20 | 1st RE appointment
07/2120 - 08/20/20 | so much testing; no signs of PCOS
08/20/20 | Dx Unexplained; AMA
09/08/20 | IUI #1 Clomid + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
09/30/20 | Urology consult; more testing required
10/2020 | Clomid + OPK + TI + Prometrium | BFN
10/26/2020 | Starting 2nd IUI cycle, with Letrazole and with a new RE / different clinic
11/03/2020 | New Dx "poor egg quality"; IUI cancelled in favor of Trigger + TI + Prometrium | BFN
11/26/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Menopur) + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
12/20/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Gonal-F) + Trigger | IUI Cancelled due to thin lining; TI only | BFN
01/14/2021 | Combo IUI (Letrazole + Menopur) + Trigger | BFN
02/06/2021 | Switched to a new RE (TEW) ; trying naturally until we complete additional testing
03/14/2021 | Hybrid Double IUI, with Zymot (Letrazole, Gonal-F) + Trigger + Endometrin | Ovulated 4 mature eggs but still a BFN ☹️
04/07/2021 | Natural cycle while we regroup | BFN
04/09/2021 | Employer announces fertility benefits starting 05/01/2021! | Search for a new doctor who accepts insurance
05/10/2021 | New RE consult & plan for IVF
05/13/2021 | Mid-luteal IVF cycle #1 interrupted; had to get cancer genetic screening done to make sure I didn't have the same SDHA gene mutation as MH.
06/10/2021 | Aygestin priming IVF cycle #1; opted to Cx after 9 days of stims since only 5-6/12 follicles responded
07/26/2021 | Attempt #2 at IVF cycle #1 (mid-luteal start): 8 retrieved, 8 MII, 6 fert (1 PN3), 3 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 3AA, 3AA, 6AB; 3 euploid
08/09/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC | Shockingly, a BFP! EDD: 5/25/202 | CP at 4w4d
09/23/2021 | IVF cycle #2 (mid-luteal start): 14 retrieved, 13 MII, 11 fert, 5 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 2 x 3AA, 2 x 3AB, 3BB; 2 euploid
11/12/2021 | IVF cycle #3 (mid-luteal start): cancelled due to ovaries being on vacation
12/20/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + Pregmune Immunology Testing; BFN
01/22/2022 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + understanding uncovered immunological issues; BFN
02/18/2022 | Mock transfer cycle! ERA, ReceptivaDx, EMMA/ALICE; start Prednisone to address NK activity
03/16/2022 | Final, "Hail Mary" super-ovulation + TI cycle before FET; BFP! EDD: 12/21/2022 | MMC 05/08/2022
05/20/2022 | D&C; recovering...
06/21/2022 | Trying naturally until October 2022
07/21/2022 | BFP! EDD 04/02/2023; 👦🏼 born on 4/5/2023
Married 07/2012
DD born 07/2014
DD2 born 10/2018
DS born 10/2022
IF history:
TTC #2 since January 2016
June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN
Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis
Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing
Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018
FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks
FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
@tessiesmom26 Congratulations!!! I’m wishing you the happiest and healthiest 9 months! I’m with everyone else, call your doctor. Even if they just say they’ll talk to you Monday, at least you have that peace of mind.