I have been craving chicken fried steak with gravy like, constantly. So DH bought some from the store that I can just cook in the oven and made me a pot of gravy and it is GLORIOUS. 🤤🤤
I don't really get strong cravings, but over the weekend I was really hungry and dinner wasn't ready yet so I just popped a bag of frozen cheese bread in the oven because they sounded amazing. (The delicious Brazilian cheese roll kind that's almost always gluten free 🙌🙌) but then overcooked them so that was kinda sad.
Edit more words to finish my thoughts lol. Pregnancy brain 🤦♀️
This reminds me, DH recently reminded me that when I was pregnant with DD, I cried in Deadpool 2. 😂 (It was a legitimately sad part, so I believe it was justified).
DD dropped her bag at last house truck of treating. Didn’t discover it until 5 minutes later. Literally ran back and found bag empty. The house i found it out was kind enough to refill it for her but i still cried the entire walk back cause she spent house picking out orange pops and M&Ms. So I’ll be going to buy those today to add to bag.
no crying today, just pregnancy rage lol. But massively been craving baked ziti. I have to massively limit gluten, cheese and nightshades thanks to my stomach, so I’m saving up to get a REALLY good serving at one of the local Italian restaurants next time we go out
@skc040512 we had GF baked ziti a couple weeks ago (homemade), but obviously doesn't solve your DF and nightshade free issues. And nightshade substitutes are awful in large amounts 🤢 totally not the same!
@pajamstagrams thankfully, I usually only have to cut these things out for like 6-8 weeks, and then just try to not eat them all the time. I’ll be real though, when you just want pizza and are pregnant…it’s hard not to go get pizza 😂 before I realized I had a nightshade sensitivity, I would go to mellow mushroom and get GF vegan cheese pizza with pepperoni and bacon 😅 it was a decent substitute but still not as good as the real thing
I cried today when I went for my NIPT and 2nd ultrasound and saw that heart fluttering again. I NEVER had any kinds of anxiety during any of my other pregnancies, but man, just seeing that the heartbeat was still there sent me into sobs! 💜
@skc040512 I went through a no/low-nightshade phase a couple years ago and yeah, white pizzas were my saving grace lol. (obviously ignored the nightshade spices in sausage and pepperoni though 😂)
I really thought we had fish sticks and I was really craving those + tartar sauce. I was very sad to find that we didn’t have any 😆
I’ve also been craving cake for like 2 weeks. I need someone to have a birthday. I reached out to the girl who made DD’s birthday cake to ask if she could make us gender reveal cupcakes even though it will just be DH and me (and DD), literally because I just want the cake and I feel justified in the excuse
@mrslabug hahahaha! How was it??? Gosh it has been the weirdest craving, I think I have had that 3x this week. Kinda over it now and scrolling Pinterest looking at food now to find something-anything- that looks good 😂😂😂
@tacosandtums it was DELISHHHUSSSS!!! Seriously I had not had one of those in YEARS and I was sad when it was gone. 😂😂😂 Nothing sounds good to me for dinner tonight except mashed potatoes. 🥺
Crying: We sold our house mid-October, we still haven’t found a house to buy and we close November 7! We don’t have family we can stay with because my family live 19+ hours away and hubby’s family all live in RVs. I’ve been pretty emotional about all that!
I’ve also been reading The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer and those have been making me weap.
Cravings: tatertots/hash browns, Little Caesar’s breadsticks
I don’t know why, but I’m going through 2-3 tubs of Trader Joe’s pimento cheese a week. When I’m feeling nauseous I just eat a few cracker and cheese. I even woke up starving at 3am the other night and ate pimento cheese in my dark kitchen 😂
@lbindc523 that first sentence is so good 😂 classic pregnancy. Whatever works! My food of the week has been so far bacon egg and cheese bagels and chick fil a breakfast, today I started thinking about fried eggplant a lot 😂
Last night I wanted Sour Patch Watermelons SO bad but couldn’t find them at the store. Later that night, in our hotel room, I decided Skittles would suffice and made my husband go to the hotel lobby to buy them. He came back with one pack of Skittles and one water bottle. For $11. This baby is expensive lol
I was craving twice baked potatoes so I made them to have with supper last night. Baked 5 potatoes. Gave hubby 1. My daughters split 1. And I at the other 3…
Raisin bran crunch... And I've been eating a lot at a time. I might have to see if Costco sells it. Haha, also fruit snacks and gummies... Does this mean I'm having a girl? Haha, jk kinda. With my son, I craved all salty things.
@runninginva I craved salty/spicy things with DD, and am craving them again this time. Tbd what this one is, but I'm definitely curious to see if things hold true and it's another girl (my gut says yes, DH thinks boy) 😂
Lemonade, so much lemonade! I had this craving with DD, but not until 3rd tri last time. I only bought one carton last week and ran out, so I wised up and bought two this week. ;-)
Re: November Cravings/Crying
Edit more words to finish my thoughts lol. Pregnancy brain 🤦♀️
I was craving cornbread all last week. Something about the weather and the fact that we made chili meant I needed cornbread with almost every meal!
Also: current craving is a white pizza 🤤🤤
I’ve also been craving cake for like 2 weeks. I need someone to have a birthday. I reached out to the girl who made DD’s birthday cake to ask if she could make us gender reveal cupcakes even though it will just be DH and me (and DD), literally because I just want the cake and I feel justified in the excuse
I got my spinach artichoke dip with some fried bowties and I’m a happy girl!!!!!
Nothing sounds good to me for dinner tonight except mashed potatoes. 🥺