I’m wondering if people would want this thread to get opinions on name combos? (Such as potential name for new baby + other sibling name combo… or first + middle name combo… etc)
my “combo” question is about baby name + husbands name! My husband is Zach and he loves the name Mack for a boy. But I don’t think I can handle the rhyme!
please share your name combo ideas for your baby too!
Re: Baby Names
1) go with the first 3
2) 1 or 2 syllable first name
3) 3 syllable middle name
4) has a good meaning
5) starts with a consonant
Have I just made it impossible to name baby #4?
@brookejay06 FWIW the rhyming wouldn’t bother me too much. I have a friend whose son is Macklin and think it’s a super cute name!
Samuel Elliot
James Oliver
Claire Annabelle
Charlotte Katherine
boy names??? First name will be Robert thanks to family tradition, so really just have to pick 1 name that we want to actually call him by. I find I don’t like a lot of boy names but the few I like are Samuel (Sam), Cameron, Jack, and Clark. I don’t have any strong feelings about any of them.
Boy- Jack, Patrick, Cooper
Hannah Felicity
Laine Rosamond
Ruth Catherine
Heath Cameron
Liam Adrian
Mason Anthony
Nolan Dominic