Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Baby scared of dad

Can a child have ptsd? 
My son suffered a brain bleed at birth so he has issues from that as he’s not motor. Everytime he’s with his dad he cries. His dad yells a lot and has hit me quiet a few times when holding baby. I never Hear my son cry like this except with him. It’s a pure fear cry and I’m lost at what to do. I know It hurts the dad and he wants to bond with his son. But now we have baby 2 on the way and I’m a stay at home mom i just Don’t know if there’s fixing this trauma or if i should Go before more happens . I’m so scared because my baby needs to fix his brain with good things and not fill it up with bad that won’t help the healing . Idk I’m just rambling now

Re: Baby scared of dad

  • Leave. If this person has hit you and yells at you you should leave. Make a plan get your passport and paper and those of your children to a friend and leave. Call the police every time he’s violent so there’s a record. You are worth more  and deserve to be treated well. 

    Oh and it’s not your job to help him with this. If the baby is scared of him it’s hoods job to calm and reassure your child. Which is sounds like great unable to do. 
  • Your baby has every right to act scared, he is scared. You can’t help him to heal until he’s removed from an environment where there’s screaming and aggression. I was raised in a household with chaos and screaming and it affects children so so deeply. You already know that.
    Even though this is an old question my guess is that you never left. It’s hard. But you have to if you want your kid safe. 
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  • he hit you and he yells. No wonder why your child is scared of him. Pls leave for your safety and your children safety.
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