I prefer summer. I like to watch gymnastics and swimming. I haven't watched at all this year though. The women's gymnastics team of 96 is still fondly remembered in my mind.
I have to watch the Olympics as much as I can, because I'm like "it's only every 4 years!" It's hard for me to pick my favorite season... I also like gymnastics and swimming, diving too... but winter has hockey! And aerials. And snowboarding. It's all fun. I'm excited this year to get the kids into it. So far we've watched diving and swimming - my 2 year old laughs every time the divers land in the water, and my 4 year old just wants to watch the girls' events So I'm excited to watch tonight's gymnastics with them.
I haven't really watched any of the Olympics this year because of the time difference, but I like gymnastics and swimming in the summer and ice skating in the winter! I think ice skating is probably my favorite.
I am a big Olympics fan and pretty much watch whatever sport is on. I used to be a competitive swimmer so love all the swimming events. Gymnastics is always great too. This year I really have enjoyed the new sports - skateboarding and surfing have been super fun to watch! Fun fact- I actually went as a spectator to the Olympics in 1996 in Atlanta. We watched the gold medal baseball game. I was a teenager and had tons of fun collecting/swapping lots of the different pins too.
Another former competitive swimmer over here! Def love all the swimming. I have to admit, I have not found time to watch much this year. It feels like the pandemic has made me less able to care about any sports strangely. I feel completely disconnected from it!
@magalina_h - I actually did the 100 butterfly and was only fairly good at it bc no one else wanted to swim it! I loved being on the team. Do you still swim? I try to get laps in as often as I can (like 3 days a week or so)- I heard it helps with delivery too! I told me husband our little boy is definitely doing swimming!
@karenmarie9 I enjoyed butterfly too and would occasionally swim it in a relay. I don't swim laps now because I don't want to pay a gym membership, and it's not as fun on my own. When I was working at the Y years, and had a free membership, I would swim laps once or twice a week though.
I love watching the Olympics! I like the winter best because I love watching the ice skating, but I like gymnastics, swimming and diving during the summer Olympics. My husband was a pole vaulter in high school so we always try to catch that event. The opening ceremonies are also fun to watch!
I love watching both, we keep it on every evening. I guess I’d pick summer if I had to choose- my faves are swimming, gymnastics and track. We love sports in general though. We love watching the the World Cup, UEFA Euro, NFL, F1. If sports are being played, it’s on in our house.
@magalina_h@karenmarie9 Butterfly was definitely my strongest. I also did well in back and IM events. I don't swim much these days but I miss it a lot. I need to get back in the water!
Summer Olympics over winter for me too; Diving, Swimming, Gymnastics, and Sailing. I was a diver till I had knee surgery and then joined swim team as my friends were all on swim/dive. I swam 200 and 500 free (not fast but had endurance)
Re: GTKY: The Olympics
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
Mine was Backstroke. I was by no means amazing, but swim team was one of the best parts of my HS experience.
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
Butterfly was definitely my strongest. I also did well in back and IM events.
I don't swim much these days but I miss it a lot. I need to get back in the water!