November 2021 Moms

Weird Things People Say/Do When You’re Pregnant

I’ve seen a few boards have something like this so I figured I’d make one for us! What are funny or rude things people have said/done to you since you became pregnant? 
Me: 29 | DH: 28
Due: 6 Nov 2021
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Re: Weird Things People Say/Do When You’re Pregnant

  • For me, I’ve only gotten one rude comment at the beginning of “was it planned or no?” But it came from someone who doesn’t have the best social skills so I kind of just laughed it off and told him it was indeed planned lol 

    Other than that, I just get the same question over and over - “have you had any weird cravings?” I got asked it so many times that I made a list on my phone of what I’ve craved so far lol 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • When I was pregnant with my first I had a lady walk up to me in Costco and ask me IF SHE COULD HAVE MY BABY 😳. I ran away so fast. 

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  • slizteesliztee member
    edited June 2021
    @jackie_dunny Well, of COURSE you made a list.
  • mayoduckmayoduck member
    edited June 2021
    I've had complete strangers butt into my conversations with other people to ask me when I'm due and what I'm having. Umm... I'm in the middle of a conversation here and my baby is none of your business.

    @jackie_dunny I got "was it planned?" with my first a couple times too. I don't know if it's people struggling to make conversation or if DH and I just didn't strike them as the family type of people?

    Also of course the CONSTANT "How are you feeling?" that for some reason auto-replaces "How are you doing?" once you announce you're pregnant. It's been my experience that people expect you to feel lousy or have morning sickness so when I've said that "I'm feeling pretty good actually!" I've gotten some awkward responses of "Oh.." followed by silence.

    ETA: When I was in my third trimester with my first, one of my in-laws did a mock pregnancy waddle over to me. I didn't even waddle when I walked.
  • So far for me it has been mostly my co-workers acting like I'm suddenly fragile and it is super annoying. I continue to remind them that I am an adult and will ask if I need help.  In a way I would've liked to just keep it to myself the whole time, lol.
  • @artsiefartsie People should really just stop asking how we're feeling when they don't actually care to know 😂

    When I was quite pregnant with my first, I remember walking into the restroom at work and there was another obviously pregnant woman in there. I feel like we bonded in the way that we SAID NOTHING to each other. Like there was this mutual agreement that we'd both had enough of strangers striking up a conversation just because of the shape and size of our bodies. So refreshing.
  • @sliztee LMAO I was wondering if anyone would catch that 👀 

    @mayoduck ugh yes the constant “how are you feeling?” I feel like it’s lessened now that I usually have the same response. I also get “have you been feeling really sick?” a lot still and I’m like in the beginning yeah but not so much now. It’s always the people that have never been pregnant that ask that though and don’t realize it’s mainly a first tri thing. Also, the other day I was slowly going up the staircase and some woman I don’t know was coming up behind me so I said “sorry I’m pregnant and slow, just go around me” and when we reached the top, another visibly pregnant lady was about to come down and the first lady goes “OH! She’s pregnant too!” And the other lady was just like “…..oh” like, I don’t care. Do I know you? 

    @gingerale87 I was actually going to make that my FFFC! I appreciate the sentiment but I hate when they’re like “no you can’t bend down and lift that 5lb item!!!!” Chill, if I couldn’t handle it, I’d ask for help. 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • I guess being pregnant in a city we've only lived in since the pandemic started means I don't see people enough to have any questions asked   :D

    +1 for people asking if my pregnancy was planned with Arlo. I remember thinking, "Do you know me at all?! I PLAN EVERYTHING."
  • I hate the random person feeling like they can just rub your stomach......up personal boundaries COVID??
  • @mayoduck yes! I feel like it’s a way of getting out of supporting somebody. Not okay. 

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  • Are you sure you're not having twins? (Hint: I'm not...I just have a big bump.)
  • Unsolicited advice from both strangers and family. -_- 
    People acting like I'm made of glass.... My work is not for the faint of heart so there are some limitations I have had to endure just because of the nature of some of what I do isn't safe for baby. But I am NOT MADE OF GLASS FOR THE LOVE OF PICKLES. 
    People always want to know about my cravings. lol Nothing else. Just that....
  • I get the “oh, is this your first?” And when I respond with “it’s my 3rd” I get looks and “oh girl, you’re gonna be so busy. Yes. I know. Thank you. I’ve got a 3.5 YO and a 2YO. TRUST ME, I KNOW! 
  • @jenniferjoy37 if it helps...the transition from 2 to 3 is way easier than 1 to 2 I found. You've already mastered how to juggle kids! Plus, #1 & #2 have each other to entertain themselves,  rather than you trying to play with a toddler and newborn like when you have your 2nd. Its really not as bad a transition as you think! Yes, tired and busy but just one more thrown in! 
  • Oh and I had 3 under 4 like you will! Its so fun...thats why we are doing it AGAIN  haha! 
  • Yesterday my neighbor looked at me and  said, “WOW. I just can’t see you going another FOUR months”. Thanks. I’m actually super small still and not showing nearly as fast as I did with my last baby. 

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  • stephk2120stephk2120 member
    edited July 2021
    I had a lady with her kids walk into the public bathroom I had stopped in at Walmart and the lady looked at me like I had five heads and there was something wrong with me. She looked at my belly and then looked at me and gave me this nasty look and then asked “what happened? Random one night stand?” That comment made me so angry. Also, the constant stares from people… really annoying.
  • @stephk2120 What the eff? Should have asked her if that's how she got her kids *eyeroll*
  • @stephk2120 wtf??? 

    @jenniferjoy37 the transition from 2-3 was my easiest, too. 
  • @kim1228 @doodleoodle So glad to hear that 2-3 is easy! Whew. 
  • "Really? You're waddling already?" "I don't want to see what you are 9 months pregnant". Yes, because every step is painful for my back/hips from an injury not from being pregnant. 
  • My least favorite is when people ask if we were “trying for a girl” with our third since the first two are boys (and this one is too!). We are super excited for three little buddies and wouldn’t have gone for a third if we weren’t going to be super happy either way! 

    Also, love hearing all the comments about the 2 to 3 transition being the easiest! 
  • All the comments on size drive me insane.  I don’t think I’m that big, I was definitely showing earlier since it’s my second…but I have this coworker who has been saying ‘you look like you’re going to have him any day now!’ Bitch I hope not, I’d rather avoid the nicu, but thanks 😒 

    I’m 25 weeks now, and she starting saying it at 23 🤦‍♀️
  • My least favorite is when people ask if we were “trying for a girl” with our third since the first two are boys (and this one is too!). We are super excited for three little buddies and wouldn’t have gone for a third if we weren’t going to be super happy either way! 

    Also, love hearing all the comments about the 2 to 3 transition being the easiest! 
    My first 3 were girls and this one is going to be a boy. I’ve had so many people comment that we must be so happy to “finally get our boy” and now we can be done. It makes me feel like we need to have a 5th baby. That’s a totally logical reason to create a life, right? 😂
  • @doodleoodle we had a boy and a girl first and everyone said that we hit the jackpot and didn’t need more kids. Ummm maybe we wanted more than two? They were shocked when we had our third… And obviously even more so now that we are having a fourth. SOOO much judgment either way apparently. I’d feel the same way and want a fifth just for that reason 😂. Not that we would do it. But why can’t people just mind their own business?! 

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  • I'm probably in the minority here, but it never bothered me when I was pregnant w my third and was asked if we were trying for a girl (two boys first). Ended up being a girl, too! I think its just people being friendly and making conversation? I have even found myself asking that, too!  I just smiled and laughed, said yep we got our girl! Truthfully,  I kinda wanted a 3rd boy because I knew what to do with them haha! Obviously we love our gal and can't imagine life without her ❤ 

    This time we just say we don't care either way if asked the gender. Now the comments are mostly impressed "wow going for 4!" And I just say , thank you! We like even numbers, more the merrier, you only live once... something like that. I just take everything as southern hospitable small talk, and respond with a smile! Figure it takes no more effort to be gracious. 
  • Mostly strangers just keep telling me I'm cute, which is nice I guess but still feels a bit awkward. Also I had an older woman at a store telling me how much she misses being pregnant and being young enough to be pregnant, and I didn't really know what to say to that but it seemed a little sad.
  • @kim1228 that’s a great perspective to have. You’re probably much happier than I am in general 😂
  • @doodleoodle yes! Gotta go for #5 just to prove them all wrong! 😂
  • my friends acting like I'm suddenly fragile and it is super annoying
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