I really hope we get more participants on this bmb. It seems strange that it is so quiet!
This week should be a nice one. I'm working M/T/Th/F and Saturday we are having a first birthday party for my youngest. We are having brunch at our house at 10, then we rented the pool from 11-1! I'm pretty thrilled that we will be done with guests by one o'clock and will have the rest of the weekend to relax. Also, my grandpa is coming up from Texas and I haven't seen him for 2 years, so I'm super excited to introduce him to the baby finally! 😊
@modoodles Sounds like such a fun party! Can't wait to hear all about it.
I really need to focus on work these next few days, but that part of my brain doesn't seem to be working LOL. I have Thurs/Fri off because my sitter (cousin) is going away so I have little man with me those days. I want to take him to the beach, but I am not sure I can brave trekking all the stuff down there myself. I'm going to see if I can find someone to tag along.
Me: 34 DH: 34 Married 10/28/17 Our TTC Journey
TTC #1 February '18 Team Green turned TeamBlue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21 BFP June '21 MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21 Jan '22 - started IF testing BFP Jan '22 MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22 BFP May '22
@modoodles It is quiet! Can't speak for everyone else but I feel like life still hasn't completely ramped back up to normal for us yet. Pretty low key still...And yay for grandparents/great grandparents visit! I'm sure he'll be so excited to meet the baby!
Not much for us over here. I finally called and scheduled a doctors appt for July 7th. Can't believe its already July! DH has Monday and Friday off but no big plans. My great aunt usually has a 4th of July party so weather permitting we'll go to that and DS will get to go swimming for the first time. MIL and SIL are visiting Wednesday through Friday so I'm trying to conserve my energy now as that is typically exhausting and we don't want anyone to know yet...
@modoodles I'm always torn on quiet boards! on the one hand I want to have more engagement and on the other I don't want to feel like I have to constantly be checking on threads lol
Idk how anyone does work through the first trimester. we are also in a heat dome in the PNW that I am having a very hard time focusing on anything other than keeping myself and the pets cool. It's supposed to hit 110 in Seattle today. like what. what.
@tessiesmom26 a beach trip sounds fun! Hopefully you can find someone to tag along! How old is your little guy?
@gardenvariety88 that sounds like a busy week with lots of family! I would need another week to recover from that one!
@chgilmore yes! Your heat this week is insane! Baby pool to soak in? I have a few friends in the PNW and they said they don't have air conditioning, it is not uncommon for people to not have ac there, and are really struggling with the heat. I would probably be looking for a pool to live in until it passes!
@modoodles I am thankful that we have a portable AC unit that's pretty powerful! if we didn't have that, I would definitely be in that kiddie pool...or soaking in a cool bath.
@modoodles He is 2.5. He's a bit of a handful, never stops moving, but he does love the beach!
@chgilmore I thought it was hot here today at 94. DH has told me that my body temp is higher than normal lately. He was genuinely concerned when we went to bed the other night but I said "I have to be warm, I'm cooking a baby!" I hope you are able to stay cool!
Me: 34 DH: 34 Married 10/28/17 Our TTC Journey
TTC #1 February '18 Team Green turned TeamBlue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21 BFP June '21 MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21 Jan '22 - started IF testing BFP Jan '22 MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22 BFP May '22
@modoodles I was thinking the same thing about the board being so quiet. I’m sure it’ll be a bit busier as our pregnancies move along. We’re having DS1s 5th bday party Saturday! Super exciting. I hope your little has a blast!
@chgilmore ugh this heat is miserable! Thankfully it should cool down a little the rest of the week. 1st tri exhaustion plus this heat wave, I would get no work done if I was still working. I’m glad you have a portable AC to keep you cool. We’re lucky enough to have AC but loads of family and friends around us don’t. We’ve made an open invitation to them all to take refuge here if they need a break from the heat.
Since my mom was in the hospital and had surgery they weren’t able to visit like they were supposed to so I mailed my dads Father’s Day gift/announcement and they just got it today so now all of our immediate families know about the baby. It’s feeling more real as we share the news with family and I get closer to my first official appointment Wednesday. I cannot wait to hear a heartbeat❤️.
@modoodles I was thinking the same about the queit board. I feel like I can be more active when it's quiet if that makes sense. I am so busy I lose track quickly.
It was another long day at work. We've had massive staffing shortages and it's been extremely stressful. I'm trying to keep calm and making a conscious effort not to stress out over things I can't control.
ETA soccer for my 4 year old is tonight and my mom is here with us. We decided to keep it to ourselves for awhile but man is it difficult not talking about it.
@gardenvariety88 I have my 2nd appointment on July 7th, so will definitely be thinking of you! I'm supposed to graduate from the RE that day.
I hope everyone with the high temps cool down soon. We were in the high 90's low 100's for a few weeks earlier in the month, and it was awful. I worked an outdoor trade show/conference during the heat wave, and I hope to never do it again in that heat.
AFM: I’m struggling this week. I graduate from the RE next week, but that was also my self-decided timeline to tell my parents and sister. I’ll see my sister in a couple weeks, so I need to tell them before that. I just don’t want to tell them. My sister struggles with IF, but also refuses to seek out help because, in her words, “that takes the fun out of it.” Because of this, despite RPL for me, my mom will be more concerned about my sister’s reaction, and has said (at all pregnancy announcements) “I wish it was your sister having a baby.” I have always announced to my sister in private, and I always keep pregnancy talk to a minimum because while I don’t truly understand how IF feels, I do understand how RPL feels, and it sucks really bad. Even though she’s my older sister, I’ve also always been her protector, so I hate that my announcements hurt her. So yeah, struggle shuttle over here currently. I don’t want to hurt her, but I also wish my mom wouldn’t make the insensitive comments.
@makingbacon that sounds so hard to have your mom so hyperfocused on your sister’s pain that she misses how scary and sad and painful RPL has been for you.
@chgilmore hope you and everyone else in the PNW gets a little cooldown tomorrow. That heat is out of control!
AFM, I’ve had to do covid tests for both kids and still waiting for occ health to clear me for work tomorrow, and if not it’s going to be such a nuisance getting patients rescheduled. I know it’s not covid because I caught this cold from DD2 who also infected DD1, both of whom are negative. Summer colds are such a pita and I have a million and one things to do before we leave on vacation this weekend.
Truly random fires over here because I’m too nauseated to sleep. Shouldn’t have taken my vitamin on an empty stomach at bedtime.
@makingbacon I’m sorry you’re struggling right now and haven’t had the support or excitement you should from your Mom. I hope when you do share your news your mom and sister can be excited for you ❤️.
Over here it’s 3 hours past my 2yos bedtime and he is still awake kicking walls and making a general ruckus in my boys shared bedroom. I’m amazed DS1 and my husband can sleep through it considering DS1 is in there with him and my bedroom shares a wall with theirs on the side DS2s bed is on. I can’t sleep until I know he is asleep because he’s a mischief maker and would end up in the refrigerator or pantry getting midnight snacks/making a mess.
@makingbacon I’m sorry your announcement is tied with hurt when you should be getting support. Your sister struggles with IF but won’t get help, but then doesn’t realize she makes it hard for people to tell her when they’re pregnant. That’s hard. And what if it’s not even her? What if it’s her partner? Just seems like an impossible to please situation.
AFM, nothing much going on here. Just got back from vacation and I’m so glad I took today off too since the insomnia kicked in and vacation is △⃒⃘lways busy. At least with kids.
@modoodles It is quiet and I've never been on a bmb board before I've looked at other months though and they do have a lot of activity! We'll hit our groove. Pool party sounds wonderful. Hope it all goes well! @tessiesmom26 the beach sounds fun! I'm with you though... no energy to do things on my own. @gardenvariety88 The 4th sounds fun! I hope you have enough energy for the family coming! I get anxious for friends coming over (we haven't told any of them) because my symptoms are worse at night.
@chgilmore The heat is terrible! I'm in Utah and feeling the desert wasteland vibe right about now. We actually are in a bad drought and can only water our lawns once a week. Scared for what the rest of the summer will look like. @makingbacon That's so hard. I'm sorry that these feelings are tied to sharing such happy news.
AFM We planned a 4th of July getaway with my SS for this weekend. Tubing, pools/slides, cabin. I'm excited but my symptoms have been really extreme lately and I hope that I can have an enjoyable time.
@tessiesmom26 I've been having the same dilemma about taking DS to the beach as well. I thought he would be super portable and easy to travel with...and well he's not. The thought of lugging all that stuff down to the beach so I can chase him around for 20 minutes before he's ready to leave makes me not want to do it. Hopefully you can find someone to go with so you can all enjoy it!
@chgilmore My first thought today when I saw the headline about Portland setting a record with 116 degrees was that you must be miserable! Hope you are finding ways to stay cool and eating lots of ice cream!
@makingbacon Yay for graduation! Sorry your mom is being difficult. I totally respect you being so considerate of your sister's feelings but that has to be so disappointing to not have your excitement acknowledge either. Here's hoping she has a better reaction than your anticipating!
@lexilougolden I'm keeping my fingers crossed. My SIL who is visiting is the first person who figured it out the first time around so I feel like I have to be on my toes even more. Luckily eating addresses most of my nausea ATM so fingers crossed! Hope all your symptoms stay in check so you can enjoy time out on the lake! (assuming it's a lake)
@gardenvariety88 we did eat lots of ice cream! and we went out to a movie last night in the very cool AC @lexilougolden I am very scared for wildfire season in the next month if the weather keeps acting up like this
@fuscok88 It's impressive they could sleep through that, but stinks DS2 wasn't sleeping. DS1 is our mischief maker (for now - DS2 appears to be a "hold my bottle" kind of kid), so I feel your pain on the fridge and pantry not being safe unattended.
@lexilougolden Your 4th plans sound super fun! Hopefully your symptoms give you a break.
I also wanted to thank everyone for your support. I always feel guilty for wanting a happy reaction from my mom. I am glad I have a relationship with my sister where she can be honest with me, and it helped me even before TTC DS1 to understand how thoughtless comments and invasive questions can ruin someone's day.
Its quiet here, I feel like there arent as many people either? I feel like my last board had A LOT, even 4 years later we still ahve a very strong close facebook group and ive met up with a lot of the other moms, ok, maybe not a lot but Ive probably met 6 or 7 from that group.
I feel like its hard for me to be active right now because its hard for me to focus on anything with feeling so miserable. Once I start feeling better I should be on here a lot more, for now Im just checking in every day or so. I love reading all the updates from you guys though!!
My A12 bmb still has 60+ very active members. One of those girls was in my wedding, and we have had meetups all over the place. Minneapolis, Chicago, Austin, Nashville, and on the East Coast there in an annual get together.
My J20 bmb has about 25-30 active members and I've met one of the moms, but we just started planning a large meet up for the summer of 2022.
I also feel like this is a pretty small group and I'm hopeful for more soon.
My J19 Group definitely started slow but is still going strong on Facebook now. But the ladies who have had another since then have all said their next bump groups were much smaller. Maybe more competition of Birth Month group options so less people are coming to the Bump? Idk but am selfishly glad it's a little slow because I don't think I could keep up with a ton of posts right now!
Is anybody doing a Sneak Peek Test to find out gender? I honestly don't care that much and don't think I would raise a girl any differently than I raise a boy (and he wears "girl" clothes like 50% of the time) but I feel like I need something to make this pregnancy feel more real! I barely even remember I'm pregnant right now until I start puking.
@modoodles I lvoe that one of the girls was in your wedding! Thats so cool! Our group was starting to plan a big trip for us all to meet up but then, covid
@kaf1788 Sneak peek test? What is that? Im planning on getting an elective ultrasound at 15 weeks to find out
@livingoffpbjs It's an at-home blood test you can take and then mail in for analysis that can detect the baby's Y chromosome if it's a boy. (so if you have Y in the bloodstream it's a boy, no Y it's a girl). I did it with my son and it was accurate! Works as early as 8 weeks
@kaf1788 I'm not doing that at home but I'm working with my insurance and midwife team to get preapproval for the MaterniT21 blood test that does identify gender (and the three main trisomies) as early as 9 weeks
@chgilmore oh I plan on doing the NIPT too (but I think my doctor usually does it at 12 weeks... I don't have my first appointment until 10) I just have no chill and want to do it NOW
@kaf1788 were not doing any early result tests because my entire family likes to guess which is fun so we’ll wait it out. DS1 has decided baby is going to be another boy and also that he’s going to be named Daniel. No idea where that came from but he will not let it go lol.
My M19 group is intermittent on Facebook but has several steady messenger chats for more constant interest based communication. I’ve met up with one other mom from that group who has sadly moved away since COVID but there are a few who’ve moved into the PNW since COVID so hopefully as things open up we can do more.
My first appointment yesterday was great. I’m really loving my midwife. We did adjust my due date, on paper at least, to 2/6 based on my period still being irregular since my miscarriage and that I think I ovulated late this cycle.
@gardenvariety88 ooh gl with mil and sil! I don’t know if I’d be able to keep it secret if they were staying over.
@chgilmore I don’t know how anyone does it either. I only work part time on the weekends a I barely made it last week. I don’t know how I did it with my first. And sorry the weather is so bad. It stays hot like that where I live but we’re prepared. I can’t imagine it being so hot without ac in all of your buildings!
@fuscok88 sorry you didn’t get to see your dad. That plaque is super cute though! I bet he loves it!
@makingbacon I’m sorry the situation with your sister is difficult. If it were me, as someone who has been through it. I would just want a text so I can deal with my emotions on my own, in my own time. After my last loss a friend sent me a message about being KU. And I was devastated. I wasn’t able to talk to her for weeks. I can’t imagine if she has told me in person. I’m sure your sister will be happy for you. But it’s hard to be happy for someone else and still be sad for yourself.
@livingoffpbjs I do feel like it’s a little small here too! But after being on ttgp I kind of like it! I haven’t been on a bump bmb before but on my sons birth group there were a ton of ladies. So much that I felt like it was hard to keep up and actually engage. And with these symptoms being so strong, im not sure with how many more I could keep up with! But I know that’s just me being selfish. Hopefully everyone will stay active.
@photographerwife I feel you on liking the smaller group, especially coming from TTGP xD it is also hard to engage with some of these symptoms and not a whole lot going on baby-wise
I was active with my A19 bmb but when it switched to Facebook I couldn't keep up. I no longer have the app on my phone and couldn't tell you the last time I logged on. Personal choice for my mental health, so much noise and negativity. Not in the group just in general. I do still follow a few on Instagram and love watching the kiddos grow up along my 2nd.
@photographerwife I plan on texting her again this time, so thank you for your advice. I agree that I think texting for DS2 was a way better option than calling like I did for DS1. I thought I was doing it the "right way" by calling the first time because I mistakenly thought it fell in the "news you should always call about" category. She sounded hurt, I felt awful, and then she ghosted me the remainder of my pregnancy. In my gut, I understand why she ghosted me, but it still really damaged our relationship. I was high risk with DS1, and I was terrified I was going to lose him, too. My mom took my sister's side, and maybe I'm being selfish and this is where RPL and IF don't overlap, but I needed my sister. She didn't even realize I was high risk until our aunt mentioned it in passing after DS1 was born. So we went from talking every day to no communication for 6-ish months.
I honestly can’t remember when my previous bmbs picked up? I was active in May14 and there was drama with someone trying to get money from the group, and then the bump imploded at that time and a core group of us went to some other (non-fb) platform that was super annoying and that was right around the time I went back to work and had no time. And my D18 group is still pretty active on fb, such a great drama-free group of ladies. It’s slowed down a little bit as more are having another baby, but still really solid.
I am just grateful that everyone here seems nice & supportive of each other even if we’re all tired and nauseated and juggling all the life stuff.
Also I hate the bump app but only ever log in from my phone. Expect random typos from me but I promise I’m not just lazy, thumb typing and this dysfunctional app isn’t a great combo.
I only work half days on Fridays but they told us to log off two hours early for the long weekend. I was feeling so woozy this morning I didn't actually log on until 9:30. I guess I'll consider my half an hour of dawdling on the internet on my work computer sufficient for the day!
Meanwhile, I had big plans of cooking up a few different kinds of muffins with hidden veggies to force some nutrition into my toddler. He's an EXTREME picky eater and we are waiting for a Feeding Therapist to have availability but in the meantime he is impossible to feed. Would rather go a full day without eating than eat something he deems unappealing (which changes on the daily. There's basically nothing we can serve him that we can be confident he'll actually eat). The idea of cooking is making me feel soooooo gross though. I can't wait for first tri to be over.
+1 for not doing fb @angelob88 I do hope we can try to maintain an active PG here down the road, because I lost my first BMB to another random platform, and my second BMB to FB. There are like, three of us left! 😂 I can't say I understand why everyone always seems to start a nice thriving community HERE, only to leave. 🤷 But now that the group is filling out, as nice as it is to see, it makes me guarded about getting too engaged honestly, because if history is any indication, I won't even get to find out when most of your babies are born. :/ Which is a real shame.
Tonight is opening night, and I'm off work today. I need some rest! Tech week has been nonstop, and we have four show opening weekend. It's a lot! But so much fun. DH has been a little salty about it, coming home super late from all the rehearsals, but mostly he's been a good sport and a huge help. I think he'll be taking the girls to visit grandma Saturday, since it's two shows and there's probably not much point going home in between. Wish me luck!
For me, I enjoy getting to know people here early in pregnancy, but then appreciate the transition to a private FB group. I start here because it is a smaller group than a huge random fb group, and I can discuss things here that I'm not ready to share publicly. It also gives me a chance to engage in a more structured way than a fb group would. Then later when I'm ready to share more details of my life FB is much more user friendly and private than the bump is.
Edited to add: I like the anonymity on TB, but once I feel comfortable I like the simplicity and privacy controls of FB.
A random - when are you all telling your families/friends/circles about your pregnancy? This is my first and I will wait until the second trimester to tell our larger network, but I don't think I can wait that long to tell our closest family and friends.
I know there is no right or wrong here, just curious (and antsy!)...
@smithaus I started telling my family and friends after an ultrasound confirming heartbeat. I told my best friend the day I found out because she’s staying with us right now and there is no way I couldn’t tell her. But our moms and immediate family know and our close friends. But they are people that we would include in anything, our infertility journey, loss. Etc. and people we want to celebrate with regardless. I’ll be more comfortable sharing with the public after my first trimester, most likely.
@photographerwife That's how I have been thinking about it - the people I would trust with the news no matter what happens can find out sooner than later. Thanks so much for sharing!
@smithaus we won't tell anyone outside our house until after I start showing/am unable to hide it any longer. This is our 3rd and we told pretty much everyone who asked us about another that we were done, happy with our 2 girls. I don't want to deal with the "I thought you were done" pokes. We've made it clear to one another that DH will have a vasectomy done after this one so we're going to secretly enjoy this last pregnancy between us for as long as we can.
Re: Weekly Randoms 6.28.2021
This week should be a nice one. I'm working M/T/Th/F and Saturday we are having a first birthday party for my youngest. We are having brunch at our house at 10, then we rented the pool from 11-1! I'm pretty thrilled that we will be done with guests by one o'clock and will have the rest of the weekend to relax. Also, my grandpa is coming up from Texas and I haven't seen him for 2 years, so I'm super excited to introduce him to the baby finally! 😊
I really need to focus on work these next few days, but that part of my brain doesn't seem to be working LOL. I have Thurs/Fri off because my sitter (cousin) is going away so I have little man with me those days. I want to take him to the beach, but I am not sure I can brave trekking all the stuff down there myself. I'm going to see if I can find someone to tag along.
Married 10/28/17
Our TTC Journey
Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21
BFP June '21
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
Jan '22 - started IF testing
BFP Jan '22
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
BFP May '22
Not much for us over here. I finally called and scheduled a doctors appt for July 7th. Can't believe its already July! DH has Monday and Friday off but no big plans. My great aunt usually has a 4th of July party so weather permitting we'll go to that and DS will get to go swimming for the first time. MIL and SIL are visiting Wednesday through Friday so I'm trying to conserve my energy now as that is typically exhausting and we don't want anyone to know yet...
Idk how anyone does work through the first trimester. we are also in a heat dome in the PNW that I am having a very hard time focusing on anything other than keeping myself and the pets cool. It's supposed to hit 110 in Seattle today. like what. what.
@gardenvariety88 that sounds like a busy week with lots of family! I would need another week to recover from that one!
@chgilmore yes! Your heat this week is insane! Baby pool to soak in? I have a few friends in the PNW and they said they don't have air conditioning, it is not uncommon for people to not have ac there, and are really struggling with the heat. I would probably be looking for a pool to live in until it passes!
@chgilmore I thought it was hot here today at 94. DH has told me that my body temp is higher than normal lately. He was genuinely concerned when we went to bed the other night but I said "I have to be warm, I'm cooking a baby!" I hope you are able to stay cool!
Married 10/28/17
Our TTC Journey
Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21
BFP June '21
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
Jan '22 - started IF testing
BFP Jan '22
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
BFP May '22
It was another long day at work. We've had massive staffing shortages and it's been extremely stressful. I'm trying to keep calm and making a conscious effort not to stress out over things I can't control.
ETA soccer for my 4 year old is tonight and my mom is here with us. We decided to keep it to ourselves for awhile but man is it difficult not talking about it.
I hope everyone with the high temps cool down soon. We were in the high 90's low 100's for a few weeks earlier in the month, and it was awful. I worked an outdoor trade show/conference during the heat wave, and I hope to never do it again in that heat.
@chgilmore My first thought today when I saw the headline about Portland setting a record with 116 degrees was that you must be miserable! Hope you are finding ways to stay cool and eating lots of ice cream!
@makingbacon Yay for graduation! Sorry your mom is being difficult. I totally respect you being so considerate of your sister's feelings but that has to be so disappointing to not have your excitement acknowledge either. Here's hoping she has a better reaction than your anticipating!
@lexilougolden I'm keeping my fingers crossed. My SIL who is visiting is the first person who figured it out the first time around so I feel like I have to be on my toes even more. Luckily eating addresses most of my nausea ATM so fingers crossed! Hope all your symptoms stay in check so you can enjoy time out on the lake! (assuming it's a lake)
@lexilougolden I am very scared for wildfire season in the next month if the weather keeps acting up like this
@lexilougolden Your 4th plans sound super fun! Hopefully your symptoms give you a break.
I also wanted to thank everyone for your support. I always feel guilty for wanting a happy reaction from my mom. I am glad I have a relationship with my sister where she can be honest with me, and it helped me even before TTC DS1 to understand how thoughtless comments and invasive questions can ruin someone's day.
I feel like its hard for me to be active right now because its hard for me to focus on anything with feeling so miserable. Once I start feeling better I should be on here a lot more, for now Im just checking in every day or so. I love reading all the updates from you guys though!!
My A12 bmb still has 60+ very active members. One of those girls was in my wedding, and we have had meetups all over the place. Minneapolis, Chicago, Austin, Nashville, and on the East Coast there in an annual get together.
My J20 bmb has about 25-30 active members and I've met one of the moms, but we just started planning a large meet up for the summer of 2022.
I also feel like this is a pretty small group and I'm hopeful for more soon.
Is anybody doing a Sneak Peek Test to find out gender? I honestly don't care that much and don't think I would raise a girl any differently than I raise a boy (and he wears "girl" clothes like 50% of the time) but I feel like I need something to make this pregnancy feel more real! I barely even remember I'm pregnant right now until I start puking.
@kaf1788 Sneak peek test? What is that? Im planning on getting an elective ultrasound at 15 weeks to find out
My first appointment yesterday was great. I’m really loving my midwife. We did adjust my due date, on paper at least, to 2/6 based on my period still being irregular since my miscarriage and that I think I ovulated late this cycle.
@modoodles hope your kiddos birthday goes well! I love hosting parties. But they are hectic.
@chgilmore I don’t know how anyone does it either. I only work part time on the weekends a I barely made it last week. I don’t know how I did it with my first. And sorry the weather is so bad. It stays hot like that where I live but we’re prepared. I can’t imagine it being so hot without ac in all of your buildings!
@livingoffpbjs I do feel like it’s a little small here too! But after being on ttgp I kind of like it! I haven’t been on a bump bmb before but on my sons birth group there were a ton of ladies. So much that I felt like it was hard to keep up and actually engage. And with these symptoms being so strong, im not sure with how many more I could keep up with! But I know that’s just me being selfish. Hopefully everyone will stay active.
Meanwhile, I had big plans of cooking up a few different kinds of muffins with hidden veggies to force some nutrition into my toddler. He's an EXTREME picky eater and we are waiting for a Feeding Therapist to have availability but in the meantime he is impossible to feed. Would rather go a full day without eating than eat something he deems unappealing (which changes on the daily. There's basically nothing we can serve him that we can be confident he'll actually eat). The idea of cooking is making me feel soooooo gross though. I can't wait for first tri to be over.
For me, I enjoy getting to know people here early in pregnancy, but then appreciate the transition to a private FB group. I start here because it is a smaller group than a huge random fb group, and I can discuss things here that I'm not ready to share publicly. It also gives me a chance to engage in a more structured way than a fb group would. Then later when I'm ready to share more details of my life FB is much more user friendly and private than the bump is.
Edited to add: I like the anonymity on TB, but once I feel comfortable I like the simplicity and privacy controls of FB.
I know there is no right or wrong here, just curious (and antsy!)...