So I had my IUD removed on March 22nd, only after a couple weeks of it being in. Before that I was on birth control pills when my period came every four weeks on a Thursday. After the IUD removal it was about 7 weeks between periods, my last one was on April 29th. I'm not sure exactly how long it would be till my next period or when exactly I'd be ovulating. But it's been 6 weeks and 6 days sine my last period, and I had unprotected sex on June 7th. I've been having all these different symptoms from breast pain, food aversions, dizziness, back pain, even pimples on the lips of my vag. I took a pregnancy test yesterday but it was negative, so stressed from this whole experience. I really feel it in my gut that I'm pregnant, but I need a home test to be positive before I get a blood test, and since my cycle is so irregular I have no idea when a positive would show up. Please someone give me some answers or point me in the right direction, I'm so lost.
Re: So confused if I'm pregnant, irregular period, IUD removal.
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andplusalso, I’d make an appointment for those pimples.....
and start temping/taking opks/tracking CM if you want to know more about what’s going on with your body.
if you don’t get a period or a positive after 60 days from your last period you can see if your doc will want to jump start your cycle with medication.
Unfortunately no one can tell you what’s going on. But like one of the previous posters said, if the only time you had unprotected sex was June 7, it might still be too early to turn a test anyway.