February 2022 Moms

Ten Things Tuesday 6.8

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Re: Ten Things Tuesday 6.8

  • 1.  Breakfast together as a family
    2.  Slow start to the morning...
    3.  Chicken broth
    4.  Baking a cake for grandma later today
    5.  Sunny day
    6.  Staying connected with an old friend
    7.  Getting ready for a wedding Friday
    8.  Beautiful matching little baby / toddler dresses
    9.  Being of service to friends and coworkers
    10. Serenity
  • 1.  Talking with my bestie last night and catching up on all the things.
    2.  Current hog prices
    3.  Beautiful weather
    4.  Shout gel - Today is little people laundry day.
    5.  Still on a high from good beta results late last week.
    6.  Little people hugs this morning before I take off later today to travel for work.
    7.  Crock pot
    8.  Preparing to move closer to home in the next several months.
    9.  Cleaning lady
    10. Being able to take the boys for a long walk to get ice cream and play at the park last night
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  • 1. No cramping or bloating-- I feel great today!
    2. Friendly people at the store
    3. A great boss/job 
    4. Books-- fiction to self-help
    5. Plants in my home-- they have a lovely presence
    6. A best friend that I can tell anything and everything to
    7. Healthy food-- mangos, salad, avacados
    8. Supportive fiance
    9. Basements where the air is cool and the room is dark
    10. Hope
  • @makingbacon Glad you had a nice chat with your bestie!  That's so necessary.  OMG, I go through so. much. stain remover. lol But the little hugs make all the scrubbing worthwhile. :)

    @lexilougolden Glad you're feeling well today!  We had a lot more houseplants growing up than I do now, and we are talking about moving, so I hate to start up a bunch of things and then have to transport.  What do you have that you find has really thrived and done well for you?
  • kmw611kmw611 member
    1. My boys and the utter chaos of each day with them😂

    2. My husband’s support

    3. Walks down by our river.

    4. Snake hunting in the garden with the boys.  (DS2 is obsessed)

    5. Afternoon weeding to wind down.

    6. My bestie

    7. Shutterfly for letting me turn my DS1’s “book” into an actual book for him for his bday next month.

    8. My family. Even when we’re 3000+ miles apart we’re always there for each other.

    9. mini banana nut muffins with mini chocolate chips 🤤🤤

    10. This sunny day we’re having after several days of rain. 

  • 1. Getting to celebrate my birthday tomorrow by going out to dinner!
    2. MH for satisfying my cravings basically at whim
    3. My best friends for reminding me I am still a person
    4. My fur babies for all the snuggles
    5. My mom for sending roll on essential oils
    6. Ginger lemon tea
    7. Colleagues for bringing in cake and a card that made me cry <3
    8. This community!
    9. Having a fresh farmers market nearby
    10. Dancing
  • @fuscok88 those muffins sound BOMB <3
    @lexilougolden oooh yes avocados are life. glad you're feeling better today!
    @makingbacon friends are so so so important, I'm glad that you had a chance to catch up!
    @BusinessWife those matching dresses sound adorable, and I love that you get to enjoy the sunny day!!
  • Lol @chgilmore well now it's absolutely POURING, so that didn't last long! Lol
  • lexilougoldenlexilougolden member
    edited June 2021
    @BusinessWife Aww, matching dresses! That's adorable! Here are some pics of my plants--split leaf philodendron, pencil plant- which is actually pretty dangerous (it has latex that can blind you if it gets in your eyes so this one will need a new home!), money tree, jade plants, snake plant, dracaena plant, basil plant, and a few that I don't know their names! We've actually given each plant a regular name so it's hard for me to remember the scientific name, lol.

    @makingbacon I love crockpots, I need to get mine out so I don't heat up my house so much cooking!

    @fuscok88 I love walking by water, so relaxing.

    @chgilmore Happy Birthday tomorrow! Yay! Also, fur baby snuggles are my favorite too!
  • @lexilougolden thank you! also OMG YOUR PLANTS?!?!?!?!? <3<3<3
  • kmw611kmw611 member
    @chgilmore they’re my favorite. I secretly hope the kids don’t eat all the bananas every week so I can make them😂 Happy birthday a day early! Almost twins! Mine is Friday. 

    @lexilougolden part of the appeal of this property was the River. The salmon spawn up it in the fall and run back down in the spring so we walk down frequently after dinner so the boys can watch/count the fish. Our only downside is we aren’t allowed to fish the salmon only trout or bass maybe? Idk, I don’t really like to eat fish but my husband and the boys do so that was a downer. And I love all your plants!  When I’m done figuring out the outside garden/landscaping I’ll totally be picking your brain for indoor plants! We have these little windows throughout the house I’d love to put some greenery in. I was thinking about some spider plants in the three living room windows. 

  • edited June 2021
    @fuscok88 Those windows will be perfect!  We have an older home with bay wondows, but also dogs.  So we would need to put plant stands pretty much anywhere.  I wish we had some nice little nooks like that!

    @lexilougolden  Nice!  I do have a nice big basil plant, if that counts!  lol and my orchid was amazing this time around it had like 17 blooms!  But that's done for now, and my amaryllis I do at Christmastime... So many houseplants are toxic to the dogs, too, so I've had to make a point not to have anything they can get to.  Like SIL gave me a calla lily last year for Mother's Day and I felt bad, but I'm like, I can't keep this in my house!  :(
  • @lexilougolden ooh! Your plants! Love them! I’m also a big house plant lady! I have at least 20 different house plants right now. 🙃

  • @chgilmore Thank you! I love them <3
    @fuscok88 That sounds lovely! I can't wait to have an outdoor garden one day. We have a small backyard but there's definitely space for some planter boxes. Some cacti might look cute up there too and you don't need to worry about reaching to feed them too often! A lot of mine are succulents and are very low-maintenance.
    @BusinessWife Those totally count! I've never been able to keep an orchid alive! I hear ya with the dog situation. Luckily my dog stays away and I don't worry about it.
    @photographerwife yay! Love that! You'll have to share some of your pics too :)

  • @BusinessWife I felt chicken broth in my soul.  I have never drank so much broth in my life until the last week or so.

    @fuscok88 I don't think I'm brave enough to snake hunt, but DS1 would love it! What kind of snakes/how big are they?

    @chgilmore Happy early birthday! I'm so ready for our farmer's market to open.  It officially opens the first week of July here.

    @lexilougolden Your plants look amazing! My best friend is a plant mom, and she would love all of your plants.
  • kmw611kmw611 member
    @makingbacon just little gardener snakes! I’m not afraid of snakes but I am a littler nervous DS2 is going to grab one and get bit because he’s definitely handsy. The pathway up the side of our house to our garden is rocky for waterflow(we’re on a hill) and the snakes and salamanders love hiding in there. DS2 is constantly pointing in the rocks and yelling snake!! Also my niece has a pet snake who the boys got to see a couple weeks ago which only added to their obsession. I’m about the get a house snake to hunt down all these dang mice 😡. We’ve caught 4 on the front porch this week that we’re getting into the cars and I just found one in our playroom. Hazards of living in the woods I guess but so gross. 
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