I'm really regretting agreeing to do my annual summer camp this year. It's just for 1 week mid-July and enrollment is meh. I just don't have the desire or mindset to get excited about it. I've been the director of it for 8 years and it's been an amazing camp in the past, (plus great money for just a week) but the pandemic really changed things. I wish I could just call it quits - but I signed a contract and don't want them to replace me for next year.
This weekend is my sister in laws baby shower. Im super excited for it! I'm hosting! And I'm so thankful for other sister in law helping. And close friends coming early to help. I'm exhausted! She's having a little girl and I'm so excited and can't wait to meet her!
Why is it that I feel compelled to replace my wardrobe when I'm pregnant? What sense does that make? I just ordered three shirts and struggled big time with what size to get.
I am craving pickles. I am a huge pickle-head regardless, but pregnancy has exacerbated it. Give me the sour, the tangy, the vinegar. I am trying to be mindful of the salt intake, but I might be giving birth to a pickle.
Both of my kids have crazy runny noses (probably allergies) and are being super clingy. We are only on day four of solo parenting with a looooot to go and I am already touched out and ready to cry in a corner. I am counting down the minutes until we get in the car to go to my mom’s house tomorrow so I can have five minutes to myself
@MrsJessS You are one super mama! Working full time and having a kid and being pregnant is hard enough. I solo parent 2-3 days a week alone myself. Anything longer and I'd probably hide in a corner myself. You are a badass! And I give you a round of applause for doing it on your own while hubby is away! I hope that you are able to get a few more than 5 minutes to yourself tomorrow! You deserve it!
@firewife2021 aww thank you. This is the first time I’ve had to do a long stretch in a long while which I am so grateful for. And so so grateful my mom lives close-ish so I can run away to her house for a few days.
Unrelated but today I decided I need a peloton 😂 I’ve never even taken a spin class but my brain is convinced this is a must hahaha
@MrsJessS I'm slowly convincing my hubby to get me one. I told him it will be much easier for me to workout at home and snap back if I have it at home when the baby arrives! His captains wife at work has one. So he is slowly warming up to the idea lol!
OMG @MrsJessS and @firewife2021 GET ONE. I never took a spin class before either and we got one in May 2019. I got to the point where I joined a challenge and rode every single day for 6 months. It’s so addictive and fun. I haven’t been on it in a few months because of IVF and 1st trimester and I’m dying to feel better so I can get back on again! Let me know if you have any questions about it.
@lisa3379 I think we are going to end up doing it at some point. My husband is totally on board. But our house is tiny and we have to figure out where we would put it. Or hopefully we can move to something bigger 🤞🏻
I was going to post this in Monday BF, but it's not really a BF. I can't stand being late, even in situations where it really doesn't matter too much. I like to have my kids at preschool by 9, because that's when circle time starts and it's probably disruptive to have the kids waltz in right in the middle of it. Anyway. My MIL's birthday is today, and my husband decided to have my 4.5 year old write a card to mail to her today. Super sweet, I love it, but he started the process right when I needed to load the kids in the car. UGH. So sure enough, my son wants to write a whole sentence on the envelope, and what happens? He messes up one of his letters and starts melting down and wanting to start over. Luckily my husband put himself in charge of helping him out, because my patience when I'm already late is zero. So silly, right? It's not a big deal to be late to preschool, especially when it's for a sweet reason like wanting to send his grandma a card. I just get irrationally anxious when I'm late. Anyone else insane like this?
@Lisa3379 YES. I cannot stand being late (or being rushed, for that matter) and consequently, I have to be everywhere 3.5 million hours early. Luckily, DH shares in this neuroses!
@Lisa3379 yup. My mom was late for everything growing up, and it drove me nuts. I also get anxious if I'm ever running late. AND I like to get my son to daycare by a certain time...just because. No reason. I like structure.
Haha @sarah_is_pregnant my mom is probably where I get my anxiety over being late. I don't think she was ever late for anything in her life. I remember she'd take me to the orthodontist every month, and we'd get there like 30-45 minutes early! We'd sit in the car and wait. She didn't want to go home after picking me up from school just to get back in the car again to go to the appointment. I recently took my kids to the dentist and, while we were only about 15 minutes early, I had some serious flashbacks
I had my first appt with my OB today! Well, it was with a nurse practitioner, who was really awesome. Anyway, little girl is measuring right at 9w6d, and she was super active! I mean, active for a little gummy bear - I don't remember my first two moving around that much at the "first" ultrasound. Anyway, I just scheduled my NT and anatomy scans, and a genetic counseling appointment. I'm unsure I need that one, because the embryos were tested already, so I'm not sure what the NIPT testing will show in addition to what we already know? But it's a phone appointment with a counselor, so whatever. And it was too early for me to do my 1st tri bloodwork, and I was DREADING today because of it! So now I get to dread next Monday or something, haha.
@Lisa3379 You may find this thread interesting, the first comment reiterates what I was sort of thinking in your case... I mean not that a blood draw is really a big deal, but depending on your insurance, it can be a very pricey test that supposedly is not even as accurate as *PGS. You may still wish to get the NT scan though, since I believe that has more to do with actual fetal development, rather than something that's necessarily chromosomal.
I wish this poster had come back and updated, but it sounds like she probably had a lot of undue stress due to getting NIPT on her PGS embryo. Honestly, I don't think it's really necessary, but people obviously do it all the time.
@BusinessWife hi, friend! 👋 Thanks so much for posting this. My goal for today is to start a little research on this. I was figuring that if PGS tests the embryo directly, and NIPT tests the mix or both our blood, then unless NIPT has a wider range of conditions that it tests for, PGS sounds like it would be more accurate. And I’m definitely doing the NT scan. 👍
I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and I am EXTREMELY nervous and anxious. I'm sitting here listening to "Grow For Me" from "Little Shop of Horrors."
@dani_0921@fifilala516 I’m finally out of work and on my way to mine!! I feel so excited and then part of me is like calm down, something could be wrong 😩 I hate anxiety! Good luck and positive vibes to us all!! 😊
I am craving pickles. I am a huge pickle-head regardless, but pregnancy has exacerbated it. Give me the sour, the tangy, the vinegar. I am trying to be mindful of the salt intake, but I might be giving birth to a pickle.
Yesss. I ate a whole jar the other day. I love pickles pregnant or not.
We did the NIPT test 3 times, which confirmed that our two living children were both likely to be healthy and we found out they were boys, and the third pretty much confirmed some issues that, along with the results of the NT ultrasound, led to our decision to terminate. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to do it again with this pregnancy, because I think at least part of it will be covered by insurance because I'm old, even though the embryo was tested before transfer. We just like to have as much info as possible.
I was literally going to just post about this. My next ultrasound is on the 23rd. Where they will be doing the NT test. What is the difference between the NT test and the NIPT test?
@firewife2021 the NT scan is just that - an ultrasound that you'll have performed with a full bladder (oof). They look at the back of the baby's neck to see the thickness of the clear tissue called the nuchal translucency. If the NT measures between like 1.2 and 3mm, I think, something like that, then the probability of abnormality is pretty low. Of course age plays into probabilities, but that's just the basics. That ultrasound, paired by a simple blood test (the NIPT) can give a fairly reliable reading regarding chromosomal abnormalities (the trisomies, in particular).
TW: loss
With my third pregnancy, the NT scan showed above 3.5mm, and so they sent me straight to the genetic counselor to talk about NIPT (which I had planned to do anyway) and general probabilities of problems. I had my blood drawn that day, and about 10 days later they called back and said the baby had like a 95% likelihood of having Down syndrome.
@Lisa3379 Thank you! I didn't do either with my son. At the time I dont think our insurance covered it. It does now. So I agreed to it. Little bit nervous!
thanks for sharing. We have never found out the sex of our baby before birth but I’m feeling the need to this time. Plus I’ve been anxious about the health of this baby as I’m creeping towards AMA and have 3 healthy babies I feel like my odds are higher this time for something to be wrong. That’s how my anxious brain works 🤷🏻♀️
Re: Weekly Randoms 6/3
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
I also get anxious if I'm ever running late.
AND I like to get my son to daycare by a certain time...just because. No reason. I like structure.
@Lisa3379 You may find this thread interesting, the first comment reiterates what I was sort of thinking in your case... I mean not that a blood draw is really a big deal, but depending on your insurance, it can be a very pricey test that supposedly is not even as accurate as *PGS. You may still wish to get the NT scan though, since I believe that has more to do with actual fetal development, rather than something that's necessarily chromosomal.
<a rel="nofollow" href="https://community.whattoexpect.com/forums/ivf-or-fet-pregnancy/topic/nuchal-translucency-andor-nipt-after-pgs-testing-70164538.html">https://community.whattoexpect.com/forums/ivf-or-fet-pregnancy/topic/nuchal-translucency-andor-nipt-after-pgs-testing-70164538.html</a>
I wish this poster had come back and updated, but it sounds like she probably had a lot of undue stress due to getting NIPT on her PGS embryo. Honestly, I don't think it's really necessary, but people obviously do it all the time.
<a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.reddit.com/r/InfertilityBabies/comments/6alv3f/nipt_after_pgs/">https://www.reddit.com/r/InfertilityBabies/comments/6alv3f/nipt_after_pgs/</a>
Sending you calming thoughts and vibes for a good appointment!
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
I love pickles pregnant or not.
I was literally going to just post about this. My next ultrasound is on the 23rd. Where they will be doing the NT test. What is the difference between the NT test and the NIPT test?
TW: loss
With my third pregnancy, the NT scan showed above 3.5mm, and so they sent me straight to the genetic counselor to talk about NIPT (which I had planned to do anyway) and general probabilities of problems. I had my blood drawn that day, and about 10 days later they called back and said the baby had like a 95% likelihood of having Down syndrome.