Anyone measure really far ahead???
I just had an appointment today, I'm 29+3, and I'm measuring at 33w. My midwife scheduled me for an ultrasound at my next appointment a 31+2.
I won't lie I am somewhat anxious, although I know that it's not really an accurate measurement until you do an ultrasound and that every body is different so many factors can contribute to it. However, she seemed to know off the bat before she even got the measuring tape out that I was big. I'm only 5'2" and have felt massive over the last two weeks. My belly is always hard, my back is killing me (this kid is lodged up on my right side), and overall just really miserable and uncomfortable. When she walked in she looked at me, at my chart, back to me, and even asked me how many weeks I was just to confirm. Now I'm wondering if this is why I feel so uncomfortable.
I know plenty of people who have measured 1-2 weeks ahead, I was measuring about a week ahead with my first pregnancy twoards the end. I just don't know anyone measuring 4+ week ahead.