Hi all!
I got sick 2/10 with the corona. Pretty mild case. Positive covid test 2/13 and then... positive pregnancy test 2/14 😳 So I spoke with my Dr.’s office yesterday and they want me to take 2 baby aspirin daily for the remainder of this pregnancy and get scans every 4 weeks also. This is my fourth, but I guess I’m not sure what the point of the scans are? They said there are no increased risks that they know of besides clotting(which is the reason for the baby aspirin). I am wondering if any of you ladies had covid at or around 6 weeks(or later too) and what your experience was. Any complications, issues, extra testing? Obviously I want my baby to be healthy, but I like the hands off approach and I don’t see what this is going to add besides anxiety. I appreciate everyone’s input. TIA!
Re: Covid while pregnant
Our Journey for #1
2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI
Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
I am sort of in a similar boat. I was tested positive over the weekend with very mild symptoms. I feel like I am already over it however my doctor's office would like me to start taking a baby aspirin for the rest of the pregnancy. I am not sure if that is the standard of care these days or is my doctor being overly cautious to prevent blood clots. I am also concerned if this will be harmful for the baby in the long run. How was your experience?
Thank you!