Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: idk I haven't looked, but baby definitely kicked my iPad today and made it move so he's getting stronger
Upcoming appointments: St. Patrick's day for an Anatomy Scan and Appt afterwards
How are you feeling?: Pretty good, I wish I'd stop over eating because then I feel like crap
Rants/Raves: idk if the full moon was this weekend but my girls were like gladiator fighting this weekend. I must have taken the ice pack out of the freezer like 5 times.
Questions: None
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Loud Chewing. Like popcorn or chips. I'll give my husband a death glare. The only way I can handle it is if I'm eating the loud thing too.
BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16). "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18). "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21). "Round 3 FIGHT!"
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a banana
Upcoming appointments: none - had a regular checkup this morning
How are you feeling?: great! Starting to get some heartburn in the evenings but otherwise good!
Rants/Raves: I’m really going all out for Easter this year - I think it’s a nesting thing maybe? Like I just want to make it so special for our little guy... consequently I’ve spent way too much 😬 just seems like every store I go into has a bunch of Easter stuff and I come home with something every time!! Easter is a MONTH away LOL
Questions: none
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Bad driving habits.... use your signal, turn your headlights on, get out of the passing lane, merge and yield are DIFFERENT!!!! My city is notorious for bad driving.
@tiggywiggles happy birthday to your kiddo, as we inch closer to ds’s 3rd bday I get more and more incredulous!!
@bntfroggie yes the chewing!!!!! So annoying! Also dh always chooses food with loud packaging when we’re watching something... loud packaging, loud chewing.... gah!!
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: hedgehog
Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan is in two days! I'm excited to see my baby boy again.
How are you feeling?: actually feeling a good bit better. A lot less morning sickness and nausea. Bad taste has even started going away. Still dealing with fatigue and sciatica and RLP has started. 😔
Rants/Raves: insurance adjuster came out yesterday to inspect all the damage from the busted pipe. I really hope we don't have to dispute his findings and push this out even longer. I just want my house back.
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Ooh. Not returning a shopping cart. Bad animal owners. Weak, pompous men 🤣
Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader. , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: July 21 - 20 weeks today!!
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: green
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: banana
Upcoming appointments: had my AS today, telehealth appt in 2 weeks
How are you feeling?: pretty good. For the last several days, I’ve felt like I was repeatedly kicked in the vagina. Well, baby is breech and straight up dancing on my cervix, so that explains it!
Rants/Raves: half baked!! I can’t believe we are already halfway there!!
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? When someone asks you to do something, but then does it themself therefore wasting your time.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a mango
Upcoming appointments: ob check up Monday and as next Friday
How are you feeling?: Feeling good physically. I’m both excited and nervous for my as coming up!
Rants/Raves: I think I’ve felt a couple kicks but nothing consistent yet. I go days at a time where I don’t feel anything so I’m just looking forward to feeling more and more movement.
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Gonna agree with @bntfroggie that loud chewing is probably my overall #1. Another big one for me since I work in a retail setting is people that don’t treat you with common courtesy. It costs nothing to just be nice to one another! Also my pharmacy is not a McDonald’s, I can either do my job well or get it done in 2 minutes but not both so don’t get mad at me when I say it’s going to take time to get a script ready for you, just saying 🤷♀️
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: July 1 23 weeks today
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Green
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a Grapefruit
Upcoming appointments: monthly check up the end of the month
How are you feeling?: pretty good... starting to feel winded already after climbing stairs etc. Not uncomfortable yet, sleep is good, and still have my energy.
Rants/Raves: rant my doc is leaving the practice the end of the month... he's been mine through all three pregnancies and my *tw* MMC and D&C. I am so sad to see him go. I think I will switch to one of the midwives in the practice this time around.
Questions: I know each hospital is different, but if you see a midwife, does that mean you definitely get a midwife for delivery or if there is a doc on call that's who you get?
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? people who are rude to service workers... people who litter....bad drivers... people who like to start fights on social media... basically anyone being a jerk I guess
@karacc18 Sorry to hear that your doctor is leaving! At my practice there are three delivery doctors and you get whoever is on call at the time. We don’t have midwives in the practice, but if you hire your own they would be in the delivery room along with the on call doc (not sure if that’s still the case with current Covid protocols, though).
@karacc18 sorry your provider is leaving! At my practice, they have nurse midwives, nurse practitioners and physicians. The physicians are the only ones that do c-sections or surgeries. For my first, the midwife delivered my son (vaginal delivery) but when there was a bleed that she couldn’t stop she had the physician called in. He also could not stop it so took me to the OR to find it. So there is always a physician for backup if needed.
How are you feeling?: pretty good, my main complaint is sore hips, pelvis and lower back. But it comes and goes so I still haven’t done anything about it.
Rants/Raves: we’re been fighting for a job reclassification for months and it finally came through yesterday!
Questions: natm
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Because I’m in work mode... office drama. It really gets under my skin when people can’t just be civil and professional.
Re: Weekly Check-In 3/1
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: July 27 / 19 wks
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Blue!
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: idk I haven't looked, but baby definitely kicked my iPad today and made it move so he's getting stronger
Upcoming appointments: St. Patrick's day for an Anatomy Scan and Appt afterwards
How are you feeling?: Pretty good, I wish I'd stop over eating because then I feel like crap
Rants/Raves: idk if the full moon was this weekend but my girls were like gladiator fighting this weekend. I must have taken the ice pack out of the freezer like 5 times.
Questions: None
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Loud Chewing. Like popcorn or chips. I'll give my husband a death glare. The only way I can handle it is if I'm eating the loud thing too.
DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16). "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18). "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21). "Round 3 FIGHT!"
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: July 3, 22+2
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Blue
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: coconut
Upcoming appointments: call with my OB on Wednesday March 3
How are you feeling?: Feeling good. Just trying to get organized for this baby and some renovations around this house.
Rants/Raves: My son turns 3 today! Cant believe he is already 3!
Questions: none
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Rudeness. Honestly, showing kindness and respect costs nothing.
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: July 17, 20+3
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Pink!!
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a banana
Upcoming appointments: none - had a regular checkup this morning
How are you feeling?: great! Starting to get some heartburn in the evenings but otherwise good!
Rants/Raves: I’m really going all out for Easter this year - I think it’s a nesting thing maybe? Like I just want to make it so special for our little guy... consequently I’ve spent way too much 😬 just seems like every store I go into has a bunch of Easter stuff and I come home with something every time!! Easter is a MONTH away LOL
Questions: none
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Bad driving habits.... use your signal, turn your headlights on, get out of the passing lane, merge and yield are DIFFERENT!!!! My city is notorious for bad driving.
@tiggywiggles happy birthday to your kiddo, as we inch closer to ds’s 3rd bday I get more and more incredulous!!
@bntfroggie yes the chewing!!!!! So annoying! Also dh always chooses food with loud packaging when we’re watching something... loud packaging, loud chewing.... gah!!
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 7/23 19+5
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Boy #6
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: hedgehog
Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan is in two days! I'm excited to see my baby boy again.
How are you feeling?: actually feeling a good bit better. A lot less morning sickness and nausea. Bad taste has even started going away. Still dealing with fatigue and sciatica and RLP has started. 😔
Rants/Raves: insurance adjuster came out yesterday to inspect all the damage from the busted pipe. I really hope we don't have to dispute his findings and push this out even longer. I just want my house back.
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Ooh. Not returning a shopping cart. Bad animal owners. Weak, pompous men 🤣
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: July 21 - 20 weeks today!!
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: green
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: banana
Upcoming appointments: had my AS today, telehealth appt in 2 weeks
How are you feeling?: pretty good. For the last several days, I’ve felt like I was repeatedly kicked in the vagina. Well, baby is breech and straight up dancing on my cervix, so that explains it!
Rants/Raves: half baked!! I can’t believe we are already halfway there!!
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? When someone asks you to do something, but then does it themself therefore wasting your time.
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 7-24, 19+5
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Green
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a mango
Upcoming appointments: ob check up Monday and as next Friday
How are you feeling?: Feeling good physically. I’m both excited and nervous for my as coming up!
Rants/Raves: I think I’ve felt a couple kicks but nothing consistent yet. I go days at a time where I don’t feel anything so I’m just looking forward to feeling more and more movement.
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Gonna agree with @bntfroggie that loud chewing is probably my overall #1. Another big one for me since I work in a retail setting is people that don’t treat you with common courtesy. It costs nothing to just be nice to one another! Also my pharmacy is not a McDonald’s, I can either do my job well or get it done in 2 minutes but not both so don’t get mad at me when I say it’s going to take time to get a script ready for you, just saying 🤷♀️
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 9/18, 20+4
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Blue
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a microphone
Upcoming appointments: 3/19 for my regular appointment plus a second U/S to check his growth
How are you feeling?: Good but so giant!
Rants/Raves: I have a weekend trip coming up in a couple of weeks with a group of women from my September 19 BMB! I’m so excited!!
Questions: Nope
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? I’m with you @canucklehead123 - definitely bad drivers!
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: July 1 23 weeks today
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Green
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a Grapefruit
Upcoming appointments: monthly check up the end of the month
How are you feeling?: pretty good... starting to feel winded already after climbing stairs etc. Not uncomfortable yet, sleep is good, and still have my energy.
Rants/Raves: rant my doc is leaving the practice the end of the month... he's been mine through all three pregnancies and my *tw* MMC and D&C. I am so sad to see him go. I think I will switch to one of the midwives in the practice this time around.
Questions: I know each hospital is different, but if you see a midwife, does that mean you definitely get a midwife for delivery or if there is a doc on call that's who you get?
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? people who are rude to service workers... people who litter....bad drivers... people who like to start fights on social media... basically anyone being a jerk I guess
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: July 18, 20+5
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: green
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: banana
Upcoming appointments: end of the month
How are you feeling?: pretty good, my main complaint is sore hips, pelvis and lower back. But it comes and goes so I still haven’t done anything about it.
Rants/Raves: we’re been fighting for a job reclassification for months and it finally came through yesterday!
Questions: natm
GTKY: What is your biggest pet peeve? Because I’m in work mode... office drama. It really gets under my skin when people can’t just be civil and professional.