August 2021 Moms

Boy, Girl or Team Green?

Have you found out the sex of your tiny human? Answer the poll—for science! Since the poll is anonymous, feel free to share your exciting announcement in the comments as well.

Waiting to until baby arrives to find out? Answer the poll and let us know you’re team green!

Boy, Girl or Team Green? 43 votes

It’s a boy!
30% 13 votes
It’s a girl!
20% 9 votes
Team green
48% 21 votes

Re: Boy, Girl or Team Green?

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  • Team green here as well! DH and I agreed in adulthood there aren’t many good/fun surprises that come along, so why not let this one be a bit of a fun mystery. 

    It’s funny to see our families already starting to try and guess, but I’m grateful our gifts won’t be super gendered as a result of not knowing! 
  • Team green here. We were last time as well, and loved waiting. It was hilarious to watch everyone guess before. Although, now everyone says girl because we have a boy.

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  • @cyanope I could have written your post about myself verbatim.  Even down to the fact that my husband is wavering.  I'm staying strong, and since he can't go to the anatomy scan.. looks like he'll be staying strong too lol


  • I was open to team green but DH says hell no, and since I'm such a planner, we will find out! I'll get genetic testing done at my appt on Thursday and will check the box to find out the sex. We have one of each right now, and I have no preference as to what the 3rd will be. BUT I also don't want to lay in bed with insomnia and worry about what crib we will use and what kid we're going to change into the 3rd bedroom (that is currently our guest room). 


  • We're definitely finding out, but I'm sort of tempted to not tell anyone else, is that awful? I couldn't stand not to know, but would also like to minimize gendered baby gifts.
    Not awful at all! As long as you're both on board to not give it away to anyone :) 


  • We haven’t decided yet if we’re finding out.  I like the team greens in this thread though and makes me want to not find out!
  • @bard37 check out this post! You can answer the poll because numbers are fun! We’ve got a lot of team green, but @surrenderdorothy was our first team blue! 💙
  • @claireloSC congrats on the girl! I'm glad you got your results!
  • @claireloSC a girl!! Ah congrats! 💗💗

    @bard37!! 💙💙
  • @halfconvert my H is in a similar boat except with have three female pets! Haha. Girls run the world in this house at least.
  • @cyanope oh my gosh, that is an incredible story. Six female kittens, that’s wild lol.
  • @the_most_happy, I think I have heard my dad tell that story 50 times in my life, so it's ingrained! 
  • I had to wait till then last time, good news is they can definitely tell unless baby is in uncooperative position so you should be finding out pretty much for sure. Hang in there ladies!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
  • @grogu @pickle-chips I'm waiting until the AS too! Not much longer ...
  • With my first I didn’t do genetic screening and we just couldn’t wait till 20 wks so at 14-15ish wks we went to a 3/4D ultrasound place. It was a really neat experience and I think it was only $50ish. I’ve seen groupons for those places for cheaper than that too. Might be an option if you’re impatient and have the $$ to spare! 
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