Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of:
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling?
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021?
@Liz101015 not sure if you want to post these every week, or you want me to keep doing it... I don't care either way.
Re: Week 3-4 (5/15/21-5/31/21) check-in w/o 12/28
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: finding out
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: mango
Upcoming appointments: this afternoon, routine OB
How are you feeling? pretty good. This extended work vacation has been great. I've been fairly productive, and it's improving my mood.
Rants/Raves: annoyed that I have to go in for a routine OB today, and they wouldn't just schedule my AS, but looking forward to hearing baby's heartbeat. I've been feeling something, but it's still too light and sporadic to be reassuring.
Questions: NATM
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021? this is tough, because I really don't know what to expect from 2021. My sister moved closer to me in February 2020, and my brother got married in July 2020. So I'm hoping that I'll get to spend more time with both of them, and get to know my new SIL a little better.
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Blue
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: Manog
Upcoming appointments: A/S on Jan 8th
How are you feeling? tired and my back has been bothering me, but overall good
Rants/Raves: It's been a crazy week and luckily yesterday i did absolutely nothing. i have some catching up to do now though with some chores.
Questions: NATM
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021? im hoping that we get our home improvement projects/expansion done!
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Blue
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: Banana / by now I've gained a pound of blood
Upcoming appointments: Tomorrow - Anatomy scan / January 8 - MFM appointment / January 29 - Diabetes Test
How are you feeling? Feeling good, excited/nervous about my A/S tomorrow. Energy level is ok, not great.
Rants/Raves: I have 3 work days left than I am off for 3 weeks! Another rave, my fiancé is finishing to paint the nursery and I'm really happy with the result! No rants.
Questions: NATM
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021? Getting our house together a bit more. We moved in in June a few days after our loss, then I got pregnant, so there's still some to do!
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: green
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: baby is the size of a postcard
Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan on 1/20 and appointment with my midwife on 1/21
How are you feeling? The steroid inhaler my dr gave me to control my asthma symptoms has been working great, I haven’t had to use my rescue inhaler since starting it and no longer waking up in the middle of the night with coughing fits/wheezing/shortness of breath
Rants/Raves: Rave-I planned my younger sister’s baby shower, which was yesterday. Unfortunately I had cancelled my plans to go home for Christmas, so I couldn’t attend in person but my older sister and mom did a great job of executing it. We did a drive by shower, and they had beautiful sunny and warm weather in PA. My sister called me after and we both cried a little about not being able to attend each other’s showers, but she was so grateful and happy with how her COVID shower turned out and was feeling extra loved ❤️
Questions: none right now
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021? my mom and older sister are planning on visiting end of March/early April, and both my parents will come visit again after baby is born! I moved to Oregon in early Feb and this will be the first time my family is visiting (haven’t seen them since we moved). Also we have 2 alpaca that we *think* are pregnant so looking forward to alpaca babies in the fall!
Sorry that was so long! I put some pics in the spoiler (or at least I think I did...never done that before 😆)
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: 💝, Margot Genevieve
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: a mango or a “bowl of cereal” (I love the bumps random object comparisons lol... how does it know how much cereal I eat 🧐😆)
Upcoming appointments: Chiro tomorrow, 20 week scan on weds.
How are you feeling? I feel ... pregnant lol. Still icky a bit with food and my appetite isn’t huge but I’m working on it. I feel like I get full very quickly. My hips and poor vagina hurt but the chiro helps! I’m overall very tired still. But I feel “okay” for the most part!
Rants/Raves: not really feeling the baby at this point is a huge mental mind $%*!. I’m anxious for my scan on Weds but know I’ll be relieved when I see her moving around. She was so crazy and moving a ton at my 16 week scan, it’s bizarre I can’t feel her but I have my anterior placenta to thank. I’m trying to keep it in my head it will be 24 weeks (that’s just my mental date I really have no clue lol) before I really feel her, it’s so so much later than what I am used to in past pregnancies.
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021? Getting settled into the new house we bought! It’s going to be so nice to finally move in together and I’m ready for the new adventure.
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: pink! Just told our families on Christmas
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: sweet potato? @brynn_mamaof4 I think the same as you... Such random size comparisons... Sweet potatoes range tons in size...
Upcoming appointments: OB on Dec 30th then A/S on Jan 5th
How are you feeling? Pretty good... Getting some energy back, enough to have tried some simple workouts this week.
Rants/Raves: rant... We told my MIL the gender of our baby and she almost immediately went and announced it on FB... Like seriously?? It's our news to share with people and she knows that we haven't told many people that I'm even pregnant as I am delaying telling my boss as long as possible.... Just so annoyed. Hubby thankfully dealt with her...
Questions: NATM
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021? Hopefully is covid settles down in the next month or so we will book a babymoon... Planning on doing a cozy mountain cabin get away... Hoping my sis and her fiance can join us
@nsk489 I had llamas growing up .. they are a pretty entertaining pet. Alpaca babies would be so cute!
I'll be having some sort of shower-by-mail or zoom shower myself, as I live across the country from all family and friends. I'll be interested to see what it will be like!
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: green
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: tomato
Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan 1/6
How are you feeling? good
Rants/Raves: natm
Questions: natm
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021? I am a high school teacher whose school operates an advisory sytem where you travel with a small group of kids all four years, well this is my groups senior year and while it is a very odd one I am excited to see them graduate in June.
@mrosek91 you are free to keep posting the starter, Thanks. I only took over 4+ when the orginal poster went mia.
Weeks + Days: 17w 2d
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out
Baby is the size of: a chipmunk
Upcoming appointments: Jan 12
How are you feeling? OK, had a weird response today so I might have to take it easy today. I've been dealing with weird neck pain since the weekend, after my DS fell asleep on top of me Friday night.
Rants/Raves: See above
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021?
1. My husband returning in February
2. The crazy birthday/birth week, all the same week as the new baby.
-My SIL's quinceaño party. We shall see if that will happen. Lots of work and most likely zoom style.
- My dad's 70th
3. Covid to be over so I can have a metro train adventure with my kids. I miss adventures.
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Blue
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: a 4 toed hedgehog
Upcoming appointments: Regular OB appointment today, MFM on the 5th with an anatomy scan
How are you feeling? pretty good, still taking zofran most days, but mostly because I'm refusing to be miserable.
Rants/Raves: My OBGYN's office called yesterday to tell me they had a covid outbreak and the office is closed until it can be properly cleaned. So today's visit will be a telehealth visit. I'm glad it was caught before my appointment
GTKY: Besides baby what are you looking forward to most in 2021? paying off a lot of debt, hopefully a return to normalcy and covid vaccination for all the people I care about
BFP #1 January 28, 2016
Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016
My Chart
BFP #2 September 11, 2020
EDD May 23, 2021