April 2021 Moms

All Due Date Checkin w/o 11/23

Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:


Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:

Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: I’m in a terrible mood and don’t feel like using my brain today to come up with something creative so feel free to put whatever is on your mind here. 

Re: All Due Date Checkin w/o 11/23

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    edited November 2020
    @BuckeyeNut05, I'm sorry you're in a bad mood. Anything we can take your side on and make you feel better about? 

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 19w3d, April 16. 


    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Pink

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Hotdog (?!) 

    Upcoming appointments: Dec 2, 20w OB. 

    How are you feeling?: exhausted so utterly exhausted. I rarely make it past 830. Now that my man is back on days, I can finally get housework done. Before, I didn't want to wake him, so by the time he got up, I was ready for bed. 

    Rants/Raves: Little girl is finally big enough to defy her anterior placenta and kick my bladder! Annoying when it's full, but oh so reassuring. I felt a huge amount of stress just melt away when it started happening. 

    Questions: No. 

    GTKY:  I think I want to stick with this grumpy  theme. I'm so over 2020. It's depressing and I need it, and the Reality TV Government Era to go the FRACK away. 

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    @aisukurimsarang I probably shouldn’t have dumped that there.  😩  I have to take specialty meds every 4 weeks for a medical condition and without fail, either they’ve called the wrong doctor to ship my medication, or they’ve forgotten to mention they need a new prescription from my doctor, or my specialty insurance has decided that they know better than my doctor and they don’t give prior authorization....and I am just burnt out from dealing with that (every.four.weeks) on top of stress from work. Hormones probably don’t help. Oh, and I have to skip Thanksgiving with my family this year because they don’t make responsible decisions, and one of my parents now has COVID. Sorry for the rant. It’s been a week.

    I’m sorry you’re grouchy, too!  

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 17 +2


    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Green

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a baked potato, which sounds delicious

    Upcoming appointments: Anatomy scan 12/1

    How are you feeling?: Grouchy

    Rants/Raves: Well, my rant is clearly above...Rave: I scored some good BF deals and I EP, so I am excited to try the v3 of the Willow Pump.  I had the 1st gen with my last, and I didn’t like it. 

    Questions: @aisukurimsarang any reality show in particular that you totally despise?

    GTKY: I don’t handle stress well. 

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    edited November 2020
    @BuckeyeNut05, honestly, if we can't vent here, where everyone totally gets it no matter how rational or irrational the rant is, where can we rant? Rant away. It's Donald Trump turning the White House into The Apprentice I hate. His whole administration has been characterized by "You're fired!" I'm over it. 

    DS2's first birthday is Inauguration Day. When I chose my Eviction Date, I did it because MLKing Day was a paid Holiday, and it was one less day of leave I had to use, lol. Didn't realize every 4 years, my Little Man will have to Contend with Election Drama on his birthday!  :D

    Edit - I just reread the part about your parents. That's so scary and hard! I hope they recover quickly, and I'm sorry your holiday plans are trashed by this beast of a virus. Being pregnant right now means we have to be even more cautious about the risks we take. You are definitely making the right decision, even though it isn't an easy one. 
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 18w4d

    FTM/STM/STM+: 3rd baby!

    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: BLUE!

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: apparently his big toe is the size of a peppercorn. Thanks, bump homepage 

    Upcoming appointments: I see the high risk doctor for a follow up ultrasound to check his heart rate on Nov 30. 

    How are you feeling?: Decent for the time being. Mostly just feel indigestion/heartburn these days.

    Rants/Raves: after a hard week of homeschool last week, DD1 seems to have reset her attitude and worked hard today! 


    GTKY: My grumpiness right now stems from being sick and tired of Covid. I know everyone is, it just seems extra heavy right now. I am a total holiday freak and I haaaate hate hate that it’s messing with the holidays. And all the commercials that are on TV now just pound in the fact that nothing is normal and I’m over it. 

    @BuckeyeNut05 I’m sorry to hear about your stress 😕 I hope your sick parent recovers quickly! 

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:
    4/20, 19w basically 


    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: blue!

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: apparently as tall as string cheese 😆

    Upcoming appointments: was supposed to have one before thanksgiving but now it’s shuffled to the week after. Definitely the longest I’ll have gone between appointments - almost 6 weeks!

    How are you feeling?: pretty good! Tired, but that’s mostly because of my 3 other kiddos 😂

    Rants/Raves: hubs is out of town for work for a long stint (sorry I’ve been Mia lately btw!) but the plus side is I haven’t been cooking real meals and I decided to give myself a break on my regular cleaning schedule while he’s gone so it’s been nice having nap time & post-bed time to read and catch up on my own stuff instead of meal prepping, etc! 


    GTKY: anyone else notice a few weeks ago that the bump finally (finally!!) changed the picture when you first click on the app? I swear it looked like the app was stuck in the 90s before 😆

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: April 29 / 17+5


    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding Out

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: I forget...

    Upcoming appointments: 12/7 for the anatomy scan!

    How are you feeling?: Lots of heartburn and oddly nausea is back too. I'm wondering if it's just indigestion.

    Rants/Raves: I think it's ridiculous that people are being told not to see their families for Thanksgiving but if you step foot into any retail store right now it's absolute madness. You can spend spend spend, but you can't go see your family. I know you all will say it's because people wear masks in public and stuff but let me tell you, I don't see anyone socially-distanced crammed into the aisles of big box stores buying garbage they don't need, and there are so many customers I deal with who don't wear masks properly. There are so many preachy people telling everyone else to stay home but there sure as shit are a lot of people shop-shop-shopping! It's just as asinine as the customers I have who complain about having to touch the pin pad, and yet they are in the damn store when we offer curbside pickup. /end rant


    GTKY: Not looking forward to working Black Friday this year. This is my first time working retail in eons and I'm already over the sheer volume of idiots who are out and about... if you couldn't tell from my rant.

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    @riff323, it is sharing a table with people don't think COVID-19 is real or masks are necessary that is preventing me from seeing my In Laws. "God will protect me." or "Fake News Media is making it up." Science doesn't care about political and religious beliefs or hurt feelings, and my already high risk pregnancy means I'll risk them disliking me more than they already do

    Incidentally, people don't social distance during sex, either, but condoms (or dick masks, if you like) still prevent the spread of disease... IJS. 

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    @aisukurimsarang I'm not arguing with the science (although I realize it probably sounds that way). I am just sick of the whole thing. I never thought it made sense that small businesses had to close but big businesses could stay open. It made people cram into the few businesses that were open.

    On a funny note related to condoms, I've been calling my mask a face prophylactic!
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 18w1d


    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: pink

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: artichoke, and her fist is the size of an m&m

    Upcoming appointments: OB today, anatomy scan 12/7

    How are you feeling?: mostly ok, still tired with some nausea. RLP has been pretty bad, and starting to have that pelvic pain/low back pain some of you ladies were talking about. 

    Rants/Raves: I'm on vacation this week, which is so nice. Rant: when I go back on Monday it will be to a long, busy week of being on my feet a lot, but I'm trying not to think about it. 

    Questions: I'm pretty sure I got my first bladder kick yesterday; we were out walking and it had a sudden, very urgent need to pee and then it  went away as soon as it came.  Can anyone confirm or refute that is what it was?

    GTKY: I LOVE Christmas, and my decorations (minus the tree) are already up!

    @BuckeyeNut05 @aisukurimsarang @bblair24 I'm sorry everyone is feeling grumpy this week; its been a long month it feels like. Hopefully things will even out and brighten up soon. I know how some of you are feeling, @aisukurimsarang, we decided to forgo family gathering this year too. 

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 18&2


    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: having a boy

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: 9oz per the anatomy scan

    Upcoming appointments: Had my anatomy scan yesterday and all went well, but the MFM discussed possibly transferring care to perinatology for my IBD and that's stressful. I'll see what my GI says next week - today is an infusion/lab day.

    How are you feeling?: Good!

    Rants/Raves: I'm nervous to go to work next week. Cases are already surging, and our hospitalizations are way up even before holiday gatherings. I had a scare last week (I worked with my patient after a negative rapid but a few hours before positive PCR was swabbed) and know many more will be coming in the next few months. EUA can't get here fast enough

    Questions: has anyone tried acupuncture for pregnancy pain? my mid back is killing me. I'm trying to limit non essential exposures but it's been impacting sleep for a few weeks at this point.

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    @riff323, that must be hard, especially if you or someone you know was impacted by it. I think we are all just burned out on COVID-19, and bummed about not being able to see family, or the impact it has on our pregnancy experience we should be sharing with partners and family. Here, big chain stores shut down right along side small ones. Walmart and Target stayed open, but they are also grocery stores. 
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    @aisukurimsarang amen to the burnout! Hopefully next year we will turn a corner and things will start getting better again.
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