November 2011 Moms

AW: DS & the outfit I made him

I'm hosting a couples shower for my big brother and soon-to-be SIL next weekend and wanted cute outfits for my boys to wear-- some extended family will be there and they haven't seen DS1 (Liam) in a long time & they've never met DS2 (Jack).

I haven't made much time for sewing since Jack was born, but have wanted to get back into the swing of things-- I like to make the boys appliqued shirts/onesies with a design & their names on them & matching shorts or pants.

Here's Jack in his new outfit--the first I've made for him!

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 Another shot:

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Liam has a matching shirt & pants but I haven't managed to wrangle him into it for a pic yet. Jack's a bit more cooperative when it comes to playing dress up. Big Smile

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Re: AW: DS & the outfit I made him

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    Loves it!!
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    Wow that is so cute! Great job! I have a sewing machine but haven't learned much about it yet. Your DS is adorable too!
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    That's adorable! Great job! 
    Because you're mine, I walk the line....
    Landry Mark: 11/5/11
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    Thanks, ladies!!

    lemonJAM-- Elastic waist baby pants are a great first project to try-- They use very little fabric and there are a bunch of tutorials and free patterns out there!

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    Awesome job!
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    How cute! My mom used to sew matching outfits for me and my older sister when we were younger. I'd love to do something like that!
    Married 02.06.10
    DS1 born 11.19.11
    DS2 born 07.02.14

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    Very cute!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    Thanks, everyone! It's a hobby I really love & I should devote more time to it. My oldest is so tall and skinny, making his pants is a great way to make sure they fit! He needs an 18m for the length, but could still use a 9m in the waist.

    Alysson, you should totally give it a try if you're interested-- I taught myself about 6 years ago & have really loved it. I started out with a cheap sewing machine, then have upgraded over the years to a sewing/embroidery machine combo. I save tons of money by doing it myself-- Pants only take about a half a yard of fabric to make. I buy white Garanimals t-shirts at Walmart for $3.88 for my oldest and onesies at Target for my youngest. The local kids' boutique here (that I LOVE) sells the similar shirts for $32 (same for pants) plus an additional $7 to add a kids' name. NO WAY am I paying $39 for a t-shirt for a baby!

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    Thanks, ladies!!

    lemonJAM-- Elastic waist baby pants are a great first project to try-- They use very little fabric and there are a bunch of tutorials and free patterns out there!

    Thanks for the tip!  I will definitely give it a try!

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    Thanks, everyone! It's a hobby I really love & I should devote more time to it. My oldest is so tall and skinny, making his pants is a great way to make sure they fit! He needs an 18m for the length, but could still use a 9m in the waist.

    Alysson, you should totally give it a try if you're interested-- I taught myself about 6 years ago & have really loved it. I started out with a cheap sewing machine, then have upgraded over the years to a sewing/embroidery machine combo. I save tons of money by doing it myself-- Pants only take about a half a yard of fabric to make. I buy white Garanimals t-shirts at Walmart for $3.88 for my oldest and onesies at Target for my youngest. The local kids' boutique here (that I LOVE) sells the similar shirts for $32 (same for pants) plus an additional $7 to add a kids' name. NO WAY am I paying $39 for a t-shirt for a baby!

    wow, that sounds super easy. I've always had an interest in sewing, but never really anyone to sew for, until now that is. Thanks for the tip!

    Married 02.06.10
    DS1 born 11.19.11
    DS2 born 07.02.14

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    That is SO cute!!!
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    adorable. I could never imagine paying $39 for a t-shirt that LO will grow out of in a month!
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    That's awesome! He is adorable!

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    Very cute!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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    What a cutie! Love the outfit!



    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

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    cute...what machine do you have? Just got back into sewing. MIL got me a embroidery and sewing machine combo for chirristmas but I took it back becuase I was so overwhelmed with the new baby.  Now im looking to repurchase. Its the brother combo at walmart for $399.

    Ive been doing burp cloths. I will upload a picture! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    #2-BO 6/6/13 D/C     #3 natural m/c 8/6/13 

    #4 EDD 5/19/14 It's a boy! 

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    So cute! I wish I was that crafty!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Adorable! I'm impressed you can be so crafty with two little ones!
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    cute...what machine do you have? Just got back into sewing. MIL got me a embroidery and sewing machine combo for chirristmas but I took it back becuase I was so overwhelmed with the new baby.  Now im looking to repurchase. Its the brother combo at walmart for $399.

    Ive been doing burp cloths. I will upload a picture! 

    I have a Janome MC9700, but my first machine was a Brother & I loved it. Are you looking at the SE-400? I've heard really good things about that machine! There is definitely a learning curve when using these machines since they're all computerized. If you get one, you'll probably want to look into getting a software package to use with it-- most designs you create on your computer then transfer to the machine (either by memory card or USB cord). The software does things like let you use any font on your computer as an embroidery font. Brother makes a software called PE-Design, but it can get pretty expensive. Someone recently told me about an online software that you can use for FREE (since it runs online, there are ads down the side of the screen--that's why it's free). I tried it last week and it works great, so if you invest in a machine, let me know and I'll tell you more about it!

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    That is soooo cute!  I'm really impressed that you made that.  I would love to be able to do more creative stuff like that but I am pretty challenged in the sewing department, lol!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    That is so cute.  I have already decided that DS's first birthday theme will be whales.  I also have made an applique shirt, but I would love to try and make pants or shorts to go with it.  Where did you find the pattern for those pants?


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