June 2021 Moms

Faint Postive Test?!

MsMagenMsMagen member
edited October 2020 in June 2021 Moms
Hi ladies, ok I'm freaking out a little. I took a FRER test first thing this morning and the line was faint! I also feel less symptomatic today but I could be in my head now. These tests had be getting darker. I grabbed another test. One of the ones from the Ovulation Kit that show the cross if pregnant and literally just used the urine in the toilet and it popped up immediately. So do we think this was just a fluke with the FRER test? I've read some peoples test with get lighter as they start to miscarry. 

A little back history. I've never miscarried before and I got pregnancy immediately with my last two children. Fours years later we started trying for our third and its taken me 4 months this time.Theres only been slightly implantation bleeding last weekend and none now or cramps. 

Thank you! 

Re: Faint Postive Test?!

  • This thread has been closed. Please do not post pictures of your pregnancy test and ask the Community if you are pregnant. Instead, please visit our 1st Trimester board to discuss early possible pregnancy symptoms and the thread pinned to the top of this board called, “What does a positive pregnancy test really look like?” where members are permitted to display their pregnancy tests.

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