Pregnant after IF

Not User-friendly

I am new to the forum and would like to post to this...category, "pregnant after infertility," to introduce myself and ask my questions, but I have to say it's very difficult to use! After much studying, I found the glossary of terms, which does not include PAIF (I'm assuming that's Pregnant After InFertility for some reason), or GIFT - the procedure that got us pregnant. (This is Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer.) Whoever has this power, please add these and other missing terms such as TTCAL to the glossary so we can understand what people are saying and say what we need to.
Also, where am I to post? I see many "All-Trimester Check Ins," but what are these and which one is for me? How can I find one I belong to, with the @ sign and the user names? Could some moderator please contact me and tell me what's going on here? I would very much appreciate it :smile:

Re: Not User-friendly

  • edited October 2020
    <blockquote class="Quote">
    <div><a rel="nofollow">Knottie6451313 </a> said:</div>
    I am new to the forum and would like to post to this...category, "pregnant after infertility," to introduce myself and ask my questions, but I have to say it's very difficult to use! After much studying, I found the glossary of terms, which does not include PAIF (I'm assuming that's Pregnant After InFertility for some reason), or GIFT - the procedure that got us pregnant. (This is Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer.) Whoever has this power, please add these and other missing terms such as TTCAL to the glossary so we can understand what people are saying and say what we need to.
    Also, where am I to post? I see many "All-Trimester Check Ins," but what are these and which one is for me? How can I find one I belong to, with the @ sign and the user names? Could some moderator please contact me and tell me what's going on here? I would very much appreciate it :smile:</div></blockquote>
    Hi, and Welcome!

    First things first, go over to the knot website and change your username to something people can tag you as, rather than a generic knottie name.  That way we can get to know you better!  You will need to log out of the bump, and then log back in again for the change to appear.  Also, of course -- Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! 🎉🎉🎉

    There's not a good way to get that glossary edited, unfortunately, best way is to just ask.  PAIF is pregnant after infertility, and ttcal is trying to conceive after loss.

    Go ahead and jump into that all Trimester Check-in thread.  Just click the link, and then you can type your reply in the box at the bottom of everyone else's comments.  Or click Reply and it will jump you down to the bottom faster than scrolling.  But reading other's comments and replying is the best way to start to get to know each other.  How are along are you?  When are you due?  There is also a BMB (birth month board) available, but lots of IFers (infertility types) feel more comfortable on PAIF because of how the tone can be on the BMB.  To each their own!  Just jump in and start reading the various threads, introduce yourself and see where you feel you fit in.

    I am just "lurking" i.e. I don't really, "go here," on the PAIF board, although sometimes we have a new mamas thread here we can try to keep going...

    Hope that helps!
  • Yes, it really does, thank you! Also I noticed its easier to use on my phone for some reason. Will take your advice.
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