April 2021 Moms

Weekend of 09/04 GTKY


What made you cry tears of joy this week? 
Hubby & Me: Born 1993
Married: August 2013
Son: December 2018
Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

Re: Weekend of 09/04 GTKY

  • Here’s an embarrassing response: the 3-week old (but new to me) finale of world of dance. 🤣
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  • @mamabee1113 That’s fantastic!! ❤️. The pride is almost better than the accomplishment 🥺, so sweet!!
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • @mamabee1113 lol my (newly) 3yo still skips 5 when she counts to 10. Sometimes it's even just 1...2...3...4....10!!!! But she counts from 10 to 20 fine most of the time 🤔😂 That's adorable about YS feeling so proud 😍

    No actual tears but in the same vein, DD1 had no words until 14 months, picked up 4-5 all in a week, and then nothing new until 2 days ago literally right after I was talking with her BMB about her speech (in the context of other moms thinking an SLP might be needed for their kids). With 4-5 words at 15 months she's not eligible and I was bummed that she was on the bubble but couldn't get help and she all of a sudden said banana (nanana) multiple times to ask for banana bread and said quack quack when she saw DD1s ducky. Both consistently and not repeating or prompted but out of the blue.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @kvh22 Quack was one of DS’s first words earlier this year 💕. It’s so cute! 

    I love the skipping number counting - too cute. My son is 20 months, but he had a big interest in numbers and letters about 2 months ago. He has counted to 10 or 12 (thank you clocks lol), but just like your DD1 now he loves to skip all over the place. The other night he was in our bed and he kept repeating 10..12..10..12 😂. 

    My tears of joy were just hearing some inspirational stories on youtube 😂. Not as sentimental aha. 

    A cute thing my son did this week was repeatedly ask for hugs and kisses though.
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • @kvh22 that’s interesting that your daughter didn’t qualify for speech therapy. When DS qualified he was 15mo also with 4-5 words, although the big indicator to actually go for an early intervention eval right away was loss of words. But even with that, when we went through the full evaluation he didn’t reach his age group in any expressive language or pragmatics categories. And the gap between his expressive and receptive language was (and still is) staggering.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Weird thing but going to to Ukrainian grocery store and throwing up from the smell. It was embarassing af but I was so happy that I my pregnancy symptoms have been so strong. It's reassuring that baby is growing and sticking. With my son I didn't even get nauseous until 13 weeks and that lasted all of a week.
  • @peppylilfoxy 💕💕. 
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • This.  I'm a former choir nerd and this is just such a beautiful song/performance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9hXeBXAs9Y

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • No tears but so happy my nausea is going away and, even though still tired, I'm able to eat more!
  • Yay @eahayes so happy for you!
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @eahayes yay for feeling a bit more human! 
  • @mamabee1113 my almost 3 year old does the same thing! 1 2 3 4 6 7...it drives me nuts, I know she will figure it out eventually, but it is difficult to listen to.  
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