@dontcallmeshirley1 I was leaking tons a few weeks ago, and curbed it by wearing a bra 24/7. I decided to skip it the other night and won't be doing that again- I'm sure I leaked enough in that short time to make up for the past couple weeks!
@dontcallmeshirley1 i've leaked a little bit a few times but it's been clear. I was confused so I googled it and apparently it's normal for it to be clear this early. It was definitely a weird sensation the first couple of times it happened though. That's good that you should hopefully be able to nurse even with the implants!
@dontcallmeshirley1 I'm not seriously leaking, but it's definitely there. I noticed the other day that at least some of my milk ducts have switched over to colostrum, which is kind of interesting since I'm getting both right now
Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
F born June 2018 W born September 2020 #3 due November 2022
I'm still lower than pre pregnancy lol. I just laugh at all of those weight loss MLMs that show up on FB. Apparently my weight loss regimen is getting pregnant 😂
Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
F born June 2018 W born September 2020 #3 due November 2022
@emohay1988@Louise_Belcher I haven't been weighed in a few weeks but at that time I had gained almost 20... I'm sure at my OB appt next week I'll be over that
Anyone else already experiencing shortness of breath? 22weeks here and for about a month now (keeps getting worse) if I am reclining or laying down I feel like I can't breathe at all. Not helping the insomnia at all. Also super painful everytime baby moves. I'm so very happy that he's moving around, it gives me peace of mind. But wow. It has me doubled over sometimes. I remembered with my first it being uncomfortable, especially later I'm third trimester. But not like this. Or this early.
@kdale2613 I think shortness of breath is normal at this point in the pregnancy as the ute starts to crowd out the other organs. I myself have had some shortness of breath lately too, especially when walking up hills.
Keep in mind shortness of breath is a COVID symptom (as well as other respiratory viruses) too so if you have a fever or other symptoms it's a good idea to let your doc know.
@kdale2613 I've definitely had shortness of breath a lot the last few weeks (I'm currently 23 weeks), and even just rolling over in bed makes me breath heavy!
@kdale2613 Oh yeah. Everything makes me short of breath including certain reclined positions. Getting out of bed is on its way to being an Olympic level event for me.
Add me to the leaking group too! And BH and insomnia. This pregnancy is so different than my first. I was just really sick the entire time. This time around there are all kinds of new things happening. Or things happening sooner than they did the first time around. (Although that's to be expected after your first I hear).
Re: May Symptoms
W born September 2020
#3 due November 2022
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
W born September 2020
#3 due November 2022
Also super painful everytime baby moves. I'm so very happy that he's moving around, it gives me peace of mind. But wow. It has me doubled over sometimes. I remembered with my first it being uncomfortable, especially later I'm third trimester. But not like this. Or this early.
Keep in mind shortness of breath is a COVID symptom (as well as other respiratory viruses) too so if you have a fever or other symptoms it's a good idea to let your doc know.
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
This pregnancy is so different than my first. I was just really sick the entire time. This time around there are all kinds of new things happening. Or things happening sooner than they did the first time around. (Although that's to be expected after your first I hear).