**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!**
Our TTC Journey
TTC #1: May 2011
BFP: 10/27/2011 | EDD: 6/30/12
DS born 6/28/12 via C/S
TTC #2: September 2018
Me: 36 | DH: 39
Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay.

Re: WTO Tuesday - 4/21
CD: 28
WAYDTGKU: prenatals, temping, currently NTNP
R/R: sorry I missed you all yesterday. Not much excitement going on here. I drove to school yesterday to get an iPad delivered out to my car so I was exploring that a bit during the day, particularly GarageBand. Friday is MIL's 70th birthday, so I ordered a key lime cheesecake from a local bakery to be delivered to her. Key lime pie is her favorite dessert so I hope she'll like the cheesecake. I wish we could celebrate with them in person but DH's siblings are at least scheduling a family zoom chat for Friday so at least we can do that.
Month/Cycle: 2/2
CD: 13
WAYDTGKU: temping, OPKs, tracking CF
R/R: Been thinking a lot lately about where I want to travel when this is all over (we had a trip to Thailand planned right when the outbreak got serious that we had to cancel). I loooooove planning trips and I put a ton of time and research into every aspect of it, which would be the perfect escapist, fun-but-productive thing to do with all the free time I have right now... except I have no idea where to begin. I don't know what season travel might be possible in, I don't know if I will be pregnant, if I'm not pregnant I don't know if I'll want to pause trying at that point in order to go somewhere that may have a Zika risk. I guess my best bet is to plan a smaller (domestic) trip since that's the most likely to actually be able to go forward any time soon, but that's not quite scratching the itch I have after calling off the Thailand trip! Anyone else have travel on their brain lately?
CS/Q: So I got the flashing smiley face that indicates "high fertility" this morning (Clear Blue), and I wasn't expecting that/don't know if I believe it. My other OPK (Pregmate) was negative, I have sticky CF, historically speaking this would be really early for me to ovulate, and I had a slight temp rise this morning but I attributed that mostly to sleeping in significantly. I'm still so new at all of this and I'm just kind of finding it hard to parse all of these different factors and indicators. Do you all find the Clear Blue tests to be reliable, or do you have any advice for making sense of conflicting information?
@the_most_happy I love planning trips too!! I feel like you'd be able to plan something for the Fall. Maybe start with planning a long weekend getaway, instead of a big full blown trip.
@gingermama29 omg keylime cheesecake!!! Oooooo I am drooling over here thinking about that! I love keylime pie and I love the cheesecake version even more!
Month/Cycle: Month 19
CD: I dunno haha upper teens, I think!
WAYDTGKU: PNV and NTNP.... basically just HIO whenever we damn well please!
R/R: Things have been a little hectic lately, which is still so weird to me seeing as how life as pretty much slowed it's roll, ya know? My company laid off 47 people at the end of last week, so this week is full of new information and adjustments. Thankfully, myself and my 3 coworkers were safe!
We also have a construction company working on turning the front part of our shed into an office (don't worry they are only working outside, not in the house at all). They started yesterday but couldn't come today because we are supposed to get hit with bad storms. I can't wait to see the finished product and for us to have an actual office!
CS/Q: not charting
BFP: 10/27/2011 | EDD: 6/30/12
DS born 6/28/12 via C/S
TTC #2: September 2018
Me: 36 | DH: 39
Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay.
Month/Cycle: 11/10/4(al)
CD: 2
WAYDTGKU: BBT. Clearblue advanced OPK, cheapies, PNV, maca, baby aspirin.
R/R: Somehow the puppy got out of his kennel this morning and tore through the bathroom trash. Which was annoying considering, CD 2. I think one of the doors must have not been locked all of the way. We’ve only just started training him with it, so I’m aggravated that he got out and destroyed the trash already. I may try to go to the river today. Our town has a cute little “river park” area. I live in a small town, we only have Walmart. Haha so if many people are there I won’t stay. It’s normally empty, except for kayakers on the water. Hope everyone has a good day!
CS/Q: Nothing to see yet.
@gingermama29 have fun with your iPad! That key lime cheesecake sounds sooo good! That was sweet of you to have one delivered.
@the_most_happy I’m sorry that your trip got canceled, and that you’re filled with wonderlust during a pandemic. I hope you guys are able to have an equally fun trip when all of this is over. I just got the clearblue advanced test last cycle and i think if it’s flashing, you can test again later today. That one says to test with fmu but every other test I’ve used said to test midday. Maybe your estrogen is high? I don’t know. I’ve seen good things about them, but I bought mine because my internet cheapies weren’t going to be in on time, so this cycle I’m going to use both to see if there are any differences. Hope you get some clarity!
@kpearse99 glad you didn’t get laid off! That’s a bummer for your co-workers. You should post before and afters once you are done. I’ve always dreamed of doing a shed into a photography studio. 😍
@kpearse99 glad you didn't get laid off, that must be such a relief. Shed-to-office project sounds awesome, share before and after pics!
@photographerwife that's a good idea, I will test again later today and see if that makes a difference. Sorry about your puppy, that sounds like a pain! Good thing they are cute, right?
@kpearse99 the shed project sounds fun! Sorry to hear about the layoffs but glad you are safe!
Month/Cycle: 7/11
CD: 12
WAYDTGKU: lots of junk I’m too tired to type out 😂
R/R: I am getting impatient but also feel so behind this cycle even though I’m not. Haha like I should have already had HIO every single day. Idk quarentine, ttgp the mind messing nature of this all is getting To me and I’m pissed I took wine off the table this cycle haha. Feeling proud of myself for pushing past head hunger and sticking to my diet though! Also I’m super crabby today because I just want to eat but I’m doing intermittent fasting. Down two lbs this week so far so that feels good.
@stillcozy Keep up the great work, friend! It's hard work losing weight and keeping it off but you're putting your best effort out there. DH and I just signed up for the Noom app - we are on week two and we really like it. It's all about changing your mindset and how you think and it doesn't really limit what you can and can't eat, it just really teaches you about moderation and portion control. You should check it out!
BFP: 10/27/2011 | EDD: 6/30/12
DS born 6/28/12 via C/S
TTC #2: September 2018
Me: 36 | DH: 39
Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay.
@the_most_happy H and I were supposed to go to Idaho to visit his sister for his birthday in a few weeks. I'm bummed for him because he was really looking forward to it. He rarely ever takes time off work and was so looking forward to it. We were starting to plan a romantic getaway to Fiji or Jamaica or something when things started to get bad. We weren't planning on going until the fall, but who knows if that's going to even be possible. It sucks having to cancel trips and it sucks even more when you don't know when you can reschedule!
@kpearse99 Yay for a new office! That's exciting! Scary about all the layoffs. I'm glad your job was safe though!
@photographerwife Aww bad puppy! How old is he? A walk by the river sounds so nice right now! I live in a small town too and thankfully we're able to take advantage of going out for hikes and walks and stuff without too many people. My town is so small, the closest Walmart is an hour and a half away!
@stillcozy yay for losing two pounds! Kudos to you for doing intermittent fasting. I don't know if I could do that. I suck at diets in general anyway.
Month/Cycle: 4/4 after 3 years during round 1
CD: 8
WAYDTGKU: hitting a home run, peeing on things
R/R: Had a frustrating appointment with one of my doctors this morning. She made me go over my entire mental health history and I wasn't expecting it. She's also recommending things that my therapist and psychiatrist have both told me not to do any time soon. Thankfully it was a phone appointment and I held back the tears during it. It's just tough to hear conflicting information, especially when I was just accepting things to be a certain way right now and then to hear the opposite. Ugh. Not a great start to the morning.
The weather yesterday was kinda chilly, but it's supposed to be much warmer today. Looking forward to crocheting outside again. Hoping some vitamin D will cheer me up.
CS/Q: nope
Married 07.21.07
DS#1 01.23.09
DS#2 08.01.11
TTC#3 08.31.15
Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy/HSG 05.16.17
Hysteroscopy 10.04.17 10.05.17
Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy/HSG 01.10.19
Left tube removed
dx: Endometriosis, Adenomyosis
BC: February-October 2019
TTA: November-December 2019
NTNP: January 2020!
Month/Cycle: 23/18/8 (AL#2)
CD: 4
WAYDTGKU: PNV, Letrozole, HIO EOD during FW, tracking in FF, Conceive+, and Progesterone after O.
R/R: Happy Tuesday! The weather is wonderful today, I’m already looking forward to our big walk tonight! Plus, dinner is in the crockpot...so it’s going to be a very nice, relaxing evening! Nothing too exciting going on otherwise, just another day at home! ☺️
CS/Q: None.
@stillcozy sorry you feel impatient but also behind already...I think having extra time to think about things can make it more stressful sometimes! Hopefully you still have plenty of time to get some good HIO in though! Good job on sticking with your diet, 2 lbs down is great! Keep up the good work!!
Married 07.21.07
DS#1 01.23.09
DS#2 08.01.11
TTC#3 08.31.15
Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy/HSG 05.16.17
Hysteroscopy 10.04.17 10.05.17
Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy/HSG 01.10.19
Left tube removed
dx: Endometriosis, Adenomyosis
BC: February-October 2019
TTA: November-December 2019
NTNP: January 2020!
Hello everyone
I'm new here and have read the rules but am kind of confused. Delete this if I'm doing it wrong!
I am expecting to Ovulate any day now but am having confusing BBT charts!
CD: 24
CS/Q: My question is this: I got my period back after being pregnant in Nov/19. In January I finished breast feeding. Since TTC in January, I've been noticing that my BBT goes up around when i expect to Ovulate but then the next day goes back down. It stays down for 3ish days before going and staying up. This never happened before my first pregnancy. Wondering if anyone can relate? I assume I'm still ovulating and that its hormone related because of the previous pregnancy & nursing. It just makes TTC a little tricky with figuring out when I'm fertile. Maybe an OPK would help.
Because you're trying for a sibling this question would have been more appropriate in our TFAS thread as there are only a handful of us on the forum who have ever been pregnant or carried to term before. We try to keep the daily threads (like the WTO and TWW threads) free from discussion of living children and topics surrounding living children as much as possible to help those struggling with infertility or TTC after a loss avoid getting triggered. The only thread that allows for open discussion of living children is the TFAS thread.
As far as the BBT concerns, it is normal to have a temp drop at ovulation and the best way to confirm ovulation is by looking for that sustained rise of .2 degrees or more above your last six temps. Things like the time you take your BBT, the amount of sleep you got, changes in sleeping environment, etc. can all have an effect on your temperature, so it's important to stay as consistent as possible. I hope this helps.
Married: 10.2018
DS #1: 06.2014
Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), Emergency C-Section
MC: 03.2017- 5 Weeks
Rainbow DS #2: 07.2018
HG, 19w Fetal Surgery, 24w PPROM, 33w Placental Abruption, Partial Uterine Rupture, Emergency C-Section
NICU, Chronic Kidney Disease
TTC #3: Medically Cleared 12.5.2019, had a bunch of problems and wonky cycles
BFP 10.13.2020 EDD: 6.26.2021
October 2020 TTGP Signature Challenge: Pets in Costumes
@the_most_happy We hadn't been planning anything really for it. DH and I would've visited this weekend if things were normal but she's not into big parties. Oooh and traveling sounds awesome. I feel like I'm going to be super anxious about it after this is over though. I'm going to Italy at some point next year for my brother's wedding. He's supposed to move to Italy this summer but I guess we'll see if that's possible yet.
@kpearse99 same. I love cheesecake so much! My sister works at the bakery that I ordered from so I know it's good! Glad you are safe from the layoffs.
@photographerwife oh no! That had to be quite the mess!
@stillcozy nice job on sticking to your diet and yay for weight loss! It's especially hard during quarantine so extra kudos to you.
@linzrunz sorry yesterday morning was so rough. I hope the rest of the day improved.
@bluetickgal oooh what was your Crock-Pot dinner? Sounds like you had a nice day.
@knottie57a5b93919d2b15a seconding everything that @ashaislurking said. Also I highly recommend reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It is so informative and helpful and can help answer a lot of your questions.
Sorry, I didn't realize. I'll delete my post.